Recent papers in Ballads
A L Lloyd was one of the most significant figures of the post-war folk music revival in Britain. He combined a rich and varied life experience with an interest in traditional song that was at once practical, historical and theoretical. He... more
An Evaluation for The Ballads Measured With 23 and 30 Bars Taking Partin Trt Turkish Folk Music’s Repertoire in Consideration of The Turkish Music’s Usûl Tradition. The concept ‘usûl’ is one of the two main elements of the music. In the... more
This is the draft of an article that has just been published in the journal of the Cowper and Newton Museum. It is a brief survey of the song repertoires of lacemakers in England, France and the Low Countries, and the links between... more
Já foi dito que a forma principal de veiculação dos romances ibéricos medievais era o canto, não a escrita (CATALÁN, 1978; DI STEFANO, 1972; MIRRER, 1986; PETERSEN, 1972; ZUMTHOR, 2007). De fato, Zumthor (2007) enfatizou que do performer... more
The king went forth in his chariot of copper; he was equipped with all the necessary panoply; he was like Horus the smiter, the lord of might."
En contra de lo apuntado en diferentes momentos del pasado siglo por intelectuales como Alejo Carpentier, Sócrates Nolasco o Mercedes Díaz Roig, acerca de un área compartida de geografía folclórica común para las Antillas de habla hispana... more
From the Preface: "In the modern world artistic creativity necessarily implies originality; as a rule, we have great difficulty assessing the works of an age in which such notions were for the most part still quite distant. The heroic... more
Boletín de la Biblioteca de Menéndez Pelayo / Sociedad de Menéndez Pelayo 01/2012; LXXXVIII(1):35-48.
Alfred Noyes’s “The Highwayman” (1906) and Federico García Lorca’s “Romance sonámbulo” (1928), two early twentieth-century ballad poems, serve as literary vessels for the collective memory of historical periods and share aesthetic and... more
In his poetic practice, Griboedov successfully followed the principles he introduced in his critical response to Gnedich. To be precise, he used all the available literary context as a resource to describe characters and situations. It is... more
Arany János életművének zenei vonatkozásairól, Székelyföld 2017/3
Social and cultural historians and literary scholars have made substantial use of more generic and less time-sensitive broadside ballads, for example on crime or gender relations, while ballads on ‘affairs of state’ have been largely... more
En este trabajo se vuelve sobre el "Romance de la muerte de la duquesa de Bragança" para reexaminar el pionero análisis de Pedro Ferré a la luz de un nuevo testimonio impreso en uno de los pliegos sueltos hallados en Perugia. En primer... more
SUZUKI Akira (鈴木彰), Rikkyō University
Patrick SCHWEMMER, Sophia University
Saida KHALMIRZAEVA, Hōsei University
Commentator: HYŌDŌ Hiromi (兵藤裕己), Gakushūin University
Organizer: SUGIYAMA Kazuya (杉山和也), Aoyama Gakuin University
Patrick SCHWEMMER, Sophia University
Saida KHALMIRZAEVA, Hōsei University
Commentator: HYŌDŌ Hiromi (兵藤裕己), Gakushūin University
Organizer: SUGIYAMA Kazuya (杉山和也), Aoyama Gakuin University
十六世紀半ばから十七世初頭にかけ、日本イエズス会により、日本語の教理書が出版されたということは周知の通りだ。世俗のヨーロッパ文学である『イソップ物語』の和訳、そして天草版『平家物語』、『太平記抜書』の存在もよく知られている。しかし、日本語で書かれたオリジナルのキリスト教説話が現存するということは案外知られていない。近年、このテキスト群を「異文化接触」というレベルで取り上げた研究が現れているが、漢訳仏典や漢籍の影響を受けた『日本霊異記』『今昔物語集』などとは対照的に、室町末期に... more
Von dem Eisenbahnunglück, das ihn zu seiner "Brück' am Tay" anregte, erfuhr Theodor Fontane sehr wahrscheinlich aus der Vossischen Zeitung. Das ist bekannt, doch seit Walter Keitel einen Artikel aus diesem Blatt recht willkürlich... more
Se analiza la importancia, los criterios editoriales y el origen de los romances publicados en la Silva de romances viejos de Jacobo Grimm, Viena, 1815, acompañando una edición facsímil del libro
Cycnos | Volume 19 n°1 Résistances -Susan OLIVER : Resisting Radical Energies:Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Borderand the Re-Fashioning of the Border Ballads Texte intégral
There is a general skepticism about the possibility of establishing parallels between the literary ballad and Chopin's ballads. Even so, the evidence about a possible relationship between certain poetic ballads and the only four works by... more
In this article, I return to the history of the collection of songs exhibiting the ‘Building Sacrifice’ story-pattern in BCMS-speaking regions to explore the ethno-national manipulations to which the song has fallen victim over the last... more
パトリック・シュウェマー『語り物末流の研究』プリンストン大学博士論文、2015年 第一巻 『相模川』の研究:17世紀幸若舞曲の展開 1.危険な「棚飾り」:プリンストン大学図書館所蔵『相模川』絵巻の研究 2.本居宣長以前の「もののあはれ」:古浄瑠璃『梶原最期しづかあづまくだり』の研究 3.反体制文学から徳川幕府の式楽へ:能『相模川』の研究 第二巻 バレト写本の研究:日本文学としての、日本語によるキリシタン文学... more
Walter Benjamin says ”All great works of literature either dissolve a genre or invent one". I suggest that Keats’ “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” and Coleridge’s “The Rime of The Ancient Mariner” do both. The poems are not only related to... more
Introduction to Lyrical Ballads 1798 and 1800, ed. Michael Gamer and Dahlia Porter (Broadview Press, 2008).
This is the draft of a chapter for the book 'European Street Literature' (Cambridge Scholars, 2019), edited by Dave Atkinson and Steve Roud. Compared with Spain or Germany, France, or at least the French-speaking parts of that country,... more
Conmemoración, con motivo del «Bienio pidalino (2018-2019)», de la recolección en Cerredo (Degaña,Asturias), en 1910, de una versión singular del romance «La Infantina y el Caballero burlado».
_The Oral and Written Traditions of the Exemplum mirabile’s Sujet_ The most famous exemplum of the Érdy codex is the Exemplum mirabile, which tells the story of a young lord who left his home to visit Paradise and after 300 years returns... more
A fairly recent mammoth article on the dating of Draumkvaede (TSB B 31, NMB 54) by Bengt R. Jonsson, a prominent scholar of balladry, sets off by stating the fact that Draumkvaede has been studied, analysed, and commented upon more... more
In addition to its artistic value in terms of structure and content, texts formed in an oral culture environment are also to record individual and social events. Particularly verse types are one of the forms of recording of verbal memory.... more
The main objective of the article is an attempt to show the main sources of Polish
crime literature, which includes folk tales and ballads,
native high artistic literature and popular press.
crime literature, which includes folk tales and ballads,
native high artistic literature and popular press.
Las distintas versiones del romance «Caballero, si a Francia ides» que emergen en los manuscritos del siglo XVI proceden de un corte realizado en el romance juglaresco «Asentado está Gaiferos» a fines del siglo XV o primer cuarto del... more
A pamphlet published with support from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, and in partnership with Dumfries and Galloway Museums Service. A limited edition of 100 copies was printed. The printed version comes with an erratum slip:... more
Arany János 1853-ban írta meg Ágnes asszonyról szóló balladáját, amelynek középpontjában a bűn és bűnhődés kapcsolata áll, melyet irodalomtudományi és jogtudományi megközelítésből elemeztek leggyakrabban. Ebben a tanulmányban a... more
El análisis conjunto de este poema y de la contrafactura cortesana que lo acompaña en el Cancionero Musical de Palacio permiten relacionarlo con los acontecimientos que acompañaron la sublevación mudéjar de 1500 y con la propaganda... more
"El impresor Martín Nucio, el Cancionero de Romances de 1550 y los lectores españoles de Amberes", en José J. Labrador Herraiz (ed.) Cancionero de Romances de 1550, México, Frente de Afirmación Hispanista, 2017, pp. 13-56. Estudio... more
En 1836 Frédéric Chopin publica una obra bajo un título novedoso: “Ballade”, término que hasta entonces sólo había hecho referencia a composiciones narrativas o vocales. Fruto de esta publicación, Robert Schumann escribió en su... more
Se hace un repaso sobre la alternativa entre atribución y anonimato en diversas compilaciones que contienen romances (Cancionero musical de Palacio, Cancionero general, pliegos sueltos y primeros romanceros), se trata de encontrar una... more
*FOR CITATIONS PLEASE USE "SHEILA LOUISE WRIGHT"* Also see the audio/video of this piece here: This paper was written as documentation for the SCA (Society For Creative Anachronism), Kingdom of An Tir Bardic... more
Зборник Савремена српска фолклористика чине радови који су саопштени на научном скупу, одржаном 4. и 5. октобра 2013. у Новом Саду. Скуп је организовао Центар за истраживање српског фолклора на Одсеку за српску књижевност Филозофског... more
Se editan en facsímil dos primeras partes de esta colección de romances (Rosa de amores y Rosa gentil), con un amplio estudio preliminar sobre la génesis, versiones y transmisión de cada uno de los romances. El estudio relativo a las... more
Didaktična obdelava poezije Antona Aškerca.