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ABSTRACT & RÉSUMÉ & ZUSAMMENFASSUNG : Although Britain has been so far the hardest hit among the EU member states by the corona pandemic, Johnson persists to leave the EU at the end of 2020, whatever the cost. Presumably, the pandemic... more
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      African StudiesGhanaKenyaNigeria
In this interview, Catharine Des Forges, Director of the Independent Cinema Office (ICO) is asked about her views and experiences of UK film exhibition and audiences. The ICO is a London-based organisation that supports UK independent... more
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      Cinema StudiesFilm ExhibitionUK Film IndustryIndependent Cinema
Ξένη Δ. Μπαλωτή Με το Brexit κανείς δεν δικαιούται να γελάσει, αλλά να χαμογελάσει μπορεί. Είναι και αυτός ένας τρόπος για να καταπιεί το φαρμάκι. Άλλωστε, δεν φταίμε εμείς εάν οι Βρετανοί συνεχίζουν, παρά τις υπαρξιακές επιλογές τους, να... more
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      BrexitBrexit UK
Brexit shocked liberal elites across Europe, instigating a burgeoning new field of research. Brexit scholarship tends to puzzle over two questions: what happened? What will happen now? This article addresses the latter and builds upon... more
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      International RelationsPost-ColonialismNational IdentityEuropean Union Politics
"In capitalist society… democracy is curtailed, wretched, false, a democracy only for the rich, for the minority"-V.I. Lenin. Westminster, the so-called 'Mother of Parliaments', perfectly illustrates the truth of this. Parliament is... more
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The Brexit is a term used to explain about the withdrawal of Great Britain from the European Union. Brexit is an important political development in the recent political scenario of Europe. It has its impacts on the economic and political... more
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      European integrationBrexitBrexit UKBrexit 2016
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      European UnionUnited KingdomBrexitBrexit UK
This contribution interprets the east-central European post-liberal governments’ recent anti-immigrant, anti-refugee and anti-human-rights hysteria in the context of the increasing dependence of the region’s societies for livelihood on... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEuropean HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
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      European LawInternational LawEuropean Union LawEU Law
SUMARIO: I. Introducción. II. Las preocupaciones y posibles situaciones futuras que se manejan desde el Reino Unido. 1. Lo que dicen los documentos generales sobre el Brexit, sobre los aspectos legis-lativos y sobre la cooperación... more
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      Private International LawFamily Law - Marriage, Child and Succession - Civil/Personal LawArea of Freedom, Security and JusticeBrexit UK
hem İngiltere özelindeki hem de küreselleşmeyi inşa edip yararlanmış Batı dünyasının genelindeki çalkantıyı, basit bir ırkçı kabarışa indirgeme yanlışlığına düşmemek gerekiyor. Batı medeniyetini defalarca intiharın eşiğine getiren... more
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      GlobalizationGlobalization And Postcolonial StudiesMilliyetçilikKüreselleşme
Globalization has been the most debated phenomenon in last three decades. In the post-cold war era, right after dismemberment of Soviet Union, globalization process, led by the US, swept the states with liberal norms, integration of... more
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      GlobalizationNationalismPopulismEuropean Union
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      Border StudiesSovereigntyInternational SecurityCross-border cooperation
The extreme right wing is on the rise. And there are signs that part of the political mainstream in Europe, the US, and beyond is considering going along with far-right populist parties and their divisive, ethno-nationalist programmes.... more
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      Gender StudiesComparative PoliticsMedia StudiesDemocratic Theory
This paper provides a critical theoretical review of the political factors, which significantly influenced the June 2016 Brexit decision to leave the European Union (EU). This paper also provides a critical investigation of the likely... more
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      BrexitBrexit UKEfecto Brexit
My aim is to help provide the Remain movement with a deeper background analysis of the players and forces behind Brexit – the people, their ideas and interests; of the tactics, strategies, tools and alliances they have been employing;... more
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    • Brexit UK
The aim of this study is to provide quantitative and qualitative evidence on the territorial patterns of employment dynamics within European countries and regions, highlighting the key trends and main drivers (territorial conditions and... more
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      Spatial AnalysisSociology of KnowledgeKnowledge EconomyLondon
The Brexit referendum triggered a feverish debate over the future of Britain. Critics warn of a country stripped of its international influence, while advocates insist that it marks the beginning of a new phase in British engagement with... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisBritish History
This paper addresses the main problems arising from the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union with regard to insolvency proceedings. The following issues will be discussed: the modes of recognition of foreign insolvency... more
