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Yksi Suomen taide- ja kulttuurihistoriallisista sivujuonteista on muinaisegyptiläisen kulttuurin ja sen tutkimisen eli egyptologian vaikutus joihinkin Suomen kulttuurin osa-alueisiin 1700-luvulta aina nykypäivään saakka.Tästä... more
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      Cultural HistoryEgyptologyArchitecturePopular Culture
‘First I will take care of the women’ she begins. Tablet GLO-75 is a letter dated 300 BC from the wealthy mother of a groom to her future daughter-in-law, whose family or tribe has been hostile. She promises an extravagant wedding to... more
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      Celtic LinguisticsFrench linguisticsFinnish LiteratureFinnish Language
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      Finnish LiteratureRealismFinnish History
Arto Salminen wrote his six novels in the context of the neoliberal turn in Finland. They were a response to the rapid growth of the power of capital over labor. Salminen's thematization of neoliberal class difference and the supporting... more
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      NeoliberalismSocial ClassFinnish LiteratureRealism
Essee Pussikaljaromaanista, Pölkystä ja Nenäpäivästä. Teoksessa Kertomuksen luonto (toim. Kaisa Kurikka, Olli Löytty, Kukku Melkas & Viola Parente-Capkova, Nykykulttuuri 2012)... more
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    • Finnish Literature
The poet Pentti Saarikoski (1937-1983) was one of the most significant Finnish writers of the 20th century. He was also a prolific translator, who received many prestigious awards for his literary production. Throughout his life... more
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      ADHD (Psychology)Twentieth-Century and Contemporary PoetryModern PoetryAsperger's Syndrome
This article focuses on affects and emotions that are constructed and conveyed to readers in depression writing. How can fictional texts evoke the experiential world of depression? How are the often distressing and unsettling experiences... more
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      DepressionEmbodied CognitionCognitive NarratologyAffect/Emotion
Completata nel 1789, sotto gli auspici dell'Aufklärung tedesca, quest'opera del curato Christfrid Ganander è in assoluto la prima trattazione scientifica di ampio respiro sulla mitologia finlandese e, insieme, una delle sue più preziose... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyNordic StudiesNordic languages
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      Kalevala and Finnish Popular CultureFinnish LiteratureLiteraturaFinlandia
(Toim. Mika Hallila, Yrjö Hosiaisluoma, Sanna Karkulehto, Leena Kirstinä ja Jussi Ojajärvi) Mitä Suomen kirjallisuudessa on tapahtunut vuosituhannen taitteessa? Kaksiosainen Suomen nykykirjallisuus kartoittaa nykykirjallisuuden... more
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      Contemporary LiteratureFinnish Literature
Sono raccolti in questo numero della rivista saggi di studiosi italiani e stranieri che indagano il rapporto fra Verga e “gli altri”. Le ricerche qui esposte muovono in tre principali direzioni: la prima riguarda gli autori che sono stati... more
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      Russian LiteratureItalian LiteratureMoroccoNaturalism
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      Dystopian LiteratureDystopian FictionWar and LiteratureFinnish Literature
A defining feature of retranslation is that a previous translation exists, and this earlier text has a first translator. In this article we argue that the figure of the first translator exerts an influence in the retranslation process,... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesTranslationFinnish Literature
Series editor alexandra büchler The present study was commissioned in the framework of the LEILA Research project supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation and coordinated by Literature Across Frontiers in partnership with ArabLit and... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslationFinnish LiteratureFinnish Language
Kirjailija Eeva Joenpellon (1921–2004) elämäkerran sähköinen versio. Teos ilmestyi alunperin vuonna 2009 Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran kustantamana.
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      LiteratureBiographyFinnish LiteratureBiography and Life-Writing
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      ModernismFinnish LiteratureTulenkantajatSuomalainen kirjallisuus
"Finnish Names and Surnames: Diffusion, Knowledge and Interpretations"
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      SurnamesFinnish LiteratureFinnish LanguageFinland
This article focuses on the films Sampo and Rauta-Aika, the most in-depth audio-visual interpretations of the Kalevala, both born at cultural interfaces: Sampo as a joint Finnish-Soviet production where Finnish research on the Kalevala... more
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      Film StudiesHistorical FilmsFilm HistoryFilm and History
The collection, first one ever on Aino Kallas in English, highlights her significance to the artistic and intellectual horizons of modernity of Finland and Estonia as well as those of Scandinavia and Europe. Containing articles focusing... more
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      ModernismScandinavian StudiesModernist LiteratureFinnish Literature
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      LiteratureTransnationalismSpace and PlaceBorder Crossing
In the Steaming Lap of the Land is concerned with the metaphor of land as woman in the works of Lapp author Timo K. Mukka (1944–1973). This recurrent metaphor in Mukka’s prose and poetry derives from the Romantic tradition, in which... more
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      MetaphorEcocriticismFinnish Literature
Sono raccolti in questo numero della rivista saggi di studiosi italiani e stranieri che indagano il rapporto fra Verga e “gli altri”. Le ricerche qui esposte muovono in tre principali direzioni: la prima riguarda gli autori che sono stati... more
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      French LiteratureRussian LiteratureNaturalismFinnish Literature
This volume addresses the prominent, and in many ways highly similar, role that historical fiction has played in the formation of the two neighbouring ‘young nations’, Finland and Estonia. It gives a multi-sided overview of the function... more
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      The Historical NovelBaltic StudiesCultural Memory19th Century (History)
In everyday use, the concepts of utopia and dystopia are often understood as binary oppositions of each other. However, a dystopia is not the simple reverse of a utopia. As literary traditions both utopia and dystopia belong to the same... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureDystopian FictionFinnish LiteratureYA Literature
Despite the increasing number of research on translating for children, no study has so far taken into consideration the translations of children’s literature from Finnish into Italian. This dissertation sets out to fill this gap with a... more
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      Translation StudiesChildren's LiteraturePicture BooksChildren's and Young Adult Literature
Nordic Narratives of Nature and the Environment is the first English language anthology that presents ecocritical research on northern European literatures and cultures. The contributors examine specifically Nordic narratives of nature... more
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      Climate ChangeNordic StudiesLiteratureNordic Literatures
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      Finnish LiteratureHungarian Translation
Sähköinen versio Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran vuonna 2005 julkaisemasta väitöskirjastani.
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      Gender StudiesLiteratureStudy of ReligionsCivil Religion
Dass Manfred Peter Hein, der im Mai 2021 seinen 90. Geburtstag beging, zu den wirklich herausragenden zeitgenössischen deutschen Autoren gehört, ist erst in jüngster Zeit ganz deutlich zu erkennen. Aber immer noch scheint es, als stünden... more
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      Translation Studies20th Century German LiteratureTranslation of PoetryFinnish Literature
A survey of twenty years of translations of Finnish novels into Italian. The role of translators and publishers.
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      Translation StudiesFinnish Literature
The purpose of this article is to explore the binary relationships found in the novel My Cat Yugoslavia by the Finnish Albanian writer Pajtim Statovci. The theoretical background to the discussion is the previous research on... more
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      LiteratureAlbanian StudiesJacques Derrida & DeconstructionFinnish Literature
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      HistoryFinnish LiteratureFinlandFinnish History
Pollari, Mikko, Hanna-Leena Nissilä, Kukku Melkas, Olli Löytty, Ralf Kauranen & Heidi Grönstrand 2015: National, transnational and entangled literatures: methodological considerations focusing on the case of Finland. In Ann-Sofie... more
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      LiteratureTransnationalismScandinavian StudiesFinnish Literature
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      Mythology And FolkloreFinnish Literature
Original article in English (2014) published in the bilingual anthology Kalevala: Epica, Magia, Arte e Musica / Kalevala: Epic, Magic, Art and Music (ed. by Piludu and Frog, 2014, VociFuoriscena-Viterbo). Proceeding of the bilingual... more
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      History of ReligionHistory of ReligionsEarly Modern ItalyKalevala and Finnish Popular Culture
The theme of environmental destruction and human-induced climate change has become a staple of fiction in the first decades of the twenty-first century. This article explores how a particular genre, crime fiction, responds to this... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureCrime fictionPopular Fiction
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      Kalevala and Finnish Popular CultureFinnish LiteratureFinnish art and literatureFinnish Culture
This study introduces the professional and life story of translator Marta Hellmuthová (1917–1988), both in the context of cultural and political history and as a contribution to the translator studies. Hellmuthová, the educated and... more
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      Cultural PolicyCommunismPolitical PrisonersTranslation
Monitoimimies Sakari Pälsi on erityisen tunnettu maailmanmatkoistaan. Ensimmäiselle tutkimusmatkalleen ulkomaille hän pääsi kuitenkin vasta 26-vuotiaana, nykynäkökulmasta ajatellen varsin myöhään. Pälsi oli edellisenä vuonna saattanut... more
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      ArchaeologyMongolian StudiesHistory of MongoliaAnthropology of Mongolia
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      Children's LiteraturePicture BooksFinnish LiteratureMauri Kunnas
Nuova versione riveduta e corretta dell'articolo pubblicato nel 2014 (versione bilingue) e 2015 (versione italiana). La nuova versione del 2021 è pressoché identica nei contenuti, ma ci sono delle piccole variazioni, per esempio alcune... more
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      Early Modern ItalyKalevala and Finnish Popular CultureFinnish LiteratureFinnish Language
This dissertation argues that Finland is currently being under-represented on the literary world scene and the translation of an excerpt from Marjo Niemi’s novel Kaikkien menetysten äiti (2017) that forms part of this study is set to be a... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslationFinnish LiteratureLiterary translation
Globalization, immigration and the multiculturalization of society have had a deep impact on Finland in the last few decades. But what effect did these altered cultural-societal circumstances have on literary life in Finland in the early... more
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      Reception StudiesMultilingualismLiteratureTransnationalism
Komisario Palmusta etnodekkariin, ympäristörikoksiin ja kyberuhkaan Johdanto Rikoskirjallisuutta on pidetty pitkään vain viihteellisenä ja vähemmän arvostettuna kirjallisuudenlajina. Viime vuosikymmeninä tilanne on kuitenkin muuttunut, ja... more
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      Detective FictionFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesFinnish Literature
Toimitettu vuosikirja.
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      LiteratureLiterary CriticismFinnish Literature
The aim of this paper is to discuss the composition of Johanna Sinisalo’s novel The Core of the Sun by demonstrating how the author used excerpts of academic text to create the literary world of the novel. As the theoretical foundation, I... more
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      Academic WritingPossible WorldsFinnish LiteratureDystopia
Il presente scritto si propone come obiettivo l’analisi e la traduzione di alcuni testi poetici di Aleksis Kivi, padre del romanzo finlandese. Nel primo capitolo viene descritto brevemente il contesto letterario e vengono presentati... more
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      Poetry TranslationKalevala and Finnish Popular CultureTranslationFinnish Literature
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      Translation StudiesScandinaviaNorwegian LiteratureBook Publishing
"...What resonates most in these narrative pieces for me is the way that I story Finn-ness through nature. It is perplexing that, although I spend most of my time as a city rather than a country mouse, I feel most at home in the forest in... more
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      Self and IdentityChildren's LiteratureChildren's Literature & CultureChildren's and Young Adult Literature
This paper introduces the god/hero Lemminkäinen as developed in Elias Lönnrot's Kalevala in comparison with the oral traditions on which Kalevala is based, their variation and the history behind them. The historical perspectives are... more
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistoryCultural History