Arnold Schoenberg
Recent papers in Arnold Schoenberg
As a comparative reading informed by recent work in integration theory and metaphor theory shows, Heinrich Schenker's and Arnold Schoenberg's Harmonielehren adumbrate broader theories of composition based in part on a conception of the... more
An insurance man, a rocker, a partisan, a deportee, a bandoneonist.... What can such different figures have in common? Very little, you might say, apart from the fact that they are among the main protagonists of "contemporary music", a... more
This article surveys the reception of Arnold Schoenberg's theoretical ideas in English-language music theory, with a primary (though not exclusive) focus on their reception in the United States. William Rothstein has chronicled how... more
This article follows on the heels of one by Holly Watkins, who argues that music, “a subsystem of the social system of communication,” can evoke the organic (the bodily and the psychic) not by forming a self-contained unity of parts and... more
The article is devoted to Karol Rathaus (1895-1954), a Polish composer of Jewish origin, whose second homeland was the United States. Like many other refugee composers, such as Arnold Schönberg, Ernst Křenek, Ernst Toch, Darius Milhaud... more
Este texto é resultante de pesquisa de doutorado já concluída. Trata da aproximação dos conceitos de orientação do pensamento por meio da conversão, subversão e perversão apresentados por Deleuze em associação aos três principais... more
A concept and implementations of an innovative HV capacitor charger system based on resonant modular converter are described. This system may function also as a DC power supply. The charger will be a part of a HV pulsed power supply in a... more
Conferenza. L'Abbozzo di una nuova estetica della musica di Busoni, sua critica della musica a programma e del formalismo di Hanslick, anticipazioni futuriste e matrice romantica, analogie con la poetica schoenberghiana.
Arnold Schoenberg, *Structural Functions of Harmony* (1954, 1969). « Les Fonctions Structurelles de l’Harmonie. Ce livre contient plus de pages d’exemples musicaux – environ 90 – que de pages de texte – approximativement 85. Je considère... more
Is a cycle of twenty one melodramas.
Introdução ao serialismo dodecafônico na segunda escola de viena: Schoenberg, Berg e Webern.
В данное издание вошли избранные статьи из I (и пока единственного) тома книги Пьера Булеза «Ориентиры. Воображать». Выбор статей ориентирован на представление связи между композиторскими техниками XX века, критикой нововенской школы... more
This is the final proof of my new book's second chapter, which studies Op. 11, nos. 2 and 3 in detail, attempting to show that similar motivic processes organize all three pieces of Op. 11.
Consideraciones estilísticas acerca de una de las primeras aproximaciones al serialismo de Arnold Schoenberg: la Serenata, Op. 24. Realizadas en base al análisis de estilo propuesto por el musciólogo Jan LaRue, basado en Sonido, Armonía,... more
The commedia dell’arte, an improvisatory theatrical genre with an enduring influence, hails from 16th-century Italy and has infiltrated almost every art form in varied manifestations. Stockhausen’s Der Kleine Harlekin and Schoenberg’s... more
The Music Libel Against the Jews is a wide-ranging study of the historical Christian exclusion of the Jews, accused as producers of noise in a musical universe dominated by harmonious sounds. Associating harmonies with divine grace,... more
This expository paper examines the evolution of Arnold Schönberg’s music at the turn of the century; from his increasing use of chromaticism and free atonality, and his experimentation with novel tones and textures, to his development of... more
gode di un'ammirazione universale e sostanzialmente incontrastata, ai suoi tempi la sua fama di compositore fu forse velata da quella di organista principe, come dimostra con eloquenza il fatto, per esempio, che i costruttori di organi... more
This new series of monographs reflects the range of recent research in modernist studies, contributing to the interdisciplinary and cross-cultural expansion of the field.
A multifacetada carreira de Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) projeta desafios e provocações para o diálogo entre artes e saberes. Entre ensaio, literatura, etnografia, pintura, música e teatro, Kandinsky se move em meio a realizações... more
A proposta dessa pesquisa está assentada sobre a idéia de que a atual pluralidade de linguagens artísticas pode ter sido originada na passagem do século XIX para o século XX com a necessidade de uma mudança de rumo no conteúdo do discurso... more
The notion of 'resistibility', whereby a work is performed unsympathetically by those who are not in accord with its overall aesthetic, was propounded by Taruskin as a critique of certain performances of Beethoven's Symphony no. 9. In... more
This catalog of melodic and harmonic materials found in Yusef Lateef’s "Repository of Scales and Melodic Patterns" is meant as a study guide for practical and academic use. I have listed only the materials Lateef employed as general... more
The harmonic-functional system is based on a conception of harmony and the chords of the tonality derived from the notion of differential hierarchy, fifth relationships and functional affinity, whose consequence is the recognition of... more
This paper will examine Arnold Schönberg’s influence on the modern jazz world through the teachings of one of its most influential theorists and pedagogues Dennis Sandole, mentor to John Coltrane, James Moody, Art Farmer, Jim Hall, Pat... more
This essay presents evidence that James Joyce was knowledgeable about — and appreciated — modernist classical music. It provides an exposition of his musical life in Zurich and Paris, from 1915 onwards, with connection to his... more
Bu çalışmada 20. Yüzyıl Klasik Batı Müziğinin önemli bestecilerinden Arnold Schönberg’in Op. 17 Erwartung Operası ele alındı. Çalışma tarihsel açıdan 20. Yüzyıl başı Modernizmi ile sınırlandırıldı. Bu sayede 20. Yüzyıl içinde oldukça... more
The paper tracks the origins of horizontal and vertical synthesis in early Schoenberg. Influenced by Wagner and Brahms, this synthesis was evidently first used in Schoenberg's Op. 7 String Quartet. This paper presents evidence that, in... more
The following article is an adapted excerpt from a larger work about the influence of Arnold Schoenberg and The Second Viennese School on the 1960s avant-garde Jazz Multi-instrumentalist Eric Dolphy. Transcriptions of Dolphy's solos were... more
Dans les "Fonctions structurelles de l'harmonie" Schoenberg mentionne régulièrement ses autres traités, par contre, il ne fait référence que très rarement à d'autres auteurs. Il est donc intéressant de les nommer ici. C'est dans le... more
Este trabalho demonstra uma singular representação do antagonismo entre o novo e o tradicional no começo do século XX. Será feita uma pequena contextualização do opus 11 de Arnold Schoenberg, através de criticas da época, de fatos e... more
I. Contexto histórico Um livro como o Harmonielehre de Arnold Schoenberg tornou-se um dos clássicos, já faz décadas, sobre harmonia tonal e em especial sobre o pensamento deste grande compositor. Existem inúmeras traduções para outras... more
Articolo sulla "Entartete Musik", la "musica degenerata": questa l'etichetta con cui fu bollata dal regime Nazista la musica non corrispondente ai canoni imposti dal Reich o composta da autori di stirpe non ariana.
This chapter aims to elucidate the relationships between design and music, appealing to the conceptual metaphor debate. It considers the epistemological importance of George Lakoff's invariance hypothesis on conventional metaphors to... more
Actualización del artículo, septiembre 2022 en
justify the forum almost entirely on their own. Then there is the book. It inaugurates its own sub-discipline which reaches into several disciplines besides mainstream music theory, such as music perception and cognition, human... more