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It is shown that a process similar to Earley's algorithm can be generated by a simple top-down backtracking parser, when augmented by automatic memoization. The memoized parser has the same complexity as Earley's algorithm, but parses... more
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      Computer ScienceParsingLISPCommon Lisp
Local search is often able to solve larger problems than systematic backtracking. To apply it to a constraint satisfaction problem, the problem is often treated as an optimization problem in which the search space is the total... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceSimulated AnnealingNeural Network
Many constraint satisfaction and optimisation problems can be expressed using linear constraints on pseudo-Boolean (0/1) variables. Problems expressed in this form are usually solved by integer programming techniques, but good results... more
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      Computer ScienceLocal SearchHardware VerificationConstraint Satisfaction
Systematic backtracking is used in many constraint solvers and combinatorial optimisation al- gorithms. It is complete and can be combined with powerful search pruning techniques such as branch- and-bound, constraint propagation and... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceMathematical SciencesCombinatorial Problems
Many combinatorial problems can be modeled as 0/1 integer linear programs. Problems expressed in this form are usually solved by Operations Research algorithms, but good results have also been obtained using generalised SAT algorithms... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceTheory Of ComputationOperations Research
A variety of hybrids of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research techniques have given impressive results. Three recent approaches are (i) the use of relaxations in constraint systems, (ii) non-systematic... more
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      Computer ScienceOperations ResearchConstraint ProgrammingBranch and Bound
Logic programming provides a declarative framework for modeling and solving many combinatorial problems. Until recently, it was not competitive with state of the art planning techniques partly due to search capabilities limited to... more
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      Computer ScienceLogic ProgrammingBacktrackingProgramming language
The Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem (DCOP) is a fundamental framework of multi-agent systems. With DCOPs a multi-agent system is represented as a set of variables and a set of constraints/cost functions. Distributed task... more
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      Computer ScienceMulti Agent SystemSearch AlgorithmMathematical Optimization
In this paper, we extend the traditional formalization of distributed constraint satisfaction problems (DisCSP) to a quantified DisCSP. A quantified DisCSP includes several universally quantified variables, while all of the variables in a... more
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      Computer ScienceAsynchronous CommunicationMathematical OptimizationDistributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem
Mobile ad-hoc network is a prioritized mobility based wireless network It can be easily deployed in every aspect, without underlying foundation and base support. It is a collection of mobile nodes that help and comply with their neighbor... more
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      Computer ScienceMANET Routing protocolsMobile Ad Hoc NetworkComputer Network
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      Cognitive ScienceMathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
Chapter 2 Algorithms from the Literature : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17 2.1 Overview of the Chapter : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17 2.2 De nitions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 18 2.3... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceHeuristicsAlgorithm
We show via an exhaustive computer search that there does not exist a (K 6 -e)decomposition of K 29 . This is the first example of a non-complete graph G for which a G-decomposition of K 2|E(G)|+1 does not exist.
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      MathematicsCombinatoricsDecompositionPure Mathematics
Sudoku is one of the most famous puzzles in the world, it has variants such as Hyper Sudoku. These puzzles can be solved by different AI algorithms. This project consists of a solver that can solve standard Sudokus and Hyper Sudokus... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceConstraint Satisfaction ProblemsLogical Puzzles
In the setting of session behaviours, we study an extension of the concept of compliance when a disciplined form of backtracking and of output skipping is present. After adding checkpoints to the syntax of session behaviours, we formalise... more
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      Computer ScienceTheory Of ComputationSyntaxSemantics (Computer Science)
Behavioral contracts are abstract descriptions of the communications that clients and servers perform. Behavioral contracts come naturally equipped with a notion of compliance: when a client and a server follow compliant contracts, their... more
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      Computer ScienceServerBacktrackingDecidability
The inclusion of universal quantification and a form of implication in goals in logic programming is considered. These additions provide a logical basis for scoping but they also raise new implementation problems. When universal and... more
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      Computer ScienceLogic ProgrammingUnificationBacktracking
Puji syukur penulis panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas rahmat-Nya, karya tulis ilmiah berjudul "Algoritma Pencarian: Penerapan dan Optimalisasi dalam Ilmu Komputer" ini dapat diselesaikan. Karya ini disusun untuk... more
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One of the programming problems in the 2002 Pacific Northwest regional ACM ICPC contest provides a new way to teach backtracking and also provides a very powerful example of a forward-looking bounding function. This article presents the... more
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      Computer SciencePacific NorthwestImplementationBacktracking
We describe a reduction from temporal property verification to a program analysis problem. Our reduction is an encoding which, with the use of procedures and nondeterminism, enables existing interprocedural program analysis tools to... more
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      Computer ScienceModel CheckingTheoretical Computer ScienceBacktracking
Multi-task learning is a powerful method for solving several tasks jointly by learning robust representation. Optimization of the multi-task learning model is a more complex task than a single-task due to task conflict. Based on... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceBacktracking
This study presents a novel Equiangular Direction Method (EDM) to solve a multi-objective optimization problem. We consider optimization problems, where multiple differentiable losses have to be minimized. The presented method computes... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceOptimization ProblemMathematical Optimization
Multi-task learning is a powerful method for solving several tasks jointly by learning robust representation. Optimization of the multi-task learning model is a more complex task than a single-task due to task conflict. Based on... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceBacktracking
This study presents a novel Equiangular Direction Method (EDM) to solve a multi-objective optimization problem. We consider optimization problems, where multiple differentiable losses have to be minimized. The presented method computes... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceOptimization ProblemMathematical Optimization
One of the key factors in the efficiency of backtracking algorithms is the rule they use to decide on which variable to branch next (namely, the variable ordering heuristics). In this paper, we give a formulation of dynamic variable... more
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      Computer ScienceHeuristicsMathematical OptimizationBacktracking
Cet article présente plusieurs contributions au "Conflict Driven Clauses Learning" (CDCL), qui est une des composantes clés des solveurs SAT modernes. Tout d'abord, nous montrons que, à partir du graphe d'implication, les clauses... more
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Dans cet article, nous proposons une analyse statique des différentes contraintes d'un réseau afin d'identifier certaines propriétés (ou caractéristiques) générales. L'utilisation de ces propriétés rend possible une inférence de supports... more
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One of the key factors in the efficiency of backtracking algorithms is the rule they use to decide on which variable to branch next (namely, the variable ordering heuristics). In this paper, we give a formulation of dynamic variable... more
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      Computer ScienceHeuristicsMathematical OptimizationBacktracking
In this paper we give a short introduction to logic programming approach to knowledge representation and reasoning. The intention is to help the reader to develop a 'feel' for the field's history and some of its recent developments. The... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceLogic Programming
PρLog is an experimental extension of logic programming with strategic conditional transformation rules, combining Prolog with ρLog calculus. The rules perform nondeterministic transformations on hedges. Queries may have several results... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringLogic ProgrammingProlog
In the scope of distributed constraint reasoning, the main algorithms presented so far have a feature in common: the addition of links between previously unrelated agents, before or during search. Our work presents a new search procedure... more
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      Computer ScienceBacktrackingConstraint SatisfactionLearning Constraint Programming
In the scope of distributed constraint reasoning, the main algorithms presented so far have a feature in common: the addition of links between previously unrelated agents, before or during search. Our work presents a new search procedure... more
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      Computer ScienceBacktrackingConstraint SatisfactionLearning Constraint Programming
In the last years, the AI community has shown an increasing interest in distributed problem solving. In the scope of distributed constraint reasoning, several asynchronous backtracking procedures have been proposed for nding solutions in... more
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      Computer ScienceAsynchronous CommunicationBacktrackingDistributed Problem Solving
Following the pioneer work of Yokoo and colleagues on the ABT (asynchronous backtracking) algorithm, several ABT-based procedures have been proposed for solving distributed constraint networks. They differ in the way they store nogoods,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
With the aim of supporting the process of adapting railway infrastructure to present and future traffic needs, we have developed a method to build train timetables efficiently. In this work, we describe the problem in terms of constraints... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificialTrainSchedule
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    • Constraint
Student evaluation is an essential part of education and is done through the system of examinations. Examinations generally use question papers as an important component to determine the quality of the students. Examination question paper... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceWeb ApplicationsDifferential Evolution
In today's competitive market designing of digital systems (hardware as well as software) faces tremendous challenges. In fact, notwithstanding an ever decreasing project budget, time to market and product lifetime, designers are faced... more
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    • Computer Science
In this paper we introduce a methodology for utilizing concurrency in place of backtracking in the implementation of nondeterministic algorithms. This is achieved in an applicative setting through the use of the Friedman-Wise... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceComputer SoftwareConcurrency
We introduce a new programming language construct, Interactors, supporting the agent-oriented view that programming is a dialog between simple, self-contained, autonomous building blocks. We define Interactors as an abstraction of answer... more
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      Computer SciencePrologAgent Oriented Programming LanguagesMetaprogramming
Prolog's ability to return multiple answers on backtracking provides an elegant mechanism to derive reversible encodings of combinatorial objects as Natural Numbers i.e. ranking and unranking functions. Starting from a generalization of... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceGeneralizationExecutable Models
With sound unification, Definite Clause Grammars and compact expression of combinatorial generation algorithms, logic programming is shown to conveniently host a declarative playground where interesting properties and behaviors emerge... more
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      Computer SciencePrologCombinatory LogicarXiv
The backtrack Hölder gradient method with application to min-max and min-min problems Volume 4 (2023), article no. 8 (17 pages)
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceEconomics
The workflow satisfiability problem (WSP) asks whether there exists an assignment of authorised users to the steps in a workflow specification, subject to certain constraints on the assignment. (Such an assignment is called valid.) The... more
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      Computer ScienceBoolean SatisfiabilityBacktracking
Sudoku is a puzzle game played on a grid that consists of 9 x 9 cells each belonging to three groups: one of nine rows, one of nine columns and one of nine sub grids (sometimes called regions). The game of Sudoku is basically based on... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceGrid
Problem Solving systems customarily use backtrackingto deal with obstaclesthat they encounterin the courseoftryingto salvea problem. This paper outlines an approach in which the possible obstacles are investigated priorto the search for a... more
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      Computer ScienceMathematical SciencesBacktracking
Three connections between Dynamic Programming (DP) and Constraint Programming (CP) have previously been explored in the literature: DP-based global constraints, DPlike memoisation during tree search to avoid recomputing results, and... more
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      Computer ScienceDynamic programmingConstraint ProgrammingMathematical Optimization
In this paper we analyze the effect of selecting the root in a tree decomposition when using decomposition-based backtracking algorithms. We focus on optimization tasks for Graphical Models using the BTD algorithm. We show that the choice... more
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      Computer ScienceDecompositionBacktrackingRoot (Linguistics)
This paper describes the main algorithms for solving constraint satisfaction problems, and includes the corresponding encodings (the main different with respect [3] is that, in their paper, they provide a more informal description of the... more
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      Computer ScienceInferenceInteligencia artificialBacktracking
Collins introduced the cylindrical algebraic decomposition method for eliminating quantifiers in real arithmetic formulas. In our work we use this method for satisfiability checking in satisfiability modulo theories solver technologies,... more
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      MathematicsAlgebraic Number TheoryApplied MathematicsComputer Science