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Essentialism can be defined as a metaphysical theory according to which things have essential and accidental properties. In this paper, I will address Avicennian essentialism, that is, essentialism as we find it in Avicenna’s own writings... more
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      MetaphysicsMedieval PhilosophyMetaphysics of propertiesIslamic Philosophy
This article presents a comparative survey of Ibn Sina and Abu al-Barakat’s views on the problem of the origination of the soul and its transmigration (tanasukh) and contrasts their arguments and interpretations. The article identifies... more
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      Islamic philosophy and theologyAbu al-Barakat al-BaghdadiIslamic Philosophical Psychology
Scholars have come to recognize the importance of classical Islamic philosophy both in its own right and in its preservation of and engagement with Greek philosophical ideas. At the same time, the period immediately following the... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic StudiesIbn Sina
In the anonymous al-Nukat wa-l-fawāʾid, a summa of Avicennan philosophy written around 1200, a partisan of Avicenna accuses Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 1210) of having come under the influence of the reprehensible Leader of the Jews, Abū... more
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      Jewish PhilosophyAvicennaArabic LogicFakhr al-Din al-Razi
A survey of philosophy in the first half of the 6th/12th century that deals with al-Ghazali, al-Lawkari (d. after 1109), and Abu l-Barakat al-Baghdadi (d. c. 1165). I particularly focus on the relationship between Abu l-Barakat and... more
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The current text expresses my reflections on Frank Griffel's recently published book "The Formation of Post-Classical Philosophy in Islam." As mentioned in the text, many intellectual aspects of philosophy became gradually integrated into... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsEpistemologyPhilosophy Of Religion
If the philosophical discussion about the question whether the world existed from all eternity or was created in time were a story, it would start with some exegetical issues in Plato, introduce the Unmoved Mover of Aristotle, continue... more
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)
Although the question of the authorship of the ‘Uyūn attributed to al-Fārābī has yet to be studied, in Western academia in particular, Western scholarship on this matter usually assumes that ‘Uyūn al-masāil does not belong to al-Fārābī.... more
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      AuthenticityIbn SinaAl FarabiAvicenna
Il fenomeno geopolitico dello Stato Islamico ha radicalmente modificato gli assetti geopolitici dell’area mediorientale. Esperti, parlano della fine del “periodo Sykes-Pikot”, ovvero il periodo successivo alla prima guerra mondiale,... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkeyKurdish Question in Turkey
The theory of essential definitions is a fundamental anti-sceptic element of the Aristotelian-Avicennian epistemology. In this theory, when we distinguish the genus and the specific differentia of a given essence we thereby acquire a... more
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      EpistemologyMedieval PhilosophyEmpiricismPhilosophical Scepticism
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      Islamic PhilosophyIbn SinaArabic PhilosophyAvicenna
In Doubts on Avicenna, Ayman Shihadeh brings to light an important new source, which marks a key moment of transition in twelfth-century Arabic philosophy. Sharaf al-Dīn al-Masʿūdī’s al-Mabāḥith wa-l-Shukūk ʿalā l-Ishārāt (Investigations... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Ibn Sina
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      Islamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Arabic PhilosophyAbu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali (d. 1111)
Fate, as a religious concept, is a reference to nondimensional relation between God who has knowledge, will, and power and human who has the same attributes. In other words, it is a religious/intellectual origin of how capable human... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Jewish ThoughtAbu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali (d. 1111)
Aristotle is considered to be the founding father of metaphysics. He specified the subject and scope of this science and used the names “first philosophy (prote philosophia)”, “theology” and wisdom (sophia) for it. However, there have... more
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      AristotleIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic Thought & Philosophy
Müslümanların düşünce dünyası zengin bir tartışma zemininde yeni irtifalara doğru ilerlemeye devam ederken, mümbit bir döneme tanıklık eden Ebü'l-Berekât el-Bağdâdî, yahudilerin ve müslümanların düşünce birikimiyle birlikte, Yunan... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyAbu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali (d. 1111)AvicennaFakhr al-Din al-Razi
The Islamic State (IS) emerged forcefully as one of the most publicized and publicly captivating global phenomenon of a post 9/11 international order. After the declaration of the Caliphate in 2014, a coalition of more than 50 countries... more
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      GenealogyMichel FoucaultCarl SchmittSectarianism
In this article I examine the work entitled Risāla fī sabab ẓuhūr al-kawākib laylan wa khafāʾihā nahāran, which aims to explain why the stars only appear at night. I resolve some uncertainties about the title and authorship of the... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyHistory of AstronomyHistory of Islamic AstronomyIslamic Science
Un ensayo sobre la formación de ISIS (por sus siglas en inglés) tomado de diferentes fuentes noticiosas e informativas.
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      TerrorismoAbu al-Barakat al-BaghdadiEstado Islámico
Metafizik ilminin kurucusu olarak Aristoteles kabul edilir. Aristoteles bu ilmin konusunu ve inceleme alanlarını belirlemiş ve bu ilme yönelik ilk felsefe (prote philosophia), teoloji ve hikmet (sophia) gibi isimleri kullanmıştır. Ancak... more
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      MetaphysicsAristotleIslamic Thought & PhilosophyAvicenna
Aristoteles De Anima (Nefs Üzerine) adlı eserinde nefsi bitkisel, hayvani ve insani olarak üç türe ayırır. Bu tasnif aynıyla İslam dünyasına aktarılmış ve orada da bu tasnife sadık kalınmıştır. Bununla birlikte nefse dair ortaya konulan... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyIbn SinaSoul (Humanities)Islamic Thought & Philosophy
In this paper I present a bibliography of Abū’l-Barakāt al-Bağdādī (d. 547/1152), who is one of the leading figures in the history of Islamic Philosophy. I initially give some brief information about his scientific personality, and... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyIslamic Thought & PhilosophyIslamic MedicineAbu al-Barakat al-Baghdadi
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    • Abu al-Barakat al-Baghdadi
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      Political Violence and TerrorismIraqSyriaCounter terrorism
Bu çalışma, Ebū’l-Berakāt el-Baġdādī’ye (ö.547/1152) ait, usanç duygusunun oluşum nedenlerini açıklamayı konu edinen, Risāle fī Māhiyyeti’l-Melāl (Usancın Mahiyeti Hakkında Risale) adlı risaleye dair bir inceleme, risalenin tahkiki ve... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyIbn SinaHistory Of PsychologyEnnui
The central cosmogonic principle in Ibn Sīnā’s philosophy is the elegant rule that “from what is essentially one, only one thing may proceed.” Paradigmatically, this “Rule of One” describes the unique circumstances that regulate the... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyAvicennaFakhr al-Din al-RaziAbu al-Barakat al-Baghdadi
Bin Laden was a legacy target of self-admitted guilt, tho' I think he was more an emeritus strategist and symbol at the time of his being taken out near the FRONT YARD of the Pakistani Military Academy! Baghdadi was an ongoing threat (as... more
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      Osama bin LadenAbu al-Barakat al-BaghdadiCorporate MediaDonald Trump
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      Islamic PhilosophyAbu al-Barakat al-Baghdadi
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      Islamic LawAstrologyIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)
I will discuss how the emerging field of Islamicate occultism can contribute to the study of Islamic philosophy. Current scholarship has developed a detailed appreciation for the complex symbiosis between the disciplines of kalām,... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyAvicennaHermeticismFakhr al-Din al-Razi
All technicalities are treated in this Report, unless of course he comes round again, but it won't change the outcome. Egregors are raising up one and taking down another flip, flop. Head wounds are nasty but autopsy can be faked to... more
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      Political AssassinationsHiroshima and NagasakiAbu al-Barakat al-BaghdadiOtaku
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      Medieval PhilosophyJewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies