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The policing of football supporters in the UK is resource-intensive and expensive, with football crowds seen by many forces as inherently prone to misbehaviour, disorder and violence. As a result they are regularly subjected to... more
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      Football (soccer)Human Rights LawSports LawFootball
The Football Banning Order was the first Civil Preventive Order (CPO), predating the many similar measures that followed the election of New Labour to government in 1997 by 10 years. CPOs have been held by the domestic courts to be... more
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      Sociology of SportFootball (soccer)Human RightsSports Law
In the months prior to the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany, the government funded a number of targeted policing operations aimed at securing Football Banning Orders against known or suspected football hooligans. This article is based on... more
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      Sports LawFootball Hooliganism
Idrott är sedan länge Sveriges största folkrörelse och det är svårt att hitta någon verksamhet som omfattar en så stor del av samhället som idrotten gör. De rättsliga reglernas påverkan på idrotten har traditionellt sett varit begränsad,... more
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      Sports LawInternational Sports LawEuropean Sports Law
Принцип автономии спорта долго не предполагал четких обязательств спортивных организаций в сфере соблюдения прав человека: между-народно-правовые обязательства на них не распространяются, так как они не являются субъектами международного... more
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      Human RightsSports LawInternational Sports LawLex Sportiva
The Ohio State University (OSU) was bombarded with allegations of misconduct on various fronts involving its athletic department in 2018. A former team doctor, a former diving coach, a former assistant football coach, and the head... more
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      Sports Lawcollege sports
and has recently completed a Master of Commercial Law (University of Melbourne). He is the Director of Major Sport Projects for Sport and Recreation, Victoria and is responsible for overseeing the development of major sports... more
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      Sports LawPolitical ScienceInternational Sports LawEuropean Union
O presente artigo tem como propósito abordar, de um modo sintético, os problemas jurídicos que envolvem a implementação de mecanismos arbitrais no domínio do Direito laboral do Desporto. Discute-se, por um lado, a solução adoptada pela... more
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      Sports LawDireito AdministrativoARBITRAGEMDireito do Trabalho
Denna bok tar ett samlat grepp om rättsliga och idrottsliga åtgärder mot doping. Boken utreder bland annat vad som utgör doping, vilka motiv som ligger bakom olika åtgärder och när olika regler är tillämpliga. Den behandlar också det... more
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawPublic AdministrationContract Law
In June 2017, NBA commissioner Adam Silver made headlines by stating that the NBA and the NBPA would once again explore changing the league’s 2005 age eligibility rule for incoming players. The rule—colloquially known as the “one and... more
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      Antitrust (Law)Sports LawLabor law
This article is part of a broader research stream investigating policy and regulatory frameworks impacting International Prospective Student-Athletes (IPSAs) and their transition to the U.S. combining education and athletics. Elsewhere... more
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      Constitutional LawSports Law
The state of Utah has addressed sports law issues across a broad spectrum, far more than just ski-related. Utah cases, coupled with sport-specific statutes, shows that even a state with a relatively small population might still have to... more
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    • Sports Law
In many countries the Sports are considered as a religion. This paper talks about the history of sports that how sports became so important in every persons life and how it grew so many fans. This paper contains the wordings of some of... more
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      Sports LawInternational Sports Law
The strict liability principle has been applied in doping disciplinary rules for decades. This principle is specifically applied where an athlete’s blood or urine sample has returned a positive test result for the presence of substances... more
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      Sports LawInternational Sports LawSports law/Anti-Doping/International LawLaw of Contract
Physical activity is known to have an anabolic effect on bone tissue. It has been shown to increase the bone mineral density (BMD) in young adults, as well as in teenagers. But there is little information about the effect of intensive... more
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      Computer VisionSports LawSports Psychology
Проблема визначення ролі корпоративних норм в механізмі правового регулювання відносин у сфері спорту має неабиякий теоретичний і практичний інтерес. Передовсім, це пов’язане із відсутністю єдиних уніфікованих підходів до визначення... more
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    • Sports Law
У будь–якій економічно розвиненій державі світу система соціального захисту є найважливішим і необхіднішим елементом соціально–економічних відносин.
