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2021, Staatslexikon
Dreßler, Arne (2021): Tabu. In: Oberreuter, Heinrich (Hrsg.): Staatslexikon, Bd. 5, 8. Aufl. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, Sp. 963-965.
This is a selection from Sibila Petlevski's Taboo Trilogy in German translation with an introduction by Jadranka Pintarić. The writer's intention (already from the title of the novel) is clear: to offer – in the individual fate of Viktor Tausk and in the fates of people who were, in a certain way, in contact with him – the interpretation of signs which determined or marked the fates of people in the entire twentieth century, first and foremost in the Central European region, but also in the region that is considerably wider. These signs are the war, killings, prosecutions (especially of "the different"), the feeling of uprootedness, the use of compulsion by the state, coaxing people into the madness of politics, repressive regimes, show trials, manipulation of science data, illnesses, hypocrisy. Strahimir Primorac on “Time of Lies – Taboo I”, The Bridge “We should bravely acknowledge the fact that Sibila Petlevski has created an outstanding work, one of the best in modern Croatian literature, the kind of work that addresses readers in all meridians (because, according to Joseph Brodsky: wars travel along Earth’s parallels). Her novels can be read over and over again, leading to new insights, links and details of the past that do not originate from industrial production. The amount of research preceding the actual writing of Taboo trilogy is unprecedented, and yet the material is well balanced and used wisely; documents do not swallow literature, and investigative passion does not predominate over the passion of belles-lettres. As a novelist, she creates unforgettable pages in an elaborate style, skillfully maneuvering between genres and epochs. Employing narrative strategies of discontinuity, she makes the reader pass securely through structural fragments that, when they finally merge into a whole, generate knowledge. And when our perceptions come through this three-part ‘machine for violating taboos', we can return to the true human self.” Jadranka Pintarić on “Taboo Trilogy”, Relations Magazine "The importance of Taboo trilogy is in its ability to convey modern-day meaning to contemporary readers while talking about Viktor Tausk; to function as a metaphor, and to show what it’s like to live in our eternally miserable present time. What pertains to our condition is Evil, and perpetual twilight state, the time that stands still, but for which we all know that it inevitably sinks into darkness, into the deepest night, leading to the moment when individuals become victims of experiments, or in other words, to the moment when freedom disappears." Vladimir Arsenić on “Twilight State – Taboo III”,
ZWEIFELHAFT Mehrere Gemälde von Gustav Klimt sollen 1945 bei einem Schlossbrand zerstört worden sein. Doch in der Geschichte, die die Kunstforschung kritiklos übernommen hat, gibt es zahllose Ungereimtheiten
Kodikas/Code. Ars Semeiotica, 2015
This contribution proposes a semiotic approach to discourse that is based on cultural semiotics. It combines Juri Lotman’s description of cultures as interacting semiospheres with Roland Posner’s semiotic reconstruction of three areas of culture: material culture which comprises artefacts and texts, mental culture which comprises codes and knowledge, and social culture which comprises sign users (individuals and institutions). On this basis, a four-level model of discourse is proposed. Discourses are sign practices that encompass patterns on three levels – textual, mental, and social patterns – corresponding to the three areas of culture, as well as causal and semiotic connections between these levels. A fourth level is included to delimitate discourses from each other, using constraints on topic, time, and place. The semiotic model of discourse allows us to reconstruct taboos and exclusions as semiotic phenomena that can occur in, or have consequences in, all three areas of culture. Importantly, discursive taboos can now be understood in their connection to mental schemata of delimitation and categorization, and to social processes such as inclusion or exclusion of individuals and groups.
Cultural Contacts and Cultural Identity. Proceedings from the Munich Interdisciplinary Conference for Doctoral Students, October 9th–11th, 2013, ed. by Georg C. Brückmann, Andrea Tietz, Florian Deichl, Andreas Fischnaller, and Anna Lena Deeg, 2015
Taboos, while originally viewed as a Polynesian curiosity, are now generally considered a universal concept (cf. Buckser 1997). Many studies, however, fail to establish a precise definition of ‘taboo’ and only seem to gather related phe- nomena without drawing a clear line between what is ‘taboo’, ‘holy’, or merely ‘prohibited’. I show how taboos interact with established and emerging orders, how they relate to what is ‘holy’, and how ‘taboos’ differ from ‘prohibitions’. I also show how taboos are universal to and sometimes even invariants of the pagan and Christian traditions of the North Germanic peoples and how they may aid in establishing social and cultural identity.
… zur Relevanz der Tabuforschung für die …, 1997
Collect10ns 2012-2022, 2022
Bei einer Stadtbevölkerung von 10.000 Einwohnern und einer Garnison von 4.000 Soldaten war Prostitution ein drängendes Thema für die Stadt, Polizei und Festung. Regelmäßig infizierten sich Soldaten mit Geschlechtskrankheiten. Bei der Schuldzuweisung unterschieden sie nicht zwischen Gewerbs- oder Gelegenheitsprostituierten, Obdach- und Mittellosen oder Frauen aus Stadt und Umland, die lediglich nichtehelichen Verkehr hatten. Zurückgelassenen Soldatenfrauen boten sich kaum andere Einkommensmöglichkeiten als die Sexarbeit.
Die Hochschule : Journal fur Wissenschaft und Bildung 24 (2015) 2, S. 33-42 Padagogische Teildisziplin: Hochschulforschung und Hochschuldidaktik;
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Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica, 2014
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