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The insects are known to be the most successful and diverse animals on earth. Variability of nocturnal insects in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University campus was recorded by using the light trap method for collection of insect. This trap... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate ZoologyHistory of Zoology
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      ParasitologyLatin American StudiesInvertebrate BiologyCentral America and Mexico
Food insecurity is a major problem facing the Kenyan populace. There are acute food shortages that do not satisfy the increasing population as traditional food stocks continue to be depleted as a result of environmental changes and... more
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      ZoologyFood ScienceNutritionFood and Nutrition
The aim of this study was to analyze the socio-economic effect of COVID-19 lockdown and its associated factors among college students. A survey study was conducted through social media in the age group of 18-25, in which 41% males and 59... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate ZoologyHistory of ZoologyVertebrate Zoology
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      ParasitologyEmbryologyInvertebratesAnimal reproduction
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    • Invertebrate Zoology
Xiphosurids are an archaic group of aquatic chelicerate arthropods, generally known by the colloquial misnomer of ‘horseshoe crabs’. Known from marine envi- ronments as far back as the early Ordovician, horseshoe crabs are generally... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologySystematics (Taxonomy)Paleontology
Animals that grow inside their mothers, like humans, get their oxygen from their mothers. The blood stream of the baby animal and the mother are connected through an umbilical cord, which allows the baby to collect oxygen that his or her... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate ZoologyHistory of ZoologyVertebrate Zoology
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      Marine BiologyCoral ReefsMolluscan BiologyInvertebrate Zoology
Eucaridan evolution involved a process starting from a body organization characterized by an elongate and cylindrical cephalothorax, a well-developed abdomen composed of swimming appendages, ending in a tail fan formed by flattened... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyComplex Systems ScienceComplexity TheoryInvertebrate Biology
Lower Cretaceous trackways assignable to xiphosurids were recently found in tidally influenced marginal-marine deposits of the Agrio Formation (Patagonia, Argentina). The aim of this paper is to describe these trace fossils in detail,... more
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      IchnologyInvertebrate ZoologyCretaceousNeuquen Basin
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      Invertebrate BiologyEcologyCrayfish EcologyInfectious Diseases
Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is the most important food legume, however there is an increasing decline in performance and production due to pest attack especially from the aphids. Pest infestation is even higher during the dry season hence... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate ZoologyHistory of ZoologyVertebrate Zoology
This paper introduces student to the biodiversity of Animal kingdom. It discuss the major and minor characteristics of kingdom Animalia. It also offers a wide classification of members of the kingdom based on body shape, size, symmetry,... more
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      ZoologyBiologyCell BiologyInvertebrate Zoology
Exceptionally preserved fossils provide crucial insights into extinct body plans and organismal evolution. Molluscs, one of the most disparate animal phyla, radiated rapidly during the early Cambrian period (approximately 535–520 million... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyPaleontologyInvertebrate Biology
Epibionts samples were collected of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) that were nesting in two different beaches of Margarita Island. The collected organisms belonging to two species, Platylepas coriacea and Obelia dichotoma. The... more
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      Marine BiologyInvertebrate Zoology
Монографія присвячена дослідженню екологічних закономірностей організації біогеоценозів на ґрунтах, що знаходяться у процесі рекультивації. Приведені теоретичні відомості та результати власних досліджень фізичних,... more
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      Landscape EcologySoil ScienceEcologyInvertebrate Zoology
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    • Invertebrate Zoology
The composition of a comic book character often has interesting real-life influences. Given the strong connection between insects and human beings, it is not surprising that they have inspired many fictional characters. We conduct an... more
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      ZoologyEntomologyComics StudiesComics
Two new, extremely small land snail species, Angustopila coprologos Páll-Gergely, Jochum & Hunyadi n. sp. and Angustopila psammion Páll-Gergely, Vermeulen & Anker n. sp. are described from northern Vietnam and northern Laos, respectively.... more
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      Land SnailsMalacology (Biology)Evolutionary EcologyInvertebrate Zoology
This three-volume work provides a complete study of this well-known group of animals, dealing with every level of their biological organization, from the molecular to the zoological. The leech, once so prominent in the history of... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate BiologyInvertebratesInvertebrate Immunology
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      Agricultural EntomologyInvertebrate Zoology
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      Marine BiologyHistory of ScienceMarine EcologyMarine Conservation
enfocado en el phylum annelida
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      ZoologyInvertebrate ZoologyZoologiaZoologia De Invertebrados
Practica de laboratorio, realizada con moluscos del Ecuador
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      Invertebrate ZoologyZoologiaMollusca
Invertebrate/ Achatina fulica (Bekicot)
Pisces/ Cyprinus carpio (Ikan Mas)
Amphibi/ Rana sp & Bufo sp (Katak & Kodok)
Reptile/ Mabouya sp & Calotes sp (Kadal & Bunglon)
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      Invertebrate BiologyInvertebratesTaxonomyMorphology
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      Science CommunicationScience EducationVideo Games and LearningVideo Games
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      PaleontologyPhylogeneticsInvertebrate ZoologyInvertebrate Paleontology
منهج خاص بطلبة علم الحيوان - كلية العلوم- جامعة مصراتة - ليبيا. يدرس الكائنات الحيوانية اللافقارية عديمة السيلوم
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    • Invertebrate Zoology
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    • Invertebrate Zoology
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    • Invertebrate Zoology
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      ZoologyInvertebrate ZoologyMollusca
Se trata la biodiversidad animal, explicando los filos más representativos de cada estirpe evolutiva (diversidad de diblásticos y radiación de los bilaterales), y la historia e implicaciones biológicas de la evolución de planes corporales... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyInvertebrate ZoologyDinosaur PaleontologyBiological Sciences
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      ZoologyInvertebrate ZoologyNemathelminthes
Monera merupakan makhluk hidup prokariotik yang masih uniseluler. Terbagi atas bakteri kuno dan bakteri sejati
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      Evolutionary BiologyMarine BiologyTeacher EducationConservation Biology
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      Marine BiologyMicrobiologyInvertebrate ZoologyProtozoa
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      BiologyInvertebrate ZoologyPlathyelminthes
Secara bahasa Mollusca berasal dari Molus bahasa yunani yang artinya lunak. Jadi Mollusca merupakan kelompok hewan invertebrata yang bertubuh lunak dan multiseluler. Anggota dalam Phylum mollusca ini mencapai 100.000 spesies dan ilmu yang... more
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      BiologyInvertebrate ZoologyMollusca
Secara bahasa platyhelminthes berasal dari dua kata bahasa yunani , yaitu “Platy” yang artinya pipih dan “helminthes” yang artinya cacing.
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      ZoologyBiologyInvertebrate ZoologyBiologi
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      Animal ScienceInvertebrate Zoology
Exceptionally preserved fossils from the Palaeozoic era provide crucial insights into arthropod evolution, with recent discoveries bringing phylogeny and character homology into sharp focus. Integral to such studies are anomalocaridids, a... more
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyFunctional MorphologyInvertebrate Biology
Nemathelminthes merupakan kelompok hewan cacing yang memiliki tubuh bulat panjang dengan ujung yang runcing. Secara bahasa, kata Nemathelminthes berasal dari bahasa yunani, yaitu “Nema” yang artinya benang, dan “helmintes” yang artinya... more
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      ZoologyBiologyInvertebrate Zoology
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      ZoologyInvertebrate ZoologyPorifera
The systematic affinities of several Palaeozoic skeletal taxa were only resolved when their soft-tissue morphology was revealed by the discovery of exceptionally preserved specimens. The conodonts provide a classic example, their... more
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      PaleobiologyZoologyPaleontologyFunctional Morphology
Istilah Arthropoda berasal dari bahasa Yunani yang terdiri dari dua kata yaitu arthro yang berarti ruas dan podos yang berarti kaki. Arthropoda merupakan hewan tripoblastik selomata dan bilateral simetris. Tubuh Arthropoda terdiri dari... more
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      ZoologyBiologyInvertebrate ZoologyArthropods
Porifera berasal dari dua kata yaitu porus dan faro. Porus berarti lubang dan faro berarti membawa atau mengandung. Sehingga porifera dapat diartikan sebagai hewan yang tubuhnya mengandung lubang-lubang kecil. Lubang-lubang kecil ini... more
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      ZoologyInvertebrate ZoologyPoriferaBiologi
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      BiologyInvertebrate ZoologyProtozoa