Body of Christ
Recent papers in Body of Christ
Although the quest for God’s Wisdom is something very personal for Augustine, the paper sets the ecclesiological context of his doctrine. Augustine’s way to the wisdom is not a way accessible to intellectuals only: it is open to anybody... more
This dissertation explores the Trinitarian concept of perichoresis as a means of demonstrating the relational life of God to be characterised by inclusion and integrity, before examining the Pauline Corinthian epistles, especially the... more
Abstract: T. F. Torrance, in the midst of early modern ecumenical dialogue, presented an ecclesial ontology robustly informed and determined by Christological categories. This is nowhere more evident than in his interpretation of the... more
A Personal reflection addressing the increase in number of church splits taking place in Fiji amongst Pentecostal denominations. It is not a historical reflection but rather a biblical view of the Church and why church splits and church... more
Here is a modest reflection on the Church in the thought of Joseph Ratzinger (1927–). My aim is to examine Ratzinger’s claim that a proper understanding of the Church is obtained from the standpoint of her liturgy. While Ratzinger... more
The 'One New Man'/ 'Corporate Body of Christ' is the fulfilled hope of resurrection. The common 'Evangelical' position is the hope for“... the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life... more
In Gardens of Love and the Limits of Morality in Early Netherlandish Art, Andrea Pearson charts the moralization of human bodies in late medieval and early modern visual culture, through paintings by Jan van Eyck and Hieronymus Bosch,... more
Das bequeme Leben vieler Christen im Westen ist von der Realität verfolgter Kirchen und Christen oft weit entfernt. Weil aber die Bibel deutlich macht, dass Ablehnung und Leiden zum Normalfall des christlichen Daseins gehören, verändert... more
If Virgil's damnation motivates Dante in the heaven of Jupiter to interrogate the inner workings of divine justice, the ultimate theological point in contention is the nature of predestination. This article offers Augustine as an... more
¿Quién es Jesús? Si todo hombre es más que sí mismo en virtud de las relaciones que lo constituyen, Jesús lo es de manera eminente pues recapitula en su carne las principales figuras que en el AT expresan al pueblo elegido y, en él, a... more
Autobiographical, embodied and sexual storytelling is of great political and theological significance. Taking up Marcella Althaus-Reid’s suggestion that queer theologies are by definition first person theologies, in this essay I engage in... more
All human communities and relationships exist, in part, through a remembered past. The Church is a community radically constituted by memory, particularly the historic and spiritual memory recorded in Scripture. This paper will... more
Pablo usó la metáfora del cuerpo para referirse a la unidad doctrinal de la iglesia por los dones. Aunque los miembros sean muchos, la cabeza es una sola, es decir, un único centro de coordinación y control. Si la iglesia se comporta como... more
Central to the Pauline teaching on the Lord’s Supper in 1 Corinthians 10–11 are the two food elements, bread and wine (the “cup”), signifying the body and blood of the Lord. Two interpretive stances are dominant among exegetes. In respect... more
La rencontre entre l'apôtre incrédule Thomas et le Christ ressuscité, relatée dans l'évangile de Jean, est un épisode rarement mis en images durant l'époque médiévale, mais pourtant crucial pour tenter de comprendre la difficulté à... more
One of the challenges to the philosophical consideration of ecclesiology is that as a domain of theology, it is underdeveloped. One can, however, attend directly to the biblical source material and discover opportunities to bring... more
Why a God we can eat? Corpus Christi is a minor feast day suggested by Thomas Aquinas to popularize the church's teaching on the meaning of the words "This is my body." Controversy has raged sine the ninth century and split the... more
Paul’s imagery of the Body of Christ as a description of the Church differs from its plausible hellenistic parallels, among other things, in bringing into prominence the “weaker”, shameful members of the Body (1 Cor 12:22-24). They are... more
In recent decades, the use of metaphor in ecclesiology has been broadly critiqued on the ground that metaphors are too abstract and idealized to advance our understanding of the concrete church in history; consequently, ecclesiology has... more
Journal Article Published in One In Christ, Vol. 42, No. 1 (Summer 2008), p20-28. ( Summary: Colossians 1:24 and Ephesians 1:22-23 assert that the church (ἐκκλησία) is the body... more
The Church is also referred to as “body of Christ”, especially in Pauline epistles. It is almost analogous to a living organism. Therefore, its growth should naturally result from its health. But the Church in the West is facing a... more
The paper contributes to the theology of inspiration. The author draws conclusions regarding the biblical inspiration from contemporary ecclesiological thought presenting the Church as the Body of Christ. The Holy Spirit acted upon both... more
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the connection between Paul’s characteristic use of the ”Body of Christ”-motif in 1 Cor 12, and the common use of the body-motif in antiquity. In the Greco-Roman world, the body-motif was... more
Catholic Theological Society of America Annual Convention (Church/Ecumenism session). Pittsburgh, PA, June 2019. I use Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of the body to interpret the ecclesial “body of Christ” image such that it... more
В статті автор намагається пояснити співдію між «єдиним хрещенням» і «одним Тілом Христовим». Він це робить увівши термін «хрещення богосинівства», аргументуючи, що Церква як Тіло Христове покликана стати новим Народом Божим. Цей новий... more