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Realizing Original and Induced Electrical Charge By Dadarao Dhone, Retd. EE, Maha. Gov., SReWo, Abstract: The atomic strong and weak forces always remained illusive for me. There are evidences in science, when something new behavior is observed; its cause is named differently. In this way the science increases number of new entities on one hand and on the other hand tries to iunite different entities into one or minimum possible; without exercising on original fundamental eternal entities; as to how, it is behaving that differently. Therefore, an effort is made by the author, to perceive the origin of nuclear strong and the weak forces. Explanation: To explain the intended fact, the cited area in the figure is discussed below. . With reference to above figure; I submit my perceptions about the chain reaction from hydrogen to helium. Two hydrogen atoms, at temperature 1010 K have kinetic energy more than than the electrical energy within themselves. Hence, when they happen to collide with each other, opposite to opposite of each other; they break down. Two electrons and two protons become free for an instant. Proton electron race, towards each other to unite. First success-full pair unites; electron and positron on surface of proton unite and burst out, breaking their quarks. Giving out visible energy (Dark Energy); freeing neutron from it being a proton. This energy is 14.1 MeV; Plus 1.2 Mev approximately, the electrical energy between proton in nucleus and electron in hydron atom's orbit, is released; constructing an atom of deuterium. In Deuterium, at its atomic center, there is one proton and one neutron held together by a force called atomic STRONG force. Please see, there is no electrical force originally between the neutron and the proton just after their birth from hydrogen to hydrogen collision. But, it is the basic fundamental eternal property of the nature that, when one entity comes into existence its opposite though virtual, do born at the same instant. Thus, as the positron from proton is lost as above; the remaining proton near the newly born neutron as above; induces +ve charge in it. Therefore, the neutron and a proton meet together and hold each other strongly. There electric force is at its culminating points when the distance between two opposite charges is the minimum, tending to zero. That works as Strong Weak Force. In Hydrogen atom there is only one proton. In an neucleus or anywhere, two protons can not stay together because, similar charges repel each other. But, how this magic of more than one proton live in nuclei does happen? It is due to neutron. Please look into a nucleus. Therein no where, proton to proton are staying hand in hand. There are neutrons in beteen and around proton to break its electrical contact with other protons. The protons aside a neutron induces positive charges in their adjacent neutrons and remain tight in nucleus. It needs to lighten on induced electrical charges more. In respect of properties, both induces charge and original charge are the same; but, physically, they differ. A physical charge has its own mass; but, an induced charge has not its own mass. A neutron particle can accommodate only one basic fundamental positive charge quantity, a positron; but, it can get any fractional induced charge from nearby original charge; thus, it can get induced fractional charges from many original charges till its induced charge effectively equals full natural charge allowable to that neutron. Therefore, in an nucleus number of neutrons equals the number of protons. But, in heavy atoms number of neutrons are greater than number of protons. Because, as number of protons increase; their accommodation in spherical space makes it more difficult to cut off their electrical same sign contact between proton prton. Hence, suitable increase of number of neutrons, makes it possible. This phenomena puts limit on existence of heavy atoms. Conclusion: The strong forces are generated when two electrical similar charges are very near to each other so that, the distance between them is tending to zero. And weak forces are generated between original charge and its induced charge in the nearest electrically neural particle. In the universe, as far as the supreme conscious and inertial conscious is concerned; the supreme conscious is original conscious and the inertial conscious is like induced conscious. In other words it is illusive consciousness; in spirituality it is 'Mayic'. Thank You, Yours Faithfully, Dadarao dhone.