Carriage of Goods by Sea
Recent papers in Carriage of Goods by Sea
∆ύο βιβλία µε ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον για το ναυτιλιακό κόσµο κυκλοφορούν από τις Εκδόσεις Αθ. Σταµούλης. Πρόκειται για τα έργα "Marketing Ναυτιλιακών Επιχειρήσεων" και "Ναυλώσεις" (2η Έκδοση), τα οποία συνδυάζουν σύγχρονη πρακτική,... more
The current article is practice-oriented and is intended for shipowners and sea carriers as well as for practitioners and students who wish to revise or expand their knowledge on this specific area of the carriage of goods by sea. The... more
Contracts regarding carriage of goods by sea with a vessel or a ship appropriate for the necessities of the stipulated voyage is deemed contracts of affreightment. Originally, since the Turkish Commercial Code is taken from the German... more
This document provides basic information on the bill of lading and the responsibility of all parties (shipper, carrier and consignee) in relation to the bill of lading
This essay is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the key functions of the Bill of Lading with reference to its role as a contract for the carriage of goods in international trade and transport by sea, through case law, while... more
During the transportation of goods by sea, every cargo must be accompanied by shipping documents that provide for its qualitative and quantitative evidence. Such records are the Bill of Lading, the Delivery Order and the Waybill. The... more
For international trade to flourish there must be an involvement in transaction of goods by sea between a buyer in one country and seller in another. It is essential to know about the contract that governs the carriages of goods by sea,... more
Third parties protection has been an extensive issue for the shipping community over the last century. Although this problem has been solved to some extent in practice by various means of circumvention created by the industry, it remains... more
The charterparty is a legal contract of employing a vessel. In shipping matters, it is a highly important document since it allocates obligations, rights, duties, liabilities, risks, earnings, costs and profits between the contracted... more
Pubblico questi appunti di lavoro, apparsi a puntate sul sito, come spunto di riflessione e dibattito, nonché contributo a un lavoro di ricerca che non può che essere collettivo fra chi, ancora oggi, non si rassegna... more
A huge amount of factors can have an influence on an efficient chartering policy. The division into the two main fields of time and voyage charterparties has an influence mainly on costs allocation between shipowners and charterers: under... more
CHARTER – PARTIES; arbitration clauses; application of English law; interpretation of the clause; disputes covered hereunder.
The Joint Cargo Committee has recently updated the Marine Cargo