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In this letter, we investigate the effect of station distribution (including the number and azimuthal gap of stations) upon location error based on the field data observed at Northern California Seismic Network (NCSN) using a... more
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      Bootstrap MethodStatistical TestField DataEarthquake Location
Microchip arrays have become one of the most rapidly growing techniques for monitoring gene expression at the genomic level and thereby gaining valuable insight about various important biological mechanisms. Examples of such mechanisms... more
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      MathematicsStatistical AnalysisBiologyCell Cycle
Prenatal maternal stress has been linked to multiple adverse outcomes. Researchers have used a variety of methods to assess maternal stress. The purpose of this study was to explore and compare factors associated with stress in pregnancy... more
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      PerceptionSocial SupportRisk assessmentMaternal and Child Health
This paper evaluates the four leading techniques proposed in the literature for construction of prediction intervals (PIs) for neural network point forecasts. The delta, Bayesian, bootstrap, and mean-variance estimation (MVE) methods are... more
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      AlgorithmsBayesianGenetic AlgorithmsNeural Network
This paper examines the random walk process for four currency futures prices for the period 1977-1987 by using the variance ratio test. The random walk hypothesis is tested through asymptotic standardized statistics as well as by... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceTime SeriesRandom Walk
This paper evaluates the four leading techniques proposed in the literature for construction of prediction intervals (PIs) for neural network point forecasts. The delta, Bayesian, bootstrap, and mean-variance estimation (MVE) methods are... more
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      AlgorithmsBayesianGenetic AlgorithmsNeural Network
A class of weighted bootstrap techniques, called biased bootstrap or b-bootstrap methods, is introduced. It is motivated by the need to adjust empirical methods, such as the`uniform' bootstrap, in a surgical way to alter some of their... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsBootstrap Method
Lo scopo del presente lavoro è quello di estendere al caso del campionamento per cattura-ricattura il metodo bootstrap per la stima della varianza di stimatori costruiti su campioni da popolazioni finite. Nel campionamento da popolazioni... more
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      Capture recaptureBootstrap Method
In this paper we propose a new technique that uses the bootstrap to estimate con dence and prediction intervals for neural network (regression) ensembles. Our proposed technique can be applied to any ensemble technique that uses the... more
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      Statistical AnalysisNeural NetworksEstimation TheoryEconomic Forecasting
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceProbabilityMultivariate Analysis
Radiographic testing is a well-established non-destructive testing method to detect subsurface welding defects. In this paper, an automatic computer-aided identification system was implemented to recognize different types of welding... more
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      EngineeringImage ProcessingFuzzy LogicNeural Networks
This study provides a first broad systematic treatment of the euagarics as they have recently emerged in phylogenetic systematics. The sample consists of 877 homobasidiomycete taxa and includes approximately one tenth (ca. 700 species) of... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsZoologyEcology
... A TEST FOR IXDEPENDENCE BASED ON THE CORRELATION DIhIENSION ... The first order asymptotic distribution of tlie test statistic is independent of estimation error provided tliat the parameters of the model under test can be estimated... more
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      EconometricsNonlinear Time SeriesModel SelectionSpecification Tests
Optimal alternative bivariate ranked set sample designs for the matched pairs sign test are obtained. Our investigation reviled that the optimal bivariate ranked set sample designs for matched pairs sign test are those with quantifying... more
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      StatisticsNumerical AnalysisRanked Set SamplingBootstrap Method
This paper employs the recently developed structural stability test with multiple regime shifts and grid bootstrapping methods to model US inflation dynamics over the past half century. Our empirical results suggest that the persistence... more
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      EconomicsEmpirical EconomicsStructural StabilityMonetary Policy
Referendum style willingness to pay questions have been used to estimate passive use values. This referendum question format method may be problematic for many reasons, including the statistical techniques used to estimate willingness to... more
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      Endangered SpeciesApplied EconomicsContingent valuationData Collection
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      Southeast AsiaEconomic DevelopmentFinancial SystemDeveloping Country
In recent years, small businesses have received much attention from policy makers and researchers, in that these businesses are considered important for economic growth and job creation. At the same time small businesses are assumed to... more
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      MarketingSmall BusinessManagement AccountingEconomic Growth
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) is attracting much interest in the soil science community because it has a number of advantages over conventional methods of soil analyses. The techniques are more rapid, timely, cheaper and hence... more
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      Soil ScienceScience CommunicationMultivariate StatisticsPrediction
We propose to model multivariate volatility processes based on the newly defined conditionally uncorrelated components (CUCs). This model represents a parsimonious representation for matrix-valued processes. It is flexible in the sense... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsTime SeriesDimension Reduction
In this paper we compare some modern algorithms i.e. Direct Maximization of the Likelihood (DML), the EM algorithm, and Multiple Imputation (MI) for analyzing multivariate normal data with missing responses. We also compare two approaches... more
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      Parameter estimationModel SelectionMaximum LikelihoodMissing Data
This study examined maladaptive perfectionism (concern over mistakes, doubts about one's ability to accomplish tasks, and failure to meet high standards) as both a mediator and a moderator between adult attachment (anxiety and avoidance)... more
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      PsychologyCounseling PsychologyPersonalityDepression
In this paper we review recent developments on a bootstrap method for robust estimators which is computationally faster and more resistant to outliers than the classical bootstrap. This fast and robust bootstrap method is, under... more
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      StatisticsPrincipal Component AnalysisDiscriminant AnalysisBootstrap Method
Problem statement: Bootstrap approach had introduced new advancement in modeling and model evaluation. It was a computer intensive method that can replace theoretical formulation with extensive use of computer. The Ordinary Least Squares... more
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      MultidisciplinaryStandard DeviationBootstrapModel Evaluation
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      Occupational HealthAtherosclerosisPublic HealthBiometry
Analysis of biological forms using landmark data has received substantial attention recently. Much of the statistical work in this area has concentrated on the estimation of average form, average form difference, and average growth... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyAnthropologyMatrix Analysis
In recent years, the bootstrap method has been extended to time series analysis where the observations are serially correlated. Contributions have focused on the autoregressive model producing alternative resampling procedures. In... more
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      StatisticsMonte Carlo SimulationTime SeriesTime series analysis
We study the feasibility of producing relevant statistics to measure the impact of globalization in the Canadian economy. In this project we require means of key economic variables for the wholesale industry at the level of “Trade Group”... more
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      GeographyMean square errorSmall Area Estimationpenalized B-splines
In this paper we conduct a systematic comparison of confidence intervals around estimated probabilities of default (PD) using several analytical approaches as well as parametric and nonparametric bootstrap methods. We do so for two... more
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      Applied MathematicsRisk ManagementInvestmentCredit Rating
The traditional estimated return for the Markowitz mean-variance optimization has been demonstrated to seriously depart from its theoretic optimal return. We prove that this phenomenon is natural and the estimated optimal return is... more
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      Applied MathematicsAsset AllocationMathematical FinancePortfolio Optimization
Resolving the issue of how Early Stone Age hominins acquired large mammal carcasses requires information on their feeding interactions with large carnivores. This ecological information and its behavioral and evolutionary implications are... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyPaleontologyAnthropology
Column liquid chromatography Non-linear least squares routines Standard errors in fitting parameters Jacknife technique Monte Carlo simulations
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      Analytical ChemistryMonte Carlo SimulationMonte CarloStandard Error
This paper summarizes the present status of confidence interval estimation for one-factor random models. We provide both closed-form intervals and generalized confidence intervals for several parameters. Simple numerical examples are... more
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      StatisticsBootstrapFive Factor ModelBootstrap Method
Polymorphisms in nitrosamine metabolism, DNA repair, and immune response genes have been associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Studies have suggested chromosomal regions involved in NPC. To shed light on NPC etiology, we... more
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      GeneticsEpidemiologyImmune responseMetabolism
Meta-analysis is a statistical technique that allows one to combine the results from multiple studies to glean inferences on the overall importance of various phenomena. This method can prove to be more informative than common ''vote... more
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      EcologyBootstrappingSampling methodsStatistical Techniques in Spatial Analysis
H. 2011: Quantitative biochronology of Devonian ammonoids from Morocco and proposals for a refined unitary association method. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 469-489.
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyGeologyPaleontology
In this survey study of 430 undergraduates, elements of the social competencies and interpersonal processes model were tested. Two social competencies were hypothesized to mediate the direct effects of 2 independent variables, attachment... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkPsychotherapyCounseling Psychology
The paper presents a Java framework for stochastic modelling and simulation, used as an infrastructure to model and simulate real world activities, phenomena and processes, particularly in health care, patient monitoring and medical... more
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      Health CareMedical EducationModeling and SimulationPatient Monitoring
This paper focuses on the problem of the estimation of a distribution on an arbitrary complete separable metric space when the data points are subject to censoring by a general class of random sets. If the censoring mechanism is either... more
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      StatisticsSurvival AnalysisMultivariate AnalysisNon Parametric Estimation
This paper explores a relatively new methodology, the directional distance function method, to analyse productivity growth. The method allows us to explicitly evaluate the role that undesirable outputs of the economy, such as carbon... more
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      EconometricsApplied EconometricsCarbon DioxideApplied Economics
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      StatisticsApplied StatisticsKernel Density EstimationBootstrap Method
Mediation is said to occur when a causal effect of some variable X on an outcome Y is explained by some intervening variable M. The authors recommend that with small to moderate samples, bootstrap methods (B. Efron & R. Tibshirani, 1993)... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEffect sizeStatistical Significance
Theories applied to work stress predict that coping will mediate and support will moderate the impact of work demands on worker well-being. We explored the mediating and moderating effects of coping and support on the relationship between... more
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      PsychologySocial SupportIntellectual DisabilityRegression Analysis
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      StatisticsApplied StatisticsKernel Density EstimationBootstrap Method
This paper discusses a SAS® macro that provides three approaches to statistical inferences about Mahalanobis distance. Mahalanobis distance is useful as a multivariate effect size, being an extension of the standardized mean difference... more
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      Statistical InferenceEffect sizeBootstrap MethodConfidence Interval
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      Mathematical SciencesSample SizeBias CorrectionSimulation Study
Several studies that have investigated a few stocks have found that the spacing between consecutive financial transactions (referred to as trade duration) tend to exhibit long-range dependence, heavy tailedness, and clustering. In this... more
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      Time SeriesGoodness of FitBootstrap MethodStable Distribution
The finite annual rate of population increase (l) is a fundamental demographic parameter that characterizes the relative annual change in animal numbers. Uncertainty in the estimation of l from demographic population viability analyses... more
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      Sensitivity AnalysisMultidisciplinaryWildlifeEigenvalues
This paper uses data envelopment analysis (DEA) to estimate the technical efficiency of 12 hotels in Luanda, Angola. The study uses a balanced data set with 84 observations over the years 2000-2006. In a second stage, this paper uses a... more
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      MarketingTourismTechnical efficiencyBootstrap
Effects of a Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management Intervention on the Psychological, Endocrinological, and Immunological Health of Minority Women Co-infected with HIV and HPV. Abstract of a thesis at the University of Miami. Thesis... more
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      Stress ManagementHUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUSCortisolAfrican American