Recent papers in Beveridge
William Beveridge is usually considered the “father of the welfare state”, thanks to the 1942 Report on Social Insurance and Allied Services he authored for the British Government. In this extraordinarily detailed and argued document,... more
The macroeconomic agenda known as Keynesianism was highly contentious when it was introduced to Australia during the Second World War. Using a ‘history from below’ approach – correctly understood as a society-wide analysis – this thesis... more
Special Issue, The Origins of the Welfare State: Global and Comparative Approaches Co-edited by Agnoletto, S. and Palmieri, C.... more
The undeniable fact is that the various social sciences and other disciplines constitute the research perspective, which relates to the practice of multidimensional phenomenon. The welfare state is an excellent example of such one, which... more
Beveridge curve that suggests a negative relationship between vacancy rate and unemployment rate is a significant instrument with regard to tell us about the matching efficiency between vacancy and unemployment in the labor markets. This... more
We appraise the impact of various indicators of active and passive labour-market policies within the framework of the Beveridge curve across 14 OECD countries from 1985 to 2013, controlling for a wide spectrum of other factors, both... more
We appraise the impact of various indicators of active and passive labour-market policies within the framework of the Beveridge curve across 14 OECD countries from 1985 to 2013, controlling for a wide spectrum of other factors,... more
Esta nota revisa la evolución de la seguridad social en los 100 años de historia de la OIT, y los principales desafíos que se presentan en un contexto de profundas transformaciones sociales, políticas y económicas a nivel global.
Herein we examine recommendations made in 1944 by Friedrich Hayek for the Government of Gibraltar, regarding Gibraltar’s future economic prospects. In keeping with Hayek’s ideas in The Road to Serfdom, he proposed reducing state-led... more
We appraise the impact of various indicators of active and passive labour-market policies within the framework of the Beveridge curve across 14 OECD countries from 1985 to 2013, controlling for a wide spectrum of other factors, both... more
For a long time, the importance of social policies in the South European countries has been neglected by scholars. These countries were reduced to the dimension of latecomers and their differences categorised as underdevelopment. Only in... more
La riforma sanitaria cipriota dovrebbe aumentare la qualità e l'efficienza del sistema, grazie ai maggiori finanziamenti del sistema pubblico, alla riduzione di liste di attesa e al miglioramento delle infrastrutture. Dopo lunga... more
“Questo di Piero Roggi, storico del pensiero economico, rimodella con semplicità ed efficacia il conte philosophique in giro per l’Europa di un gentiluomo e della sua domestica cagnetta, alla ricerca del Graal che si nasconde al cuore... more