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This is review of the speech delivered by Professor Antonio Fernández de Buján on the occasion of his joining the Spanish Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation. The speech was given on the 20th of January, 2014, and was replied... more
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      ArbitrationRoman LawArbitration LawInternational Commercial Arbitration
Área do Direito: Civil; Processual; Arbitragem Resumo: O presente artigo analisa a viabilidade de a execução cível ocorrer pela via arbitral. Para tanto, procedeu-se a análise das experiências nacionais e estrangeiras de desjudicialização... more
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      ArbitrationArbitration LawComparative Civil ProcedureCivil Procedure
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Qu’il soit ad hoc ou institutionnel, l’arbitrage a pour objectif le prononcé d'une décision rendue par le ou les arbitres en vue du règlement définitif du différend survenu entre les parties : « la sentence arbitrale ». Alors que le droit... more
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      ArbitrationSovereign ImmunityDroit International Prive, Arbitrage Commercial InternationalDroit Ohada
Türkiye'nin projesi olarak hayata geçen ve 26 Ekim 2015'te fiilen faaliyete başlayan İstanbul Tahkim Merkezi'nin temel amaçlarından biri de Türkiye'de tahkim ve alternatif uyuşmazlık çözüm yöntemlerinin kullanılmasını teşvik etmek, bu... more
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      Corporate LawArbitrationArbitration LawInternational Commercial Arbitration
İstanbul 2018 - Chapters: “Fire Insurance” (p.553-604), "Fire Loss of Profit Insurance" (p.605-618), “Mandatory Earthquake Insurance” (p.619-633) and "Gas Station Insurance" (p.635-638) Bölümler: "Yangın Sigortası" (s.553-604),... more
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      ArbitrationInsurance LawHealth insuranceMarine Insurance Law
2016 For companies where its capacity for effective governance has degraded slowly, but consistently over the course of a long chain of rhetorical excesses, guidelines corruptions, sentimental hyperbole and philosophical high-falutin….... more
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      Project ManagementArbitrationHuman Resource ManagementProject Risk Management
Under Venezuelan law, as in other jurisdictions, an arbitration agreement imposes to parties the obligation to refer present or future disputes to arbitration. Since an arbitration agreement is a legally binding agreement, the study of... more
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      ContractsContract LawInternational ArbitrationArbitration
This paper focuses on the effects of nonbinding recommendations on bargaining outcomes. Recommendations are theorized to have two effects: they can create a focal point for final bargaining positions, and they can decrease outcome... more
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      EconomicsDispute ResolutionArbitrationModeling
O Artigo trata do princípio competência-competência, a partir da Lei de Arbitragem brasileira, inclusive mediante a comparação com a adoção do princípio na esfera judicial. The Article deals with the competence-competence principle,... more
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      International ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration LawProcesso Civil
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      ArbitrationPower ManagementPower ConsumptionFirst-Order Logic
Sumário:1. Introdução. 2. Importância da conciliação para a pacificação social dos conflitos. 3. Movimentos de conciliação na justiça brasileira. 4. Desvantagens da utilização inadequada ou excessiva da conciliação como meio pacificador... more
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      ArbitrationMediationDireito Processual CivilProcesso Civil
Arbitration Reform in Russia is an acute issue for Russian professional community. The spectrum of opinions is quite extensive. New legislation became a focal point for intense discussion. Leaving aside all affective assessments the... more
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    • Arbitration
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      ArtArbitrationPolitical ScienceEconomic Justice
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      ArbitrationArbitration LawMilletlerarası Özel Hukuk
The nature of the arbitration agreement in most legal systems (at least legal systems other than common law) is somewhat unclear. Presently, it is not possible to make any decisive statements as to which theory is the only correct one. On... more
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      Contract LawInternational ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration Law
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesArbitrationAdjudicationHRM
This paper delves in the comparative study of Asian and Western models of dispute resolution, arbitration in particular, and asks how cross-cultural differences affect arbitrator behavior. It proposes that arbitration styles differ across... more
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      International ArbitrationArbitrationInternational Commercial ArbitrationArbitrator ethics
Foreword and Table of Contents are available in English. Full text is available on request. Recommended citation: Sergey Kurochkin. Domestic and International Commercial Arbitration. Moscow, 2017 (In Russian) // Курочкин С.А. Третейское... more
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    • Arbitration
La segunda parte de esta publicación contiene el trabajo individual del respetado colega profesor Fred Aarons P., abogado con una muy destacada trayectoria en el sector financiero en Venezuela y otros lugares, tanto como asesor, autor de... more
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      ArbitrationArbitraje Y Derecho
The Way in Which different legal systems deal and interact with arbitration has varied over time. Earlier, and during the newborn of arbitration, the general approach was at extensive intervention of courts in arbitration, and reduces... more
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      ArbitrationSupervisionJudicial Procedure
The article deals with the categories of mediability and arbitrability of a legal dispute, identifies their individual general and special characteristics. Taking into account the current legal regulation and doctrinal approaches, the... more
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      ArbitrationMediation (Law)Civil ProcedureAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
The article gives an overview of the main trends of the development of the modern foreign doctrine of international commercial arbitration, the most interesting concepts and views. The activities of major international organizations and... more
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    • Arbitration
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesArbitrationConflict ResolutionConflict Resolution and peace making
Comentario a la Sentencia Gazprom del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea sobre la aplicación del Reglamento Bruselas I a la materia arbitral
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      International ArbitrationArbitrationPrivate International LawInternational Commercial Litigation
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    • Arbitration
In both private and public justice systems, online dispute resolution (ODR) technologies are profoundly affecting people’s access to justice and redress and the nature of their procedural experiences. Automation and artificial... more
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      Human Computer InteractionAccess to JusticeDispute ResolutionArbitration
"A obra vem a público em momento singular, no qual a arbitragem, doméstica e internacional, assume importância extraordinária no Brasil. O livro agora apresentado contribuirá para disseminar o estudo e também para consolidar o futuro da... more
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      International ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration LawInternational Commercial Arbitration
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    • Arbitration
A commodity exchange is a goods and financial market where different groups of participants trade commodities and commodity-linked contracts, with the underlying objective of transferring exposure to commodity price risks (UNCTAD). A... more
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      BusinessArbitrationDeveloping CountriesAgriculture
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      CybercrimesArbitrationCorporate GovernanceArbitration Law
While acknowledging the corporate governance concept of “no one size fits all”, Corporate Governance codes continue to highlight board composition as an important factor. Even corporate law in different jurisdictions recognises the... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate LawDirector
O Superior Tribunal de Justiça, as Medidas Anti-Arbitragem e o Princípio da Competência-Competência na Lei 9.307/96.

Ricardo Dalmaso Marques
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      International ArbitrationArbitrationInternational Commercial ArbitrationSuperior Tribunal De Justiça
El autor examina la viabilidad del compliance como una respuesta efectiva ante los nuevos riesgos que enfrenta el arbitraje. En especial, la mitigación de los riesgos asociados a la ciberseguridad a la luz del Protocolo de Ciberseguridad... more
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      ArbitrationCompliancePrivacy and data protectionArbitraje Internacional
Sultanate of Oman has shown an increased willingness to attract foreign investment by updating its legal environment. In particular, Omani courts have recognized that public entities can validly enter arbitration agreements with private... more
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      ArbitrationArbitraje Administrativo
SUMMARY Arbitration is becoming an increasingly important means of settling investment and commercial disputes in Egypt. The promulgation of Arbitration Law No. 27 of 1994 was a milestone in providing a comprehensive framework for the... more
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      LawComparative LawConstitutional LawInternational Law
Объектом исследования в статье «Правовое регулирование процессуального соучастия в международном коммерческом арбитраже» являются общественные отношения в области процессуального соучастия в международном коммерческом арбитраже. Авторы... more
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      International ArbitrationArbitrationInternational Commercial Arbitration
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    • Arbitration
Công ty P (Nguyên đơn - Bên bán) và Công ty H (Bị đơn - Bên mua) có tranh chấp về hợp đồng mua bán thép xây dựng do chi nhánh của Bị đơn xác lập. Theo Hội đồng Trọng tài, hợp đồng này ràng buộc Bị đơn.
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      Contract LawArbitrationContracts of Sale
The article is a brief review of contemporary academic publications devoted to international commercial arbitration as a mean of effective dispute resolution.
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      ArbitrationInternational Commercial Arbitration
A brief overview of the South African law of arbitration.
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      ArbitrationArbitration LawInternational Commercial ArbitrationAlternative Dispute Resolution
The 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has affected all aspects of our lives in ways unimaginable. Dispute resolution is no exception. Several arbitration institutions, organisations and practitioners have identified tools... more
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      International ArbitrationArbitrationInternational Commercial ArbitrationInternational Chamber of Commerce
Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards in the Czech Republic
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      ArbitrationInternational Investment ArbitrationInternational Investment Law and Investment Treaty Arbitration
The international commercial arbitration system has been gaining quite some popularity in the present times. The methods of dispute resolution that it provides namely the ad-hoc and institutional arbitration systems are two most accepted... more
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      LawInternational LawArbitrationInternational Commercial Law
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      International ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration LawInternational Commercial Arbitration
The arbitration and settlement of claims in the Roman law have been the subject of multiple analyses. Recent years have witnessed a particular inter- est in the practical application of these institutions in Late Antiquity. At first... more
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      ArbitrationLate AntiquityArbitration & ADRJuristic Papyrology
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      Canon LawArbitrationLegal HistoryHistoria del Derecho
An analysis of the voluntary arbitration legal framework of the Portuguese Arbitral Tribunal for Sports. Published by the Portuguese Olympic Committee.... more
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      ArbitrationInternational Sports LawSports ArbitrationSports Law and Arbitration
This book takes a close look at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), challenging existing claims and answering previously unanswered questions, by considering all of its publicly available decisions, both in its entirety as a body of... more
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      Social NetworksSocial NetworkingSports LawInternational Arbitration