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      Insolvency LawInternational insolvency lawBankruptcy LawBrexit UK
This article is a review of "Hubris: The Road to Donald Trump" published in 2020 by Lord David Owen, former British Foreign Secretary and EU Envoy to ex-Yugoslavia. In this book, Lord Owen draws on the notion of "hubris syndrome" in... more
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      PopulismJacques LacanDemagogy/demagogueryEgo-ideal
More than five years have passed since former British Prime Minister David Cameron delivered a much acknowledged and controversial speech on 23 January 2013, in respect to the British relationship with the European Union (EU). Europe and... more
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      Critical Discourse StudiesTopos theoryDiscourse-Historical ApproachEuropean identities
Following the outcome of the historic 'Brexit' referendum on 23 rd June 2016 in which a majority of eligible voters in the UK voted to 'Leave,' the United Kingdom is potentially on course to leave the European Union, but to ensure... more
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      Data ProtectionFintechBrexit UK
Brexit has become the most controversial puzzle in Europe since the referendum held in 2016. Some developments in the digital landscape, which seem to favour a more direct democracy at first glance, have adverse effects rather than being... more
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      Media StudiesPolitical communicationMedia FramingBrexit UK
Brexit, the UK withdrawal from the European Union, provides quite a challenge for theorists of international relations. Causes, effects as well as systemic, nation-state and individual analyses have yet to capture its essence which will... more
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      International Relations TheoryEuropean UnionUnited KingdomBrexit UK
Now that the final lap of the EU-UK Brexit Trade Agreement negotiations seems to be at make-or-break point, few can anticipate the consequences, let alone the red herring effect. Many will wonder if this break-up on the periphery of the... more
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      European integrationEuropean UnionSecessionBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )
The outcome of the Brexit referendum is the apex of a long history of Euro-British relationships characterised by two opposing but coexisting stereotypes. On the one hand, England appears as the freedom-seeking nation resisting... more
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      British LiteratureEuropean HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean Studies
This article uses an analytical approach in order to dissect the major legal issues concerning the enforcement of intra-EU awards post-Brexit. The outcomes of the enforcement cases will depend on the country where enforcement is sought... more
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      Investment ArbitrationForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )International Investment Law and Investment Treaty ArbitrationBrexit UK
Though the UK is weaker than the EU on key metrics of bargaining power, the British approach to the first phase of the Brexit negotiations has been characterised by hard bargaining. Efforts to explain this puzzle have focused on... more
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      International NegotiationsEuropean Union PoliticsNegotiation TheoryBargaining Theory
Artículos de revista (y notas ‘colgadas’ en un blog) Índice: Pág. 2 Aditivos 2 Agricultura 3 Alimentación y consumo sostenibles 3 Alimentos ecológicos 4 Biotecnología 5 Blockchain Technology 5 BREXIT 7... more
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      Food SafetyFood and NutritionUSABrexit UK
The issue of the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union (the so-called Brexit) means a turning point both in the history of the European integration, and also of the United Kingdom.The 51% of the British electorate voted in favor... more
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      BrexitBrexit UKArticle 50 TEUUK withdrawal
Until recently, the on-going legal discussions about ‘Brexit’, the United Kingdom’s upcoming withdrawal from the European Union (EU), have predominantly focused on the requirements and consequences of the withdrawal procedure set out in... more
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      European Economic AreaEEACommon European MarketBrexit UK
Brexit was presented as the solution for Britain to take back control of its national borders. However, a closer look at a Mediterranean British border shows that Brexit could weaken the ability of UK authorities to manage and reduce... more
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      Borders and BorderlandsStraits of GibraltarBrexit UK
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      International EconomicsInternational RelationsPoliticsEuropean Politics
This article will challenge the assumption that UK nationals have lost EU citizenship following Brexit because such a loss amounts to an arbitrary withdrawal of citizenship, prohibited by international law. The current public debate, and... more
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      European LawHuman Rights LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
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      Postcolonial StudiesRace and RacismNationalismColonialism
Further considerations on Brexit, truth, mendacity, choice and the public mind.
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      GovernmentalityPoliticsMichel FoucaultEuropean Union Politics
Abstract: This paper analyzes the attitude of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland towards European integration before and after the referendum on 23 June, in which the citizens of Great Britain voted to leave the... more
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      Brexit UKImpact of BrexitUnited Kingdom and Europe
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      Cyprus conflictPuerto RicoFrench Overseas TerritoriesNew Caledonia
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      Political ScienceEnglandBrexit UK
On 24 June 2016, many people had the feeling that they had gone to bed the night before in the United Kingdom and had woken up in Little Britain – a country prone to isolationism and protectionism, risking hurting its economic and social... more
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      European StudiesQueer StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean Law
Au sommaire : Où va l’Iran ? / Iran: Where to Now?, avec Mohammad-Reza Djalili, Professeur émérite à l’Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement à Genève et Thierry Kellner, Maître de conférences au Département de... more
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      Asian StudiesIndonesian StudiesIranian StudiesPakistan
Birleşik Krallık’ın (BK) resmen AB’den ayrılması ile Brexit süreci sona ermiş olsa da geçen 11 ay içinde taraflar arasında pek çok çözülememiş sorunun giderek daha fazla gerilimi yükselttiği görülüyor. Nitekim AB ile BK arasında ayrılık... more
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      Avrupa BirliğiBrexitBirleşik KrallıkKuzey İrlanda
De quoi Boris Johnson est-il le nom? La division leavers/remainers va-t-elle perdurer? Quel avenir est promis au parti conservateur et au parti travailliste. Ces questions, et bien d'autres! Vous trouverez dans ce document le lien... more
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsLabour Party (UK)Foreign Policy Analysis
Columna el espectador
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      European UnionBrexit UK
Against the backdrop of international affairs in Europe since 2010, intervention in the Middle East and diplomacy in South Asia, two further critical things have taken place to shock the state of the United Kingdom since 2016. This... more
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      Poltical EconomyBrexit UKCOVID-19 PANDEMIC
Terrorism is not a new concept. It has been in the vocabulary, the daily lives of millions of people. Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, terrorism has become a shared enemy in the international system. In the aftermath of the attack and... more
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      International RelationsTerrorismInternational organizationsPolitical Violence and Terrorism
RESUMEN: Ali Smith es una gran creadora de atmósferas melancólicas. En su novela "Otoño" nos sumerge en la añoranza de la vida por parte de un hombre centenario, Daniel; añoranza que toma tintes políticos en la joven Elisabeth, enfrentada... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLiteratureScottish Studies
This article aims to indicate the role and importance of migration issues in the British social and political discourse in the period before Brexit. The article consists of three main parts. The first part adumbrates basic information... more
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      MigrationLabor MigrationMigration StudiesInternal migration
This report analyses the vote in the 2016 European Union (EU) membership referendum and the predicted impacts of leaving the EU based on the analysis of five local authority areas in England and Wales: Barnet, Ceredigion, Mansfield,... more
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      European StudiesGlobalizationGlobalisation and cultural changeBritish Politics
A discussion of the extent to which the Henrician Reformation continues to shape British culture, with particular reference to the 'Henry VIII' bill proposed as part of Brexit plans. Published in the i-newspaper on 'Reformation Day' to... more
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      Reformation StudiesMartin LutherMartin luther and the ReformationBrexit