Recent papers in ABC
Admixture between differentiated populations is considered to be a powerful mechanism stimulating the invasive success of some introduced species. It is generally facilitated through multiple introductions; however, the importance of... more
The pathological features of 155 adult patients with soft-tissue sarcomas were studied retrospectively, in an attempt to set up a grading system for these tumors. As the first step, seven histological criteria (tumor differentiation,... more
Activity-based costing provides a more accurate method of product/service costing, leading to more accurate pricing decisions. It increases understanding of overheads and cost drivers; and makes costly and non-value adding activities more... more
Examen de la imagen y estructura corporativa de las diferentes cabeceras de Sevilla en los años de la Transición (revistas, semanarios y diarios); con especial atención a la edición hispalense de ABC y al papel que juega aquellos años... more
Inicjatywa Trójmorza, zwana Trójmorzem (ang.: Three Seas Initiative – TSI, 3SI) to nazwa przyjęta dla określenia projektu współpracy politycznej i gospodarczej, przede wszystkim w zakresie infrastruktury, transportu i energetyki. Podjęta... more
Создание латгальских Букварей прошло сложный путь от религиозных книг, основанных на Катехизисе и популярных молитвах, до современного Букваря. Менялись их названия, происходила систематизация самого латгальского языка. Это заметно даже... more
Challenging Stereotypical fairytale Gender representations
Case Study : Once Upon A Time
Case Study : Once Upon A Time
Activity Based Cost Management (ABCM) systems have been presented in the literature as the most sophisticated approaches for cost management and cost-ing purposes. Nevertheless, the theoretical relevance and practical applicability of... more
Televízia ako médium sa už od svojich začiatkov tešila pomerne vysokej pozornosti verejnosti. Aj keď ju spočiatku vnímala rozpačito, vďaka rapídnemu pokroku televíznej technológie rýchlo rozpoznala jej potenciál. Od 50. rokov 20.... more
Kaizen costing is the process of continual cost reduction that occurs after a product design has been completed and is now in production. Cost reduction techniques can include working with suppliers to reduce the costs in their processes,... more
Variabel Costing adalah suatu Konsep penentuan Harga Pokok yang hanya memasukkan unsur biaya yang bersifat variabel kedalam harga pokok produksi.
Bab 3 dan 4 menggambarkan konsep dasar dalam penetapan biaya. Di Bab 3, Anda belajar tentang biaya inkremental, avoidable, sunk, dan opportunity dan bagaimana menggunakan konsep ini untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih baik. Bab 4 membahas... more
Sinopsis En este trabajo se planteó ver a la televisión como una Institución del Imaginario Social que propone estereotipos. Se analizaron las series Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives y S. O. S. Sexo y Otros Secretos; y dónde se... more
This paper analyses the specifics of the application of Activity-Based Costing method in hospital management. Primary objective of the paper is to outline the methodology of the ABC application in hospitals. First part of the paper... more