Capetian Kings
Recent papers in Capetian Kings
Setting the record straight.
The dynastic imperative of any hereditary king is to provide healthy sons who can perpetuate his family into future generations. But men being unable to give birth, the responsibility for producing heirs naturally falls upon the monarchs’... more
L’acclamation de Jean Ier en 1385 plaça sur le trône de Portugal la nouvelle dynastie d’Avis. Au long du xve siècle et jusqu’au début du siècle suivant, les monarques successifs (Édouard Ier, Alphonse V, Jean II et Manuel Ier) firent de... more
This chapter situates the growth of the first six Capetian kings’ authority within the wider social, cultural, and religious context of the royal court from 987 to 1180, a time of political decentralization. It examines key aspects of the... more
This article traces the early reception of Ludovicus Decus Regnantium, the most common Proper Office for Saint Louis, King of France, canonized in 1297. It is generally considered a Dominican Office thought to have been produced on... more
The House of Anjou endorsed the motto, "An illiterate king is a crowned ass." Kings of England exalted high culture. They showed off their own learning and attracted to their court many intellectuals of the clergy. Their knights were... more
Les évêques en leur monde : réseaux, communautés, influences réseaux, communautés, influences (Xe-XIIIe siècle), du 24 au 26 mai 2023, Nancy, colloque organisé dans le cadre de l'ANR ACTÉPI.
Der französische Mönch Odo von Deuil schilderte einen der größten Misserfolge der Kreuzzugsgeschichte. Als ursächlich für das Scheitern betrachtete er jedoch ausschließlich die ungünstigen Umstände. Seine Darstellungsabsicht war es, so... more
The rise and rise of the Capetian dynasty is one of the great epics of European history. Starting in the tenth century, they built a nation that stretched from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean and from the Rhône to the Pyrenees. They... more
To examine the differing moral stances of medieval historians who described the life of William Fitz Osbert, with special attention to his unusual riot in London in 1196. Method The narratives of each of the principal historians of the... more
The powerful lineage of the Thibaldians who were counts in Blois, in Chartres and then in Champagne still raises questions about their origins and their rise. This study shows that they probably had their roots on the borders of northern... more
In 1191 Philip Augustus, king of France, issued a charter accepting Renaud of Dammartin as his ''liege man'' for the county of Boulogne. According to both medieval and modern sources, Renaud had secured control of this powerful fief by... more
- by Erin Jordan
23 et 24 novembre 2022 Sorbonne Université