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When did the universe 'wake up'? By Paul Sutter a day ago Re-Reviewed By Dadarao Dhone. Abstract: I have pleaded in my original theoretical papers that, Dark Energy Partcles have respective mass, gravity, electrical respective charge when in motion c+ with respect to another dark energy particle one; and, have also gluon, thus have a trio; so, the gluon it splits when it collides another particle and sticks to it. The speeds greater than c are not possible in the same frame of its (whatever the speeding up entity be!) source say in the frame S; but, a source in another frame say S' which is moving and chasing the entity in motion at speed c w.r.t. its source; can raise the speed of the entity up to c w.r.t. itself that is S'; and in this case, from S the entity will become faint and faint as sped increases of the entity w.r.t. S. When a galaxy becomes fainter and fainter against its normal expected rate of becoming fainter; It means, the concerned Galaxy is speeding beyond c. Also, when a Galaxy becomes more and more ionized it also means that, it is speeding up more than c. Introduction: We illusively call that, light photons have no mass but have property of mass. Please think seriously about, withot the existence of an entity; how we can experience properties of that entity. ENTITY, ITS PROPERTY and Behavior of the entity with its property; this trio do exist, must exist for feeling of any one feature of the entity. Gravity is naturally, originally, quantitatively is attached to light photon; hence, it must have mass; it ought to have mass. And it is having the mass equal to h/c2 . Why a light photon have not rest mass; it has it, but we cannot measure it. We cannot judge it. If the mass of light photon would have increased by imparting energy to light when the light is in motion at c with respect to the source of the energy. This feeling of ours is also a very great mis-concept. It is from another mis-concept in respect of definition of energy and imparting energy to an entity moving at speed c with respect to the light source.A light photon released from a light source naturaly doesn't travel at speed greater than c. Second fact is that. A particle to impart energy to some entity, the particle should have velocity greater rhanc in this case. and it is naturally not possible; Therefore, the source cannot impart energy to particle moving at speed c or greater than c.Therefore, mass of light photonis seen h/c2. This is actually measured in light speed. Theoretically at rest of light photon, its mass obviously works out the same. It doesn't mean light photon has not mass at rest. Light photons are not virtual. They are caught in Bose Einstein Condensate. Once more I request to think seriously that, These dark energy particles in motion constitute the energy of the Universe. these constitute all the body-mass in the universe from quarks to molecules and so on. When these photon particles are in assembled manner billions of together like neitrios are formed from them, they show perceivable inertial. These fundamental particles the building blocks of universe, named by its confirmer the theoretical inventor the author me, as 'G'. should have to be placed at the first place in 'The Standard Model of Particle Physics'. One more fact that I submit here is that, Quarks's fundamental building block is this dark energy(68% of total universal energy) particle and the gluon, electrical charge with it. There are two methods that the universe follows to increase its expansion rate beyond c. One is that, there is dark energy beyond the universe also spread in all possible directions up to infinite distances. Due its gravity acting on the universe from all sides, the universe is expanding. It is very logical truly. It is not required to assume property of antigravity to dark matter. There is nothing 'antigravity as such. The "time' and 'gravity' these two entities are unidirectional w.r.t. their source; The second method is as follows. Say observer is stationary at earth. A frame S is moving w.r.t. him along his direction of vision far in the space. S releases another frame S' along the direction of the vision of the observer attached to frame S. Obviously the observer will not see the frame S' but, the frame S' will be releasing ions of fundamental particles as radiated energy. In such a vast universe we are unable to detect the center of the universe. But, theoretically we can assume it. So there are circles and circles of galaxies stars one beyond the other around the center of the universe. These circles like atomic orbits when achieve certain speed their speeds might be striding more rapidly. That step can cause ionization of universe. Star formation in Nabulae, must take plce due to forcing of cloud matter in a point and during splashing neutrons may form collecting electrons and bosons (W,Z) suitably forming atoms from them; thus constructing terrestrial bodies. We/ I have senn theoretically, logically that, gravity contracts the atomic orbits and vise-vis. The Plasma state of the universe must have periodic nature. There must be Gravitational waves from outside of the universe having fractional frequencies which might be beyond the scope of present LIGO. Those may be due to echo of our expanding universe from the universe beyond. We have this type of universe ionization two instances. This must be the the time period of these newly postulated universal oscillations by the author. Conclusion: The ionization of the universe may be either due to, speeding up universal orbit in a stride instead of smooth increase in speed at a certain step of the expansion speed. Or, some universal orbital frame might have ejected intermediate new universal orbit at high relative speed w.r.t. itself (the mother orbit). And one more not discussed above is that, there may have had been certain big changes outside of the universe. As quoted at the lat of discussion, the plasma state of our universe must be oscillating with a big time period approximately 13 billions of year. Due to such a long period it is hard to observe the deionization and re-ionization cycle of the universe. We can check it by simulation; but with acceptance of properties of Dark Energy Particle discussed above.