Aleksandr Griboyedov
Recent papers in Aleksandr Griboyedov
In his poetic practice, Griboedov successfully followed the principles he introduced in his critical response to Gnedich. To be precise, he used all the available literary context as a resource to describe characters and situations. It is... more
Незаконченная поэма А.Одоевского и шекспировские штудии Кюхельбекера и Грибоедова
The poem “Griboyedov in Tsinandali” by Okudzhava is the reception of the Pushkin’s “Griboyedov legend” (“Trip to Arzrum”). This given poem is seen according to the same source epitaphs from Polonsky to Galich who implement the steady... more
Almost two centuries after death, Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov (1794–1829) continues to influence social processes. To unravel the mystery of this phenomenon, it is necessary to answer the question about the character of perception... more
Dosya içerisinde romanın konu ettiği tarihi olayları anlatan ve belge niteliğini taşıyan Aleksandr Griboyedov (Rus İmparatorluğu'nun İran'daki Sefiri) 1828 tarihli İran - Rus İmparatorluğu arasında imzalanan Türkmençay Antlaşması'ndan... more
В статье рассматриваются британская рецепция дипломатической деятельности А. С. Грибоедова в Персии в 1826-1829 гг. и освещение массового убийства сотрудников русского посольства в Тегеране 30 января 1829 г., представленные в научных и... more
Alexander Griboyedov is a classic of Russian literature. His comedy Woe from Wit (1824) was a manifesto of freethinkers, and many of his friends took part in the Decembrist revolt (1825). In the USSR, Griboyedov was studied with a special... more
The true meaning of the famous poem, secret to people, is revealed thanks to sacred Knowledge. // Тайный людям истинный смысл известной поэмы раскрыт благодаря сакральному Знанию.
V. I. Filonenko considered to be one of the most respected orientologist of the USSR. He has published several articles about A. S. Griboyedov. How much materials did Filonenko write about the creator of "Woe from Wit" indeed and what is... more
The article is devoted to the unexplored problem of griboedovistic - the connection of «Woe from Wit» author with the British proselytism movement. One of it's adept, the Scottish Missionary Society, educated and Christianized the Muslims... more
The article reviews the reports delivered at the International Conference Griboyedov and His Epoch dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the writer, musician and diplomat’s birth and the 25th anniversary of the Aleksandr Griboedov Museum.... more
Nihilism has become a philosophical current affecting human life. Many events have occurred due to this current. This study examined the characters of two novels demonstrating these effects. Nihilism influences are present in Chatsky and... more
The work recreates biography of the proponent of the Scottish Missionary Society James Peddy, preceding Alexander S. Griboyedov's visit to the Crimea. В статье воссоздается образ Джеймса Педди (James Peddie) - подвижника Шотландского... more
Scholars who study the “duel of the four” which occurred in 1817, state that Alexander Griboedov, the author of Woe from Wit, was an involuntary witness of Vasily Sheremetev’s murder by Count Alexander Zavadovsky. However, until now the... more
A. I. Polkanov is a famous Crimean historian, archaeologist, ethnographer, an organizer of museology. The article describes the reasons of researcher’s interest in A. S. Griboyedov and the nature of the approach to the study of his... more
The materials of unknown correspondence of historian Alexander Polkanov with orientalist Victor Filonenko is used to reveal the influence of Crimean science on academician Milica Nechkina – the largest researcher of A. S. Griboedov in the... more