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A detailed discussion is presented highlighting the most common characteristic of the reptilians and their hybrid cohorts. It is elucidated that the negative aliens are highly, violent, warring, separatist, disconnected, narcissistic,... more
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      ParasitologyHumanitiesHuman RightsDemonology
Glossina species epidemiological studies were conducted in "fly-belt" endemic zone of southwest Nigeria. Two major study areas were identified and four Nzi traps were set in each site for tsetse collection. This study was conducted to... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyVeterinary Sciences
Among about 50 Paragonimus species, Paragonimus proliferus is a rare species characterized by extremely large metacercariae, most of which are present excysted in the crab hosts. Recently, this species was discovered by us in northern... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyChina
Despite ongoing preventive chemotherapy campaigns, intestinal schistosomiasis is hyper-endemic in shoreline communities living along Lake Albert, Uganda. To provide a deeper insight into the local epidemiology of Schistosoma mansoni, a... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyUganda
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a neurological disease caused by Sarcocystis neurona, an apicomplexan parasite. S. neurona is also associated with EPM-like diseases in marine and small mammals. The mechanisms of transmission... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyToxoplasma gondii
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      ParasitologyLatin American StudiesInvertebrate BiologyCentral America and Mexico
Cystic echinococcosis (CE), the parasitic disease caused by the larval stage of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato (s.l.), is a global public health problem. In Mongolia, despite wide distribution of human CE, not enough information is... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyBiology
SUMMARYAcquired resistance against Ascaridia galli infection was studied in seventy-two 18-week-old white Leghorn chickens allocated to six groups (G1–G6). In order to understand the population dynamics following trickle-infection (100... more
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      ParasitologyCambridge UniversityVeterinary Sciences
Toxoplasma gondii, an intracellular parasite infects the host through the oral route. Infection induces a cascade of immunological events that involve both the components of the innate and adaptative immune responses. Alteration of the... more
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Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are a major public health problem in tropical and developing countries in relation to poverty, inadequate hygiene, and sanitation. This study was aimed at assessing the status of STH and... more
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    • Parasitology
Parasitic protozoa are among the most important pathogens worldwide. Diseases such as malaria, leishmaniasis, amoebiasis, giardiasis, trichomoniasis, and trypanosomiasis affect millions of people. Humans are constantly threatened by... more
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    • Parasitology
Hydatidosis is endemic in Neuquén, Patagonia, Argentina, even though sanitary authorities have been performing a control programme since 1970. At present, the programme is in consolidation phase, and dogs have being evaluated by arecoline... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyArgentina
Ticks transmit important pathogens affecting cattle such as intracellular bacteria of the genus Anaplasma or protozoa of the order Piroplasmida. This study aimed at assessing tick species present on pastures and cattle and determining... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologySerbia
Human schistosomiasis is associated with IgE and eosinophilia, feature of a type 2 response. In experimental investigations, murine model has been widely used in order to dissect the immune responses involved in the expression of... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyImmune responseMedical Microbiology
Background: In South Sudan, malaria is the major cause of morbidity and mortality especially in children under the age of five, the elderly and pregnant women. Effective treatment of malaria requires precise diagnosis and knowledge of... more
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      ParasitologyEpidemiologyPublic Health
EnestetrabajohablaremosdeprotozoariostisularescomoToxoplasmagondii,siendoesteunodelosparásitosmáscomunesdelmundo.Producelatoxoplasmosis,infecciónquesuelecontraersealcomercarnecontaminadamalcocida,exponerseahecesdegatoinfectadasomediantelatr... more
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    • Parasitology
In 2011, WHO change malaria case-management policy from presumptive treatment of fevers to parasitological diagnosis and targeted treatment with artemisinin combination therapy (ACTs). Between 2010 and 2012, a series of activities were... more
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Background: When selecting blood donors in transfusion centres, one important problem is to identify, during screening, individuals with infectious diseases that can be transmitted by blood, such as malaria, especially when the parasite... more
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      ParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyMalariaBrazil
Aelurostrongylus abstrusus is a lungworm of the domestic cats distributed worldwide. Its presence, however, is often underestimated due to limitation of common coprological diagnostic techniques. The present study reports, for the first... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyCats
Phylogenetic relationships among nematodes of the strongylid superfamily Metastrongyloidea were analyzed using partial sequences from the large-subunit ribosomal RNA (LSU rRNA) and small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) genes. Regions of... more
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      ParasitologyBiological SciencesPhylogenySequence alignment
The development of therapeutic alternatives to treat leishmaniasis has received considerable attention. The present study aimed to investigate the efficacy of the Agaricus blazei Murill water extract (AbM) to treat BALB/c mice infected... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyCytokines
Rhipicephalus microplus is the main tick that affects cattle. Plant bioactive molecules can be used to control this ectoparasite. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro efficacy of Piper tuberculatum fruit extracts obtained... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyBiology
The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence, species diversity and intensity of gastrointestinal (G.I.) parasitic infections in the backyard poultry of Meghalaya. A total of 1775 numbers of fecal samples were collected... more
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Aim: This study was designed to investigate the prevalence, associated risk factors, and zoonotic implications of gastrointestinal parasites of dogs in Maiduguri, Borno State, Northeastern Nigeria. Materials and Methods: A total of 200... more
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      ParasitologyVeterinary ParasitologyDogsHelminthology
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In the present study, the gastroprotective mechanism of Xylocarpus granatum fruit and its active constituents gedunin and photogedunin was investigated. Chloroform fraction (Fr-CHCl 3 ) of X. granatum fruit was evaluated against cold... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyComplementary and Alternative MedicinePlant Biology
Pseudorhabdosynochus regius n. sp. is described from the gills of the mottled grouper Mycteroperca rubra caught off Senegal, Tunisia and Libya (type-locality: off Dakar, Senegal). The species is distinguished from its congeners by the... more
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      ParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyFish DiseasesMediterranean Sea
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      ParasitologyEmbryologyInvertebratesAnimal reproduction
This study investigates the larvicidal potential of indigenous plant extracts from commonly used medicinal herbs as an environmentally safe measure to control the filarial vector, Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae). The early... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyBiology
Among the ectoparasitoses of small ruminants, psoroptosis has an important place-a common acarosis disease caused by a permanent ectoparasite of the genus Psoroptes (Psoroptidae: Acariformes). This highly contagious invasion causes huge... more
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Knowledge about how parasites choose their hosts is scarce and incomplete. Recent work has primarily focused on host health (i.e. immunocompetence) whereas ecological factors have been largely neglected. Here we investigate whether the... more
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      ParasitologyCuesRegression AnalysisSongbirds
Infection by the liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini) causes hepatobiliary disease and bile duct cancer (cholangiocarcinoma, CCA) in endemic areas in Southeast Asia. Measurements of humoral immune response particularly parasite-specific... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologySoutheast AsiaMedical Microbiology
Opisthorchis viverrini can develop mitogenic substances into the excretory/secretory product (ESP) that may play an important role in promoting the genesis of cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). In the present study, glutathione S-transferase (GST)... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyThailand
11 is anskiered that deteclion and investigation of circulating antigens (CAs) would yield significant information useful for diagnosis of aciive infection, estimation of the worm burden, sad assessing the ef&xy of chemotherapy.... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyEpitope mapping
Scabies, a mite infestation frequently sexually transmitted, dates back to antiquity but remains a challenging parasite for study in clinical practice and community settings. Its history is one of centuries of slow progress to recognize... more
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      HistoryEvolutionary BiologyParasitologyVeterinary Medicine
The number of studies discussing the pathology and host specificity in Knemidocoptinae is very limited. In Knemidocoptes jamaicensis, the host specificity seems to be very broad, and there is a clear morphological variability in... more
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      ParasitologySystematics (Taxonomy)BiogeographyHost-parasite Coevolution
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      ParasitologyMolecular GeneticsMedical parasitology
Objective: Vivax malaria is common in Pakistan. We carried out this study to determine the effects of this infection on blood counts and the impact of splenomegaly on these results. Methods: This was a retrospective observational study... more
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      ParasitologyInternal Medicine (General Medicine)Family MedicineMalaria
Bovine besnoitiosis, caused by the apicomplexan parasite Besnoitia besnoiti is considered an emergent disease in Europe. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and geographic distribution of B. besnoiti in cattle herds in... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyVeterinary MedicineMedical Microbiology
Malaria and dengue are the two most important vector-borne human diseases caused by mosquito vectors Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti , respectively. Of the various strategies adopted for eliminating these diseases, controlling of... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyBiology
Between 20% and 60% of the population of most countries are infected with the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. Subjects with clinically asymptomatic life-long latent toxoplasmosis differ from those who are Toxoplasma free in several... more
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      ParasitologyFluctuating asymmetryInnate immunityToxoplasmosis
This study reports the prevalence and risk rate of malaria among individuals in Okada community, Ovia North East local government area of Edo state, Southern Nigeria. A total of 100 blood samples were obtained randomly from patients. A... more
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      ParasitologyEpidemiology and Public Health
Urinary schistosomiasis is an important source of human morbidity in Msambweni, Kenya, where the intermediate host snail, Bulinus nasutus is found in ponds and water pools. In the past, aquatic habitats in the area have been studied... more
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      ParasitologyDemographyRemote SensingWater
The effects of pyrantel and the febantel metabolite fenbendazole - pyrantel and febantel are both constituents of Drontal® Plus and Welpan® - against Toxocara canis in-vitro were investigated by studying changes in worm motility and... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyScanning Electron Microscopy
Opisthorchiasis, together with its associated cholangiocarcinoma, is one of the most important human parasitic diseases on continental Southeast Asia. A great deal of epidemiological data from humans is available on this disease,... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyReproductionSoutheast Asia
Background: Usually the analysis of the various developmental stages of Trypanosoma cruzi in the experimentally infected vertebrate and invertebrate hosts is based on the morphological observations of tissue fragments from animals and... more
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      ParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyTrypanosoma CruziPublic health systems and services research
When epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi grown in a rich medium (LIT) are transferred to a simple, chemically defined medium (TAU3AAG, containing Ca 2+, Mg 2+, K +, Na +, L-proline, L-glutamate, and L-aspartate in phosphate buffer),... more
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyElectron MicroscopyMedical Microbiology