Amber Trade
Recent papers in Amber Trade
Не секрет, что история всяческих эмбарго, санкций и запретов на пармезан или эстонский шоколад берёт своё начало не сегодня и даже не от Наполеоновских войн, а просто давно. В те времена, когда балтийским янтарём были украшены сети,... more
Baltic amber’s popularity and its role in various cultures, from the prehistoric to the contemporary, is a very broad and complex subject. Therefore in this text I present an overview of selected cultural links and ways of using amber in... more
FINAL 2023 update to replace in around 360 pages the existing excessively long "The Veneti Language..." which is close to 1000 pages and some say with too many side topics and repetition and hard to read. It continues to document my... more
Baltic amber reached the Mycenaean and Levantine kings by means of a prestige circuit of royal gift-exchanges extending across the Mediterranean area. Amber was valued for its magical properties, which were believed to guarantee victory,... more
Unpublished paper in English about the research of prehistoric trade routes seen from a Danish perspective.
This paper represents an introduction to the issues relating to the presence of amber in Middle Bronze Age on the territory of present-day Hungary. The first half of the second millennium BC, the Carpathian Basin saw the emergence of a... more
Dansk resumé af kandidatafhandlingen 'Rav - Nordens Guld?'
En este trabajo se analiza un conjunto de evidencias, tanto arqueológicas como etnohistóricas, relacionado con la utilización del ámbar en la región maya. La tipología de los ornamentos elaborados en ámbar durante la época prehispánica... more
Conferenza "La stele daunia di Cattolica e le raffigurazioni navali dei Dauni" all'interno del Convegno "I Dauni in Adriatico. Un rinvenimento archeologico straordinario per la conoscenza della navigazione nell'Adriatico antico e... more
После Второй мировой войны в состав Польши перешли обширные территории Балтийского побережья вместе с Гданьском, где традиционно развивался янтарный промысел. Однако в связи с депортацией немцев здесь почти не... more
The problems of amber industry in Sambia at the and of the last century are similar to those it is facing now . Nearly over the whole XX century all significant amber production had stayed only Eastern Prussia, but by the and of the... more
The use of amber has been archaeologically documented in the Iberian Peninsula since the Upper Paleolithic (Aguirre Ruiz de Gopegui, 1998-2000; Álvarez et al., 2005; Peñalver et al., 2007; etc.) and has been a frequent subject of study in... more
Рассказывается о крупнейшем в мире месторождении янтаря-сукцинита на побережье Балтийского моря, об истории добычи и обработки янтаря на Калининградском янтарном комбинате и перспективах его развития.
Amber has been valued greatly for ages. Unfortunately, unlike diamond, it does not last forever. Succinite suffers greatly from exposure to sunlight, air, fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Modern museums attempt to maintain a... more