Roman Milestones
Recent papers in Roman Milestones
The ancient site of Tios (modern Filyos) lies at the mouth of the river Billaios (Filyos Çayı), towards the western end of the southern Black Sea coast, in Zonguldak province. In ancient sources the city is spelt in various ways,... more
This contribution offers a new reading of the ancient landscape of the periphery of Lepcis Magna thanks mainly to the data from the survey campaigns carried out by the Archaeological Mission of Roma Tre University (2007– 13) together with... more
Re-examination of known Roman roads and milestones, and of new evidence for both in North-east Jordan, has considerably improved on a survey of the same area published in 1982. The present study brings together published accounts from the... more
This article presents the main archaeological and epigraphical data for reconstructing the roman roads network in Moesia Inferior. Information based predominantly on the inscriptions allow us to outline the chronology of the construction... more
The article is focused on the 2nd to 4th century milestones recorded by archaeological excavations at Capidava and within a range not exceeding 15 miles, as the crow flies. Our inquiry pinpointed several finds from Dorobanțu, Seimenii... more
Différentes missions d’inspection menées entre 2009 et 2013 dans le nord ouest de la Tunisie ont donné lieu à la découverte de nouvelles bornes milliaires et à la redécouverte de bornes milliaires anciennes signalées entre la fin du... more
Zusammenfassung: Der Fall des Marcus Dunius Paternus, eines Angehörigen der städtischen Elite in der römischen Kolonie Aventicum (Provinz Germania superior), beleuchtet exemplarisch Quellen und Forschungsstand zum römischen Straßenbau im... more
This article republishes a fragmentary milestone dedicated to Constantine I and his sons discovered by chance in 1964 in the locality "Kaldarmata" situated ca. 4 km south of the village of Vinogradets, Pazardzhik district. It also... more
A través de una serie de testimonios epigráficos procedentes de la antigua provincia Lusitania, trataremos de ofrecer una visión general de la presencia que Hadriano (117-138) en la epigrafía de esta provincia, presentándola en... more
Abstract of PhD thesis submitted in 2008 to the Archaeology Doctoral Programme, Doctoral School of History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest under the supervision of László Borhy
The milestone CIL XVII/1, 93 dated in the age of Claudio that comes from the archaeological site of Cerro Maquiz (Mengíbar, Jaén), is considered to belong to the province of Baetica and the road via Augusta. Putting this milestone in... more
Karadeniz Ereğli Müzesi’nden Doğu Bithynia’daki Tios Kentine Ait İki Yeni Miltaşı Doğu Bithynia ile Batı Paphlagonia coğrafi bölgelerinin arasındaki geçiş güzergâhının kıyı kentlerinden olan Tios antik kenti, bugün Türkiye’nin Batı... more
Özet Bithynia Bölgesi, arkeolojik ve epigrafik zenginliğiyle 19. yy’ın sonlarından itibaren 21. yy’ın başlarına kadar, E. Kalinka, G. Mendel, L. Robert, F. K. Dörner, D. French, S. Şahin ve Ch. Marek gibi, çok sayıda arkeolog epigraf ve... more
This paper presents a milestone (no. 1) found in Doğandere Village which lies between Nallıhan and Mudurnu (ancient Modrene) and several recently discovered Roman and Byzantine inscriptions (No. 2-11) from Çayırhan (ancient Juliopolis),... more
La natura dell'imperium di Augusto (27 a.C.–14 d.C.) e i modi della sua estensione sulle province governate da proconsoli indipendenti sono state oggetto di un profondo riesame negli ultimi trent'anni. Il volume riconsidera il problema in... more
The newly discovered finds are of great value for the study of Roman roads in the territory of Illyricum, and especially its continental interior. These findings also indicate a possible road connection across Mount Zvijezda, and towards... more
Abstract The study of Roman paths has been always based on itinerary textual sources. The quotation of a route in this kind of sources, as well as the link of roads with milestones , have been considered as proof of its importance.... more
Sino all'apertura dell'autostrada Pozantı-Tarsos, le Pylai Kilikiai (Gülek Bog ̆azı) sono state uno dei punti più critici della viabilità della penisola anatolica. Sebbene es-so non fosse l'unico né tanto meno l'accesso più largo che... more
(POR) Apresenta-se uma base de marco miliário inédita, proveniente da aldeia de Gévora em Badajoz e depositada no Museu Arqueológico Provincial de Badajoz, que se deve incluir aos vários testemunhos já conhecidos sobre as diversas... more
This paper deals with the issue of the articulation of roads and territory in Baetica through the analysis of epigraphic and archaeological evidence for the Imperial periods (1st to 4th centuries AD). It seeks to fulfil two main aims:... more
In this article a general overview of the road network connecting ancient Teos (Sığacık/Seferhisar) with the neighbouring cities (Klazomenai and Lebedos) is given on the basis of two milestones which were recently discovered in the... more