Recent papers in Crimea
Представлены результаты экспертизы антропологических материалов из могильника античного времени Сувлу-Кая в Юго-Западном Крыму. Обсуждаются демографические и краниологические особенности двух хронологических групп из подбойных могил... more
Using leaked emails attributed to covert political actors, this study explores the Kremlin's comprehensive influence operations (active measures) to thwart Ukraine's aspirations to join the European Union. These efforts were launched by... more
In The History of Ukraine, Paul Kubicek takes on the daunting task of covering roughly thirteen centuries of Ukrainian history in just 180 pages. The book contains ten concise chapters, as well as a chronology, bibliographical essay, and... more
The Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 was marked by the securitization of the political identity of Russian speakers living in Crimea. Discourse from Russian President Vladimir Putin as well as other important Russian political actors... more
2013 yılından günümüze kadar Ukrayna genelinde yaşanan iç olaylar ve bu olaylarla ilintili dış etkenler, inişli çıkışlı karşılıklı etkileşimler neticesinde günümüze kadar gelişim göstermiş ve Kırım özelinde sıcak çatışma ihtimalini... more
When the conflict escalated in the Nagorno-Karabakh war zone in September 2020, different opinions emerged in Ukraine on how the clash should be understood and which of its sides Ukraine should support. Most Ukrainian commentators... more
ABSTRACT Despite their differences in age, professional career and political background, Milošević and Putin share similar views on one of the main consequences of the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the USSR: the involuntary... more
Accepteret manuskript publiceret i Statskundskab i praksis: Klassiske teorier og moderne problemer. Kosiara-Pedersen, K., Nedergaard, G. & Suenson, E. L. (red.). 2. udg. København: Karnov Group, Kap. 15, s. 251-273.
In: Проблемы истории и археологии Украины: Тезисы докладов ХІІ Международной научной конференции, посвященной 215-летию Харьковского национального университета имени В. Н. Каразина (Харьков, ноябрь 2020). Харьков: ООО «НТМТ», 2020. С.... more
В монографии на основе архивных и опубликованных источников восстановлены основные аспекты деятельности таврических гражданских губернаторов первой половины XIX в. Это первая в историографии попытка комплексного рассмотрения процесса... more
The expressions ‘Late Scythian culture’ and ‘Crimean Scythia’ are modern concepts. The first term appeared soon after 1946, and it was intended to designate the material culture of the Scythians, supposedly superseded by the Sarmatians in... more
Parents' assessment of children's development in the first and the second language is an essential part of their family language policy (FLP) and an important component of parent–child communication. This paper presents a pilot study... more
This analysis does not represent neither Western, nor Ukrainian or Russian official views concerning the Kerch Straight incident and its legal background. It is an expert analysis that concentrates on realities. It is not the aim of the... more
The annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation radically changed the geopolitical situation in the Black Sea region and modified geo-economic processes in the region. First of all, having occupied the Ukraine’s peninsula, Russia got a... more
C’est la question que se posent de plus en plus d’observateurs dont l’un des plus écoutés est Andreas Umland, docteur en philosophie et spécialiste de l’Europe Centrale et Orientale. Sa série d’ouvrages « Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics... more
Самое полное, фундаментальное и авторитетное исследование обороны и освобождения Крыма в 1941-1944 гг., основанное на документах не только советских, но и немецких архивов, большинство которых публикуются впервые. От прорыва Манштейна... more
Boyko Marinkov and Biser Banchev (eds), Ukrainskata kriza I Balkanite [The Ukraine Crisis and the Balkans] (Paradigma, 2017), is a comprehensive effort to map out responses in the entire region, from Albania to Romania and Croatia to... more
This article examines the question regarding the propertybased and social differentiation within the population of the piedmont zone of the Crimea in the Late Roman period, with reference to three assemblages from the Neizats... more
This paper is a chapter of the collective monograph "Ukrainian Dignity Revolution, Russian Agression and Intertational Law" (Kiyv, 2014). The chapter is devoted to the problem of legal status of the property that was withdrawed illegaly... more
The article is devoted to study of stamps on early-Byzantine red slip wares V-VI c. from the excavations of 2007-2008 of Bosporus lane in the city of Kerch (Crimea).
Aufgrund des völkerrechtlich nicht anerkannten Krim-Referendums führte die EU 2014 Sanktionen gegen Russland ein. Auch die Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit ist hiervon betroffen. In der Praxis kommt es immer öfter vor, dass Parteien mit Bezug zu... more
The present paper provides two case studies of the basic vocabulary of the Turkic languages spoken on the Crimea Peninsula. Its aim is to illuminate the issues that a historical linguist, and in particular a phylogeneticist, faces when... more
Данное справочное издание представляет собой комплекс очерков, посвященных политической истории Крыма за период с древнейших времен до начала XX столетия. Впервые в отечественной исторической литературе политическая история Крымского... more
The conflict in Ukraine has altered the geopolitical configuration in Eurasia. The very beginning of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine’s internal affairs became the starting point of major geopolitical shifts in the region and in... more
Політичні та міжнародно-правові механізми деокупації та віднов- лення територіальної цілісності держави: світовий досвід і Україна: Наукова записка / Кресіна І.О. (керівник авт. кол.), Кресін О.В., Проценко І.М., Савчук К.О., Стойко О.М.... more
Статья посвящена истории создания и функционирования Салгирской опытной помологической станции, которая существовала в имении «Салгирка» близь Симферополя с 1 января 1913 по 1935 гг. Первым директором учреждения стал С.А. Мокржецкий,... more
The current crisis in Ukraine has revealed a striking lack of background knowledge about Ukraine’s history and politics among West European politicians, journalists, intellectuals and even many academics. In this book, experts from... more
Конструктор уроку історії для 10 класу історичного профілю
The incident in the Kerch Strait is not an ordinary escalation, which could lead to the deterioration of relations between two states. It is more than a simple diplomatic disagreement. An annexation of the Crimean Peninsula by Russia,... more
Дана стаття присвячена темі динаміки ісламізації населення завойованого османами князівства Феодоро та дослідженню найголовніших чинників активного розповсюдження ісламу серед місцевого населення. Автор статті ґрунтується на писемних... more
This essay proposes the notion that there are many similarities between the 2008 war in Georgia and the 2014 conflict in Ukraine yet there are obviously cosmetic differences too. The Russian motivations for aggression remain constant, and... more