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ISSN 2277-3061 Major Problems related to Information Management Rana Alabdan Lecturer, Majmaah, Majmaah University r.alabdan@mu.edu.sa ABSTRACT Technological advancements in computing and communication technology have most recently grown rapidly. This growth has further been motivated by the high-speed networks and the declining cost of purchasing computers. The trend has enabled the running and fast transfers of various applications such as data and information, graphics, voice and movies. The use of computers and technology in communication has transformed various organizational systems to the digital era. Indexing terms/Keywords IT Management, Sharing information and data security, Problems related to Information Management and Poor planning and control. Academic Discipline And Sub-Disciplines Information Management, Information Technology and Information Systems. TYPE (METHOD/APPROACH) Historical Inquiry; Quasi-Experimental; Literary Analysis; Council for Innovative Research Peer Review Research Publishing System Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY Vol 12, No 3 editor@cirworld.com www.ijctonline.com, www.cirworld.com 3347 | P a g e January 7, 2014 ISSN 2277-3061 INTRODUCTION Information and technology as one of the major aspects in human life has over time led to a revolution of lifestyles. It has completely changed how we live and work both at home and the work place. It has further impacted on industry leading to industrial revolution and Agricultural revolution. This has further led to improved commerce, transport systems, research, health care and modern communication. However, the changes brought forth by technology have never been implemented with ease in various work places because of the perceived impact on the employee state of job security. This is true bearing in mind the fact that most information systems brought into use has replaced human labor leading to resistances and unrests [2]. This paper seeks to give an in depth analysis on the major problems facing information management in human communication and information transfer. Major problems affecting information management and transfer include; compromised value of information, Poor planning and control, insufficient training, lack of understanding on the benefits of information systems, suitability of information, changeable nature of information, lack of government support, use of unqualified external consultants and vendors, sharing information, location disparity, information surplus and message misrepresentation. These are issues of concern that affect information management. It is worth noting that not all the problems related to information management can be resolved through technology alone but with good management and effective leadership. The use of information technology in management has far much faced difficulties in the management of organizations in terms of information transfer and sharing [1]. I will explain each topic in detailed in each chapter: 1) Introduction 2) Compromised value of information 3) Sharing information and security data 4) Changeable nature of information 5) Poor planning and control 6) Lack of understanding on the benefits of information systems 7) Insufficient training 8) Lack of user of external consultants and vendors 9) Lack of government support Compromised value of Information Information value simply refers to its importance or quality. Its right to use is based on operational reasons and for the benefit of the organization. It is paramount that accurate information is availed since managers more often use it in decision-making process. Therefore information technology plays a big role in management. Efforts placed towards the improvement of the company or a business enterprise will always pose a big challenge in terms of efforts put forth to protect the company’s data. Sharing Information and Data Security For meaningful business to take place there is always a need for information sharing. The distribution of the information can be between people or organizations involved in the business. The uncertain nature of outsourcing and the tendency of other companies copying ideas make sharing a complex activity. In addition to the above fact, Data security concerns possess a big problem to the management and the executive leadership. More often the security measures placed by the organization on data may not sufficiently protect the information of value to the company. For instance, a number of organizations may allow its employees to carry data on external storage media and portable computers like notebooks and laptops outside the organization this practice compromises on data security and poses a big challenge to leadership in putting up mitigation measures [1]. Changeable nature of Information There is always an emerging trend in information and technology, the change is ever new and of higher quality than the preceding versions. This change in the nature poses a challenge in moving away from the traditional pattern. These challenges are experienced by companies in the process of problem definition, problem shaping and communication of the intended changes. A solution is then sought with the assumption that each problem has a solution and that each solution applied in the right manner will solve the problem. Finally, the adoption of a solution and its acceptance is paramount. This is a step that requires the adoption of new approaches and damping of the old methods. The newly adopted approach is expected to yield better results in terms of performance. The change process often involves a number of issues such as dissatisfaction where there is a feeling that the old approach is no longer acceptable. This perception requires prove that 3348 | P a g e January 7, 2014 ISSN 2277-3061 the new system is better than the old system. The claim for information further creates a move for transparency as a proposed solution or as a means to restore trust during implementation . Poor Planning and Cotrol Planning is a core activity in the event of undertaking implementation of most of the projects. It is the biggest challenge that several firms face in the event of implementing information management system that enhances transfer of information. This is a barrier that relates to failure by the executive management and leadership body to plan effectively in terms of knowledge, time and money. Companies need to plan and invest in information management systems in order to realize good results, this investment often involve a lot of expenses and meeting these expenses needs the will and commitment by the executive management. Lack of Understanding on the Benefits of Information Systems Most executive managers lack proper understanding on the benefits of information management systems and how to measure benefits brought about by the information management system. The success of its implementation will greatly depend on the ability of the system to help the organization achieve its aims and goals. Three methods are used to determine the success of information management system developed which include; measure of its usage for instance data collected from the system which include the number of transactions, reports just to mention a few. User satisfaction is a method used to access user satisfaction the information system has had and the impact generated on the organizations performance upon implementation [2] Insufficent Traianing It is vital for companies to train information system users upon implementation. This is a very expensive venture bearing in mind the size of the organization and the number of employees. Training contributes to a large extent to the successful implementation of the information management system adopted. It is important to note that training users solves hiccups such as lack of knowledge and understanding of benefits. Training has a positive impact on the ease of using the developed system and helps reduce barriers related to negative attitude in accepting the new system. Insufficient training would most likely cause frustration of employees. Lack of use of External Consultants and Vendors There is a tendency of companies’ alignment towards vendors and consultants as providers of hardware and software in the installation and implementation of information management systems. However, some of these vendors and consultants may not be in a position to understand the internal details of the company such as its structure and therefore may not develop the required system that will meet the company demands. The level of support provided by their systems in most cases may be insufficient to meet the needs of the company. There is hence a need to carefully choose the vendors if successful implementation and success of the information system is to be achieved. Lack of Government Support Most governments all over the world fail to realize the need of supporting companies develop information management systems for instance a failure to provide the required legal framework. This is the biggest challenge facing company management that requires to be addressed by governments in their effort to support the development of information management systems. Conclusion To conclude, the importance of information management cannot be ignored but it still has issues, which requires each company to take care of that. As it has been introduced before there are many issues such as: compromised value of information, sharing information and data security, changeable nature of information, poor planning and control, lack of understanding on the benefits of information systems, insufficient training, lack of use of external consultants and vendors, and finally lack of government support. It is really significant to know each impact and how it can be solved inside organization to make the right profit under the right constraints. REFERENCES [1] Ditsa, George. “Information Management: Support Systems & Multimedia Technology”. Hershey, PA: IGI Publishers (2003). Print. [2] Morreale, P. Sherwyn, Spitzberg Brian H, & Barge J. Kevin. “Human Communication: Motivation, Knowledge, and Skills”. New York. Cengage Learning: (2006). Print. Author’ biography with Photo First Author – Rana Ibrahim Alabdan, Master of Information Systems Management from Robert Morris University, Moon Township, PA 2012. Lecturer in Majmaah University, Information Systems Department, Majmaah, Saudi Arabia.Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems from Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University 2008. CIS Outstanding Graduate Student Award –Robert Morris University (April 2013). Member in Alpha Iota Mu since (5 May 2013). 3349 | P a g e January 7, 2014