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      Sports LawInsurance LawUkraineспортивное право
The report produced for FIFPro based on the survey of professional footballers carried out in 2016.
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      Football (soccer)Economics of Football (soccer)Sports LawEmployment Relations
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    • Sports Law
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      Sociology of SportSports MedicineEthicsNormative Ethics
Olahraga merupakan suatu fenomena yang mendunia dan menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat. Bahkan melalui olahraga dapat dilakukan national character building suatu bangsa, sehingga olahraga menjadi... more
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    • Sports Law
SOMMARIO 1. I contratti commerciali di comunicazione e sfruttamento dell'immagine: sponsorizzazio-ne e pubblicità. Inquadramento generale.-1.1. I contratti di pubblicità.-1.2. Sponsorizza-zione e diritto all'immagine.-1.3.... more
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      Sports LawMerchandisingSponsorshipSport sponsorship
The purpose of this article is to offer and analyze sports law related cases, claims, and issues that have emanated from Michigan. Part I explores examples and incidents involving civil rights and discrimination. Part II addresses a... more
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    • Sports Law
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      Sports LawSports Law and Arbitration
https://www.editorialreus.es/libros/los-e-sports-como-deporte/9788429020526/ Extracto del libro "Los e-Sports como ¿deporte? Análisis jurídico y técnico-deportivo de su naturaleza y los requisitos legales exigidos", de Javier Rodríguez... more
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      LawSports LawVideo GamesVideo Game History
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa.-2. Istituzioni e fonti normative in materia di doping sportivo.-3. (Segue): fonti normative e istituzioni internazionali di tipo privatistico.-4. (Segue): l'Agenzia mondiale antidoping (WADA).-5. (Segue): fonti... more
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      Sports LawInternational Sports LawPrecautionary PrincipleDoping
The work, starting from a recent judgement of the Administrative Regional Court of Lazio, focuses on several topics related to the legitimate right of organizing the regularity rallies, with particular attention on the topics of insurance... more
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      Antitrust (Law)Sports LawInsurance LawInternational Sports Law
This book takes a close look at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), challenging existing claims and answering previously unanswered questions, by considering all of its publicly available decisions, both in its entirety as a body of... more
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      Social NetworksSocial NetworkingSports LawInternational Arbitration
L'intégration du MMA dans le paysage sportif français rencontre plusieurs obstacles. Cet art martial mixte se heurte à la fois à l'organisation fédérale et aux valeurs associées au sport. Néanmoins, jusqu'à la publication de l'arrêté du 3... more
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      Sports LawAdministrative LawMixed Martial ArtsDroit administratif
Publicado na Revista Desporto & Direito, n.º 24 (2011), pp. 389 e ss.
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      Sports LawDireito ConstitucionalDireito AdministrativoSports law/Anti-Doping/International Law
As the year 2022 approaching, Qatar preparations for the FIFA World Cup is in progress. These preparations encompass very complicated processes in many and almost every aspect of life in the state of Qatar. Qatar promised the world with... more
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      Civil LawEnvironmental LawSports Law
Na okładce wykorzystano zdjęcie rześby przedstawiającej podobiznę Temidy, umieszczonej na fasadzie dziedzińca wewnętrzengo gmachu Sądu Okręgowego w Warszawie Autor zdjęcia: Adrian Grycuk CC BY-SA 3.0 pl © copyright by authors & ArchaeGr... more
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      Criminal LawSports LawCriminalizationDoping in Sport
This LLM dissertation provides an analysis of how EU competence to regulate sport post-Bosman has been significantly developed through a 'spill-over' of EU competition competence. In doing so, the core focus of the ensuing discourse is... more
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      Sports LawEU Competition LawAntitrust & Competition LawEU State Aid Law
As Association Football Clubs look to finance player transfer fees, lenders have seen an increasingly prevalent role and will seek to secure their loan against club assets. One of the methods of securing lending has been to utilise the... more
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      Football (soccer)Sports LawInternational Sports LawInsolvency Law
Dopo aver esposto alcune considerazioni preliminari sulla definizione e sull’inquadramento dell’attività sportiva e, in particolare, sul fenomeno degli sport estremi, il contributo analizza in che modo le regole elaborate nel tempo in... more
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      Sports LawResponsabilità CivileResponsabilità Contrattuale E Extracontrattuale
Il testo ha un taglio manualistico ed è rivolto a tutti coloro che, a diverso titolo, siano interessati a studiare e approfondire gli istituti del diritto dello sport, studenti (di giurisprudenza, economia e marketing, scienze politiche,... more
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      Sports LawSportSports Law and ArbitrationDiritto Sportivo
Playing the first or the second bounce in wheelchair tennis
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      Sports LawInternational Sports LawTransparancy and Corruption in International Sports FederationsSport Law
CAS 2014/A/3516 Georges Yerolimpos v. World Karate Federation
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      International LawSports LawInternational Sports LawSports law/Anti-Doping/International Law
This article analyses some of the legal tools available to organisers of sporting events under EU law and the law of EU Member States. The focus is on remedies based on property rights and contracts, as well as on intellectual property ,... more
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      Comparative LawSports LawEuropean Union LawCopyright Law
Vážené dámy, vážení páni, Katedra športovej humanistiky Fakulty telesnej výchovy a športu Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave vydáva zborník s názvom Šport a spoločenské a humanitné vedy 2009. Tento zborník je ďalším príspevkom k vstupu... more
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologySports LawSports Management
While nothing is certain, a number of factors point towards the European Union becoming more directly, actively, and concretely involved in the anti-doping movement. After decades of discussion but few actions, expectations are great... more
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      Sports LawEU LawDopingEU constitutional law
Athletes are not just sports people; they are certainly among the most prominent figures of their present time, playing an important role in shaping opinions with their power to inspire. For this very reason, athletes’ freedom of... more
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      International LawHuman RightsSports LawInternational Sports Law
This article provides an extensive look at Korean baseball’s reserve clause provision and how it affects American athletes. Baseball players perform service contracts as stipulated under the KBO Baseball Code. However, American players on... more
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      Employment LawInternational LawSports LawLabor law
Within the framework of Critical Race Theory (CRT) this chapter discusses the extent to which law can play a useful role in combating racism in football both on and off the field of play. Specifically, the chapter addresses racism and... more
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      Sports LawRace and Racism
Lo sport è uno strumento dello sviluppo sostenibile? Come lo è diventato e quanto ha contribuito all'applicazione dei diritti umani nel corso dei decenni? Contributo alla raccolta Sport tra diritto e salute finanziata dalla Regione... more
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      Sports LawSustainable DevelopmentInternational Sports LawSviluppo Sostenibile
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      Sports LawInternational Sports LawOlympic Games
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      LawSports LawIndia
Building on its first governance study about national associations and leagues (Boillat & Poli, 2014), CIES has published a second book that analyses the league-club relationship and issues around internal club governance. This research... more
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      Football (soccer)Sports LawRegulation And GovernanceGlobal Governance
EU law is relevant to CAS arbitration insofar as it sets forth mandatory rules of law (“lois de police”, “lois d’application immédiate”), i.e. rules of a public law nature which are enacted to protect public policy interests and need to... more
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      Sports LawArbitration LawInternational Sports LawEuropean Union Law
This paper updates the paper that was last published in 2015, and states the law as I understood it to be in October 2017 including consideration of the potential impact of Brexit. As with the earlier paper it considers both how... more
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      Employment LawSports LawInternational Sports LawEuropean Union Law