Kalevala and Finnish Popular Culture
Recent papers in Kalevala and Finnish Popular Culture
Yksi Suomen taide- ja kulttuurihistoriallisista sivujuonteista on muinaisegyptiläisen kulttuurin ja sen tutkimisen eli egyptologian vaikutus joihinkin Suomen kulttuurin osa-alueisiin 1700-luvulta aina nykypäivään saakka.Tästä... more
Completata nel 1789, sotto gli auspici dell'Aufklärung tedesca, quest'opera del curato Christfrid Ganander è in assoluto la prima trattazione scientifica di ampio respiro sulla mitologia finlandese e, insieme, una delle sue più preziose... more
This article examines the diverse and at times hard-to-discern relationship between the Finnish national epic, the Kalevala, and Finnish popular music. The Kalevala, existing in a number of variations already in the nineteenth century,... more
J. R. R. Tolkien invests the acts of creation in Middle-Earth with consistent philosophical principles. In deriving these philosophical principles, Tolkien drew from other mythologies he admired—one of which is the Kalevala. Though... more
This article focuses on the films Sampo and Rauta-Aika, the most in-depth audio-visual interpretations of the Kalevala, both born at cultural interfaces: Sampo as a joint Finnish-Soviet production where Finnish research on the Kalevala... more
The goal of the thesis is to provide new approaches for the interpretation of the elaborate Finnish and Karelian bear ceremonial’s songs, which were intensively collected in the 19th Century and in the early 20th Century. The study aims... more
The influences on Tolkien. A piece written at A-Level for an Extended Project Qualification.
This paper was originally written not long after my dissertation, although it was published in 2014. It is centrally related to work I had done on Elias Lönnrot's Kalevala and situates Lönnrot's reinvention of oral epic poems as the most... more
This monograph examines the way two sets of wide-spread European folktales became incorporated into the storytelling traditions of Europeans. The stories themselves are compared and treated as reservoirs of orally transmitted popular... more
Many world traditions cast medicine women as the greatest healers, so powerful that they are even capable of bringing the dead back to life. This article looks at narratives about Isis of Egypt; Pa Sini Jobu of Mali; Medea of Colchis;... more
Рахно К.Ю. Арфа Сырдона: западноевропейские параллели // Коста и мировой историко-культурный процесс. Сборник материалов Международной конференции, посвященной 155-летию со дня рождения К.Л. Хетагурова. – Владикавказ: ИПЦ СОИГСИ ВНЦ... more
Keywords: Dream, music, modern music, Finnish composers, Finnish poetry, Kalevala, Jean Sibelius, Kaija Saariaho, Tapio Tuomela, Johan Ludvig Runeberg, Elias Lönnrot, Finland, Sámi, Nordic cultures. Based on a presentation given at the... more
The thurs (O.N. þurs) is an archetypal monster appearing throughout the literature of medieval Northern Europe. The enduring popularity of this archetype is evidenced by the release of at least three Hollywood movies in the last fifteen... more
A study of shields and their use as both defensive weapons and grave goods in Late Iron Age, rather in the Viking Age and Crusading Period in the geographical area of Modern Finland. The focus is both on archaeology and textual sources,... more
M. A. Castrén 1853: Föreläsningar i finsk mytologi. Helsingfors: Finska Litteratur-Sällskapet. Matthias Alexander Castrénin (1813-1852) Luentoja suomalaisesta mytologiasta on avainteos suomalaisen mytologian tutkimuksen historiassa.... more
Finskan syventävien oppimistehtävässä tarkastelen Kalevalan kieltä, Väinämöistä antisankarina ja Kalevalan naisia, Lönnrotin aikaa. Lönnrotin aika Elias Lönnrot (1802-1883) oli köyhä, opinhaluinen nuorukainen, jonka intohimona oli... more
This paper deals with Finnish lexical loans in modern English relating them to external history and cultural history of Finland. Chronologically the study starts all the way back in the (prehistoric) Old English period and moves on from... more
Original article in English (2014) published in the bilingual anthology Kalevala: Epica, Magia, Arte e Musica / Kalevala: Epic, Magic, Art and Music (ed. by Piludu and Frog, 2014, VociFuoriscena-Viterbo). Proceeding of the bilingual... more
The article “Translation as Language” is divided into two parts. In the first I discuss the circumstances why, generally speaking, translation fails; why it succeeds; and what I mean by the premise embedded in the title. In the second, I... more
The aim of this article is to show how the Finnish language and especially the epic poetry of Kalevala formed and inspired J.R.R. Tolkien in the shaping of Middle-earth. The article explores the background of Elias Lönnrot and his... more
There is a growing sense among scholars working in cognitive literary studies that their assumptions and methodologies increasingly align them with another paradigmatically interdisciplinary field: comparative literature. This... more
Nuova versione riveduta e corretta dell'articolo pubblicato nel 2014 (versione bilingue) e 2015 (versione italiana). La nuova versione del 2021 è pressoché identica nei contenuti, ma ci sono delle piccole variazioni, per esempio alcune... more
This paper explores the use of theonyms as personal names in medieval and post-medieval Finland and Karelia. It examines two groups of theonyms (best known today as 'heroes' of the epic Kalevala) in uses for living people in pre-modern... more
Artikkeli erittelee erilaisia diskursseja, joissa Kalevalaa ja kansanperinnettä käsiteltiin neuvostokarjalaisessa suomenkielisessä lehdistössä vuosina 1928–1958. Aineisto koostuu etupäässä kirjallisuus- ja sanomalehdistöstä. Aineistossa... more
Il presente scritto si propone come obiettivo l’analisi e la traduzione di alcuni testi poetici di Aleksis Kivi, padre del romanzo finlandese. Nel primo capitolo viene descritto brevemente il contesto letterario e vengono presentati... more
This paper introduces the god/hero Lemminkäinen as developed in Elias Lönnrot's Kalevala in comparison with the oral traditions on which Kalevala is based, their variation and the history behind them. The historical perspectives are... more
The human capacity for oral communication is superbly well developed. While other animals produce meaningful sounds, most linguists agree that only human beings are possessed of true language, with its complex grammar. Moreover, only... more
This paper focuses on the similarities between the Finnish epic the Kalevala, and J.R.R. Tolkien's Silmarillion. It compares the music at the beginning of the world's creation from the Silmarillion with the music made by Väinämöinen in... more
This article is about the notions of history and language of a Finnish artist and writer Sigurd Wettenhovi-Aspa (née Sigurd Asp, 1870–1946), and the Swedish writer August Strindberg (1849–1912), and their interaction. Wettenhovi-Aspa and... more
This is the preface to the new Finnish edition of C. S. Lewis's spiritual autobiography Surprised by Joy (Kirjapaja, 2013) .
As diferentes formas de imaginação da organização identitária entre os humanos resultou – e resulta – em identificações variadas e muitas vezes interligadas entre si. Entretanto, os habitantes da Europa oitocentista viram o surgimento de... more
In the Finnish short documentary Santra ja puhuvat puut (Santra and the Talking Trees) (2013), the director Miia Tervo travels to Russian Karelia in search of her roots in the cradle of Finno-Ugrian mythology and culture. She finds rune... more
When around the turn of the century (1900), it was said in international artistic circles in Europe that “the light came now from the North”, the North implied also Finland, although without doubt Norway was in this sense most North. In... more
Originally this low-budget book was written to form part of a series of studies (Skrifter) from the Department of Finnish at the University of Copenhagen, aiming at strengthening the position of Finnish studies. It was complemented a few... more