Twentieth-century Music
Recent papers in Twentieth-century Music
Compared against volumes I and III of Isaac’s Choralis Constantinus, contrapuntal complexities are more frequently used in the music for the Konstanz cathedral. This could be one of the main reasons for Anton Webern’s fascination with... more
To my mother Ursula, who introduced me to the many wonders of Venice Beach, Santa Monica Pier, and to the music of The Doors.
A musical theatre legend has died. Stephen Sondheim, the greatest composer-lyricist of his generation, passed away on November 26 at the age of 91.
Tempo 216 (April 2001), 46-47
A comparative analysis of Jewish entrepreneurs, agents, and managers in the formative era of rock 'n' roll and their contributions to the music's increasing globalization.
Nel ghetto che i nazisti durante la seconda guerra mondiale istituirono a Theresienstadt (in ceco Terezín, poco a sud vi è Praga) Viktor Ullmann fu compositore prolifico e promotore della vita culturale degli internati. Di origini... more
Giacomo Manzoni composed his theatrical work Atomtod between 1961 and 1965. It is well known that here the composer resorted to «Stilpluralismus», making use of many different compositional styles and techniques, from jazz to eighteenth... more
CHAPTER 3 of the book. SERBIAN & GREEK ART MUSIC is the first book in the English language to examine the assimilation and development of western art music in Serbia and Greece during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The book is... more
Giacomo Albert La musica di Marco Stroppa: percorsi paralleli tra tecnologie e pensiero compositivo, 340 pp. Relatore: Prof. Gianmario Borio Università degli Studi di Pavia (Cremona), a.a 2005/ 2006 Title: La musica di Marco Stroppa:... more
Conferenza. L'Abbozzo di una nuova estetica della musica di Busoni, sua critica della musica a programma e del formalismo di Hanslick, anticipazioni futuriste e matrice romantica, analogie con la poetica schoenberghiana.
From the BBC Proms to Bernstein's Young People's Concerts, initiatives to promote classical music were a pervasive feature of twentieth-century musical life. Their goal was rarely just to reach a larger and more diverse audience; many... more
In the course of its triumphant conquest of European stages, Benjamin Britten’s Peter Grimes (1945) received its Austrian premiere – to mixed reviews – during the 1947 Grazer Festwochen, a festival organized in cooperation with British... more
Often compared uncritically, here is a more considered examination of their place in music, and the contributions they made.
"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more
Many of Alexander Scriabin's preludes feature quixotic or rhythmically inaccurate notation, including time signatures that do not correlate with rhythmic events in the foreground. From the standpoint of performance practice, I introduce... more
B atavus Droogstoppel, 'makelaar in koffij' in de Max Havelaar, wist niet goed wat hij moest denken van de 147 teksten die hij aantrof in het bij hem aan de Lauriergracht afgegeven pak van Sjaalman. 'Onzedelijke verzen' natuurlijk, maar... more
This thesis analyzes selected dream ballets, examining their appearances and investigating how they were used throughout their existence, offering a new perspective on an often-neglected dramatic device of American music theater. Each... more
An aesthetic definition of 'Symbolism' that is not specific to music, and therefore does not submit to the vague romanticised rhetoric that is usually found in that discourse, would describe it as applying to art works that seek a... more
С 56 Современная камерная музыка: Тембр, жанр, форма [Текст]: учебная программа дисциплины / авт.-сост. Н. Ю. Афонина, М. А. Долгова.-2-е изд., перераб. и доп.-СПб.: Скифия-принт, 2018.-51 с. Авторы-составители: кандидат искусствоведения,... more
Il caso di Gavino Gabriel (1881-1980) offre l’occasione per riconsiderare uno dei nodi più problematici ma anche più fecondi del primo Novecento musicale italiano, legato al difficile rapporto di convivenza tra la retorica del... more
В статье предлагается новый взгляд на процесс развития музыкального искусства ХХ века. Центральное место Стравинского в этом процессе характеризуется на основе морфологического анализа его сочинений 1900–1910 годов. Вводится в научный... more
Tchaikovsky Marche Slav, Stravinsky Firebird Suite (1919).
Carolyn Watson Conductor,
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra,
April 24, 2015.
Carolyn Watson Conductor,
Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra,
April 24, 2015.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
How did a circle of twentieth-century queer composers around Aaron Copland and Virgil Thomson manage to forge a long-awaited American national sound during the most homophobic period in U.S. history? The answer given in my 2004 book, *The... more
This article examines how the twentieth-century composer dealt with the paradox of communicating with the composer's own self and with other musicians, but not with the public at large.
ÖZET Tarih sahnesinden, farklı biçimlerde yorumlanan, mirası farklı boyutlarda değerlendirilenler yalnızca siyasi kişilikler ya da Napolyon gibi askeri portreler değildir. Çoğu zaman kültürel aktörler, müzisyenler örneğinde olduğu gibi... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Камерная инструментальная музыка ХХ-ХХ1 веков: вопросы истории и теории жанра Учебное пособие по курсу «Современная камерная музыка: тембр, жанр, форма» (для студентов духового и струнного отделений оркестрового факультета консерватории)... more
Study day on Messiaen's Turangalîla-Symphonie, Royal Festival Hall, South Bank Centre, London, 9 January 2016. With Tom Service and Gillian Moore.
The grotesque is one of art's most puzzling figures-transgressive, comprising an unresolveable hybrid, generally focussing on the human body, full of hyperbole, and ultimately semantically deeply puzzling.
Artículo incluido en el programa de mano de la representación de la zarzuela La tabernera del puerto, de Sorozábal. Teatro de la Zarzuela, noviembre 2021
Диссертация выполнена на кафедре истории зарубежной музыки в Московской государственной консерватории им. П.И.Чайковского. Научный консультант - доктор искусствоведения, профессор Крауклис Г.В. Защита состоялась 23 мая 1996 г. на... more
Consideraciones estilísticas acerca de una de las primeras aproximaciones al serialismo de Arnold Schoenberg: la Serenata, Op. 24. Realizadas en base al análisis de estilo propuesto por el musciólogo Jan LaRue, basado en Sonido, Armonía,... more
Le fonds Marc Danval a été créé au sein des collections musi-cales de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique au mois de mars 2010, suite à l'achat de la collection personnelle de l'animateur radio, journaliste et écrivain bruxellois. Cette... more
A reappraisal of the "Generalissimo"