Recent papers in Caracalla
Tios (Zonguldak-Filyos) kentteki arkeolojik kazılar 2007 senesinden beri Karadeniz Ereğli Müzesi adına, sırasıyla Prof. Dr. Sümer Atasoy ve Doç. Dr. Şahin Yıldırım’ın bilimsel danışmanlıklarıyla akropolis, antik liman, tiyatro ve... more
This text gives some very small selection of details included in the forthcoming Caracalla: A Military Biography (as an advertisement) due to be published by Pen & Sword this year and in fact provides also a short overview of some of the... more
Caracalla. A Military Biography is now available as a hardcover, Kindle and e-book an from the website of its publisher Pen & Sword Publishing and from most of the major booksellers. It is not only the first published biography in... more
The emperor Caracalla emerges from our sources as an archetypal ‘bad’ emperor. Our primary sources for the period construct an image of a volatile despot: militaristic, anti-senatorial, financially profligate and prone to fantasy. However... more
Ancient History Magazine 2 (2015): 27-29
Writing in the first half of the third century CE, Cassius Dio, a Roman senator of Bithynian origin, composed an eighty-book history of Rome, from the founding of the city until about 229 CE. The final portion of this work, specifically... more
Il presente contributo intende scandagliare il profilo politico e culturale dell’imperatrice capostipite della dinastia dei Severi, Giulia Domna (170-217 d.C.), mettendo in luce come il suo ruolo istituzionale sia stato rappresentato sia... more
This paper examines two divergent traditions in Roman historiography about the sexual relationships of the emperor Caracalla. The first is that he had an affair with his mother, Julia Domna; the second is that he became impotent and... more
La Guerra de Troya permanece en nuestro imaginario colectivo desde que Homero la inmortalizara, pero no fue el único, multitud de autores posteriores se inspiraron en las hazañas de los héroes griegos y troyanos, de manera que se acabaron... more
ÖZET: Herodianos’un “Marcus Aurelius Devri’nden Sonra İmparatorluk Tarihi” adlı yapıtı, Roma İmparatoru Marcus Aurelius’un ölümünden (MS 180) III. Gordianus’un tahta geçtiği (MS 238) zaman aralığındaki gelişmeleri kapsamakta olup sadece... more
The sixth consecutive volume of the catalogue of the collection of ancient coins in the Ossoliński National Institute appeared after a twelve-year long break and thirty years after the publication of the first volume. It gathers the Roman... more
We are hard pressed to understand the events of Caracalla’s Parthian war, including the role Armenia played in the conflict, because of gross inadequacies in our sources. A careful analysis suggests that Caracalla intended to annex... more
Il tempio di Antas è stato in passato oggetto di tanti luoghi comuni. Fu probabilmente fondato dai Cartaginesi intorno al IV secolo a.C., in un'area vergine e forse solo vagamente legata a culti pre-nuragici; distrutto forse durante la... more
Marcus Aurelius Prosenes, liberto e cristiano alla corte imperiale del prof. Hans Ulrich Instinsky, ordinario all'Università di Mainz Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz, 1964, n.3 Traduzione a cura del prof. Paolo Re... more
This thesis examines the portrayal of youthful Roman emperors in imperial histories and biographies, specifically in the works of Suetonius, Tacitus, Cassius Dio, Herodian, and the Historia Augusta. As such, it limits the scope of... more
" The practice of evoking the memory of Alexander the Great became a powerful tool of kingship almost immediately after the monarch’s death in 323 BC. From the diadochoi onwards, rulers sought to associate themselves with Alexander or... more
Obverse coin portraiture presents unique insights into the public image of a Roman emperor. This paper will use a close analysis of portraiture struck upon the imperial coinage of Caracalla to explore the degree to which the emperor’s... more
The article presents the first published study of a Late Period granodiorite striding male statue inscribed with the hieroglyphic titulary of a Roman emperor, which is housed in the Minneapolis Institute of Art (acc. no. 58.14). It argues... more
Coin moulds of the 3rd century in the collections of the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz The 43 coin moulds from the collection of the RGZM were used to cast denarii of the period from Antoninus Pius to Caracalla (141-217). They... more
Ce livre étudie l’élaboration d’un archétype, celui du prince, d’Auguste à Constantin. Progressivement a été imaginé une sorte de « costume » qu’il fallait revêtir afin de paraître légitime et de mériter de figurer parmi les « bons... more
ATTI DEL XXII COLLOQUIO DELL'ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA PER LO STUDIO E LA CONSERVAZIONE DEL MOSAICO con il patrocinio del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo
Throughout the Roman Empire, bathing was a highlight of the day and a major social event. Ubiquitous literary and epigraphical evidence conveys the significance of bathing facilities to people’s daily routines and relationships. In... more
The Roman emperor Caracalla (198-217 CE) is renowned as a militaristic emperor and an admirer of Alexander the Great. In his criticism of Caracalla, Cassius Dio claims that the emperor levied a new phalangite formation modelled on the... more
Decennalia cesarza Septymiusza Sewera i ślub Karakalli – bogactwo w słuŜbie ideologii dynastycznej. Cesarz Septymiusz Sewer został proklamowany imperatorem 9 kwietnia 193 r., w obo-zie wojskowym w Carnuntum w Panonii 1. W latach 193 – 197... more
Zonguldak’ın Filyos Beldesi’nde bulunan Tios antik kenti sahip olduğu zengin arkeolojik mirasıyla Türkiye’nin Karadeniz kıyılarındaki günümüze kadar en iyi korunabilmiş antik yerleşimi olma özelliğine sahiptir. Bu kentteki arkeolojik... more