Recent papers in Americanization
This book falls within the limits of academic research, certified by the order of the Romanian Ministry of Education, no. 5766 / December 15, 2021. The book represents the author's doctoral thesis modified according to the format and... more
O texto apresenta uma crítica ao processo de americanização seletiva do sistema de justiça criminal brasileiro, notadamente quanto à maneira como alguns institutos têm sido transplantados, de maneira parcial e sem as garantias que lhes... more
The aim of the article is to introduce the authors' perspective on how English loanwords are changing the structure and the content of the verbal code of Russian culture and the Russian linguistic pictures of the world, as well as on how... more
In a mere quarter century, Mainland China has grown into a hotspot of international self-help. Though the self-help industry has a centuries-long tradition in the Anglo-American realm, this particular, commercial type of life advice is... more
The article deals with the role of allegedly "Americanized" youths in the (re)building of democracy in postwar Germany. The thesis is that these mainly working class youths utilized "American" cultural props and signs to empower... more
Examining archival footage and documents about the cultural work of silent film during the 1910s and 1920s, this essay reveals the complicity of film with the work of organized Americanization at both federal and industrial levels.... more
Why are some countries more newsworthy than others? What are the similarities and differences in the scope of international news presented in different languages and cultures? How does international news affect our perception of the... more
The thesis of this paper is that in the aftermath of World War II Rock’n’roll (more pre-cisely: what Europeans considered to be “American Rock’n’roll”) became a prime factor of social change. Rock could play this role not by reason of... more
2007. Atenta contra la salud pública, impone estereotipos culturales y daña el patrimonio arquitectónico. Es un monopolio que explota a los jóvenes y mueve miles de millones de dólares por año. Se la acusa de todo esto y de mucho más.... more
La longévité de la Nation de l'Islam, une secte de Musulmans Noirs fondée aux États-Unis au début des années 1930, intrigue d'autant plus qu'elle maintient son adhésion au séparatisme ethnique, à en juger par les déclarations récentes de... more
This book is about the Americanization of Yugoslav culture and everyday life during the nineteen-sixties. After falling out with the Eastern bloc, Tito turned to the United States for support and inspiration. In the political sphere the... more
The purpose of this article is to examine the role of historical white supremacy, articulated through colorism and the systematic denigration of blackness, in the construction of a criminal caste in New Orleans.
This article is about Americanization in Global Culture and The Global Spread of English. As you can see OUTLİNE. Concept of Americanization Debate on Americanization Based on Economic and Cultural Historians Advantages and... more
Curricula, cookbooks, and advertisements published in the early 1900s provide a means by which we can see the various ways that the Americans attempted to influence all aspects of Filipino life following their colonial agenda. How did the... more
'המאמר התפרסם בגיליון מס' 7 של כתב העת 'ישראלים
Suomessa esitetään enemmän yhdysvaltalaisia elokuvia kuin kaikkia muita elokuvia yhteensä. Aina näin ei ole ollut. Hollywood-studiot ryhtyivät levittämään elokuviaan suurissa määrin kaikkialle maailmaan kun ensimmäinen maailmansota miltei... more
This chapter provides a historical perspective on the influence of US cultural forms, norms, practices and textual conventions on European journalism since the rise of the mass press in the 1880s. It critically discusses and challenges... more
This paper analyzes the extent to which the area of La Défense in Paris was influenced by American architecture and ideals.
Agora vamos prosseguir passo a passo. Primeiro faremos uma breve retrospectiva histórica onde trataremos a homogeneização cultural juntamente com a primeira globalização impulsionada pelo colonialismo europeu, a partir das primeiras... more
This book is a cultural history of the processes by which Sydney became a modern city between the 1890s and the late 1920s. It details the activities of the entrepreneurs of commercial pleasures - moving pictures, radio, gramophone... more
This article explores the impact of 'Americanisation' on Italian society in the period leading up to the economic boom. Focussing especially on television, advertising and consumption, it suggests that - despite the influence of American... more
This book offers a detailed account of the impact that contact with the English language has had on Italian language and society. The first chapter places the Italian case within the current sociolinguistic and language policy debates on... more
Çalışmanın amacı, 1950’li yıllarda Türkiye’nin Amerika etkisinde kalan modern hayatını, mimarisini ve mobilya tasarımlarını İstanbul Hilton Oteli üzerinden ele almaktır. Çalışmanın Türkiye’deki modern yaşantıyı ele almasının sebebi, II.... more
This article examines the presence and influence of US advertising in Italy between the early 1950s and the mid-1970s. It argues that there is a need to further qualify and deconstruct the notion of “Americanization” by integrating the... more
Historians and sociologists have long had a fascination with the idea of the postwar British ‘affluent society’. Yet, up until now, most work in this area has been centred upon developments within the private and commercial sectors of the... more
Die "Verwestlichung" der bundesdeutschen Gesellschaft nach der Niederwerfung der NS-Herrschaft ist ebenso unbestreitbar wie ihre Bedeutung und Bewertung umstritten sind. Genaueres Wissen über die damit verbundene Umorientierung in... more
This essay examines select graphic and textual depictions of the corporate body of ‘America’ as a fattened – but also fattening – ‘beast’. Using the controversy sparked by the 2012 California foie gras ban as a way of approaching French... more
This paper analyzes how and why ‘art museum at department-store’ a museum form unique within Japan, emerged and developed. By analyzing the institutional relationship between a diffusion of ’contemporary art’ and a cultural development of... more
Siyasal kampanyalar 1932 yılında ilk kez Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde (ABD) başlamış ve günümüze kadar farklı tekniklerle devam ederek gelişmiştir. Uluslararası alanda başlayan küreselleşme dönemiyle birlikte, seçim kampanyalarında bu... more
Exploring Quicksand. Translation Criticism and Literary Criticism in the Face of the Petrification of Contemporary World Literature In contemporary discussions on the condition and further perspectives of World Literature, the mood of... more
This article discusses different conceptions of cultural transfers from the USA to Western Europe. It argues in favour of a perspective that regards European actors and their ideas of "Americanness" as decisive forces of what is usually... more
This article is a critical (not merely descriptive) guide to fake news. It tracks the term’s history, first in American comedy shows, and shifting more recently into a feature of “post-truth” politics, where it is manufactured... more