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2017, XV Seminari d’estudis doctorals, curso 2016-2017, Barcelona, IMF–CSIC, 30 de mayo de 2017
Tlalocan, 2011
This article aims to revise the use of some terms such as mestizo, aculturación, transculturación, síntesis, sincretismo and híbrido (mixed, acculturated, transculturated, synthesys, syncretism and hybrid) in regards to the study of andean art history. Each term and the perspectives that are developed from it have caused a series of habits that through the years created habits of thought that unable the access to the processes behind the mixings and that are responsible for the aesthetic we can nowadays appreciate. This is why we propose this revision of the most used terms, namely mestizaje, aculturación, and the problems and benefits that derive from the use of the term hybrid.
This paper studies the paratextos of the books of the Dominican nun sor Hipólita de Jesús Rocabertí (1551-1624), in particular the censorships and approvals which aim to authorize the treatises of the nun. These texts give information about the publishing process patronized by fray Tomas de Rocaberti, sor Hipolita’s nephew and Archbishop of Valencia, between 1679 and 1685. They present an image of the author as a woman who did not learn Latin and was helped by divine «superior lights». The representations of female sanctity exposed in the paratexts help to understand why the Congregation of Rites condemned sor Hipolita’s books soon after their publication. Se estudian los paratextos de las obras de la monja dominicana sor Hipólita de Jesús Rocabertí (1551-1624), en particular las censuras y aprobaciones que constituyen el aparato de autorización de los escritos de la monja. Estos textos nos informan sobre el proceso editorial patrocinado por fray Tomás de Rocabertí, sobrino de sor Hipólita y arzobispo de Valencia, entre 1679 y 1685; y configuran una imagen de la autora como mujer sin estudios de latinidad y ayudada por «superiores luces» divinas. Las representaciones de la santidad femenina que vehiculan estos paratextos ayudan a entender la condenación de la obra por la Congregación de los Ritos poco después de su publicación. L'article étudie les paratextes des oeuvres de la religieuse dominicaine Hipolita de Jesus Rocaberti (1551-1624), en particulier les censures et approbations qui constituent l'appareil d'autorisation des écrits de la religieuse. Ces textes fournissent des informations sur le processus de publication conduit par le R. Thomas de Rocaberti, neveu de la Mère Hipolita et archevêque de Valence, entre 1679 et 1685. Ils montrent celle-ci comme une femme qui sans avoir étudié le latin, est éclairée par les "lumières supérieures" divines. Les représentations de la sainteté féminine véhiculées par ces paratextes sont un élément d'explication de la condamnation des oeuvres de la dominicaine par la Congrégation des Rites, peu après leur publication.
Actas del X Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española, 2018
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es revisar el fenómeno del seseo en el español del Nuevo Reino de Granada registrado en documentos de los siglos XVII y XVIII. Las fuentes fueron dos corpus del español neogranadino; a saber, el corpus de Documentos para la historia lingüística de Colombia (DHLC), y el corpus del proyecto de la Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina (ALFAL) titulado Historia del español de América. La herramienta con la que se lleva a cabo el trabajo es AntConc, con la cual se filtraron las muestras susceptibles de revisión. Los datos permiten dar cuenta de la existencia del seseo en el periodo de producción de los textos. Entre otros fenómenos, se evidencian alternancias como <ce> ~ <ze> que son susceptibles de interpretarse, bien como conciencia de distinción entre las consonantes fricativa alveolar sorda /s/ y la fricativa interdental sorda /θ/, o bien como conciencia de una norma ortográfica, que sustentan la inestabilidad de la relación fonema-grafema.
In this paper, we analyze the perception of the figure of Isidore of Seville (+ 636) in Medieval Spain from his death until the XIIIth Century by menas of all the Latin compositions consecrated to his memory in hagiographic or homiletic genre, or in *De uiris illustribus* treatises. With his aim, we stablish the corpus of all the remaining Latin works written in Medieval Spain about the Sevillian bishop, indicating the critical editions of these texts of their manuscript tradition, if there is not a critical edition. Then we study the image of this Spanish saint in these compositions, their sources and their reciprocal relations. This survey makes possible to determinate the place where the anonymous works were written and to establish their approximate date.
Collectanea Christiana Orientalia, 2012
Saint Vincent de Paul, a peasant from the south of France comes to meet Jesus Christ, through his experience with the poor of his country in the century XVII. It detects that the people of the rural area "Condemnation", because the priests only attend to the cities and people are starving because of the continuous wars. Gather a group of priests and founds a community of apostolic life. Using the Hermeneutic method, the text, context and application in Central America of three conferences given by Saint Vincent de Paul to the members of the Congregation of the Mission, the 23rd of October, 6 and 13 of December of 1658. In the conferences San Vicente analyzes the objectives and obligations of the members of the Congregation of the Mission. It also directs a message to young people who began their Philosophy studies.
NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, 2024
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP, 1986
Archäologie in Westfalen-Lippe 2020, 2021
Limba română, 2023
Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale, 2023
European Integration Studies, 2018
East-West Cultural Passage, 2020
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2020
Paidagogo, 2021
Revista General de Información y Documentación, 2018
Pharmaceutical Research, 2019
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2020
Nature Communications, 2016
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 1997
Counseling For All (Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling), 2023
Istanbul Medical Journal, 2011