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The suspension-feeding metazoan subkingdom Lophophorata exhibits characteristics of both deuterostomes and protostomes. Because the morphology and embryology of lophophorates are phylogenetically ambiguous, their origin is a major... more
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      WaterEcosystem ServicesWater qualityEcology
Species in the genus Bugula are globally distributed. They are most abundant in tropical and temperate shallow waters, but representatives are found in polar regions. Seven species occur in the Arctic and one in the Antarctic and species... more
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      Molecular phylogenyBryozoa
In 2012 numerous colonies of Pectinatella magnifica (Leidy, 1851) (Bryozoa, Phylactolaemata) were discovered in the reservoir of Esch-sur-Sûre (Luxembourg) fed by the river Sûre. The colonies were particularly abundant in the shallow,... more
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1. Habitat-forming bryozoans are here defined as extant, heavily-calcified species which regularly attain sizes over 50 mm in three-dimensions and which contribute significantly to benthic habitat structure as living colonies. 2. Records... more
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      Marine ConservationBiogenic HabitatBryozoanBryozoa
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      ReligionInvertebratesBiographyNatural History
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      Marine BiologyTechnologyInvertebratesBiological Sciences
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      Water PurificationPoriferaMultidisciplinaryAnimals
Hara U., Słowakiewicz M. and Raczyński P. (2013) Bryozoans (trepostomes and fenestellids) in the Zechstein Limestone (Wuchiapingian) of the North Sudetic Basin (SW Poland): palaeoecological implications. Geological Quarterly, 57 (3):... more
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The continental shelf of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) is predominantly composed of unconsolidated sediments with a few hard substrates represented principally by beachrock. In this area there are elongate deposits of shell gravel material which... more
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    • Bryozoa
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      BiographyInvertebrate ZoologyCnidariaHydrozoa
The transition from uniserial to multiserial forms in the evolution of the bryozoan order Cheilostomata resulted from the change from a proxipetal sequence of development of buds in zooids to a distopetal. Possible morphogenetic... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyDevelopmental BiologyEvolutionary Developmental BiologyInvertebrate Biology
Compared to their calcified sister group, order Cheilostomata, uncalcified ctenostome bryozoans exhibit relatively simple and often inconsistent morphologies, making them particularly suitable candidates for the use of molecular tools to... more
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    • Bryozoa
Previous analyses of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and c-proteobacterial endosymbiont diversity have suggested that the marine bryozoan Bugula neritina is a complex of three cryptic species, namely Types S, D... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine biodiversityBiological invasionsBiogeography
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    • Bryozoa
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyCarbon DioxideBiology
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      ChemistryOrganic ChemistryAnimalsNicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors
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      ZoologyGeographyScanning Electron MicroscopyPhylogeny
Ernst, A., & May, A., & Marks, S. (2012): Bryozoans, corals, and microfacies of Lower Eifelian (Middle Devonian) limestones at Kierspe, Germany. - Facies, 58: 727-758, 11 figs., 8 tabs.; Erlangen.... more
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      GeologyPaleontologyCoral ReefsPalaeontology
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      GeographyMolecular EvolutionPopulation DynamicsBiodiversity
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      PhysiologyZoologyMolecular EvolutionMorphology
Research on South African marine biology and biodiversity commenced during the colonial years in the 17th century. Infrastructure grew rapidly with an increase in the European settler population allowing for the establishment in 1825 of... more
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      Marine biodiversityBenthic EcologyTaxonomy of BryozoanBryozoa
En principe inoffensifs, certains bryozoaires, marins ou dulcicoles, peuvent néanmoins créer des nuisances, par exemple, en provoquant des allergies, en colonisant des coques de navires, en obstruant des conduites ou des prises d'eau ou... more
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      Fish DiseasesTherapeuticsAllergiesBiofouling
The present study considers 88 bryozoan species occurring in freshwater: 69 phylactolaemate and 19 gymnolaemate species. Roughly 49% of these species are confined to one zoogeographical region. The cosmopolitan status of species like... more
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      ZoogeographyFresh waterBryozoa
The breadth of habitat occupied by a species, and the rate at which a species can expand into new habitats has important ecological and evolutionary consequences. Here we explore when extant species of free-living cupuladriid bryozoans... more
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      Marine BiologyTechnologyAustraliaEnvironmental Monitoring
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsZoologyPhylogenetics
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      ZoologyTaxonomyAnimalsPacific ocean
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      Marine BiologyMicrobial diversityPoriferaMultidisciplinary
Plastic debris provides long-lasting substrates for benthic organisms, thus acting as a potential vector for their dispersion. Its interaction with these colonizers is, however, still poorly known. This study examines fouling communities... more
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      Plastic SurgeryFoulingSharksMarine Benthos
In August 2007 colonies of Plumatella emarginata Allman, 1844 and P. casmiana Oka, 1908 (Bryozoa, Phylactolaemata) were found in Lake Pamvotis near Ioannina (Epirus, NW Greece).
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      GreeceIoannina regionBryozoaPhylactolaemata
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      Biological SciencesAnimalsPopulation DensityBiological evolution
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsZoologyMolecular Evolution
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      TechnologyBiofilmsEnvironmental SciencesMarine BioTechnology
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      EcotoxicologyEnvironmental PollutionMultidisciplinaryFouling
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      BioinformaticsLife SciencesMultidisciplinaryBiomedical Research
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyBrazilSystematics
This study investigates the morphogenesis of eolonies of living bryozoans of the order Cheilostomata and the evolution of the pattern of its development. New data on the morphogenesis of more than ten species of living White Sea bryozoans... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyFunctional MorphologyVertebrate Fossil PreparationInvertebrate Zoology
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      ZoologyCambodiaScanning Electron MicroscopyBiodiversity
In all probability, natural selection began as ancient marine microorganisms were required to compete for limited resources. These pressures resulted in the evolution of diverse genetically encoded small molecules with a variety of... more
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      GeneticsMarine BiologyChemical EcologySymbiosis
Floatoblasts collected in Summer 2001 in one of the ponds of St Stephen's Green in the heart of the city of Dublin (Ireland) belonged to the following species: Plumatella casmiana, P. repens, P. emarginata, P. fruticosa, Cristatella... more
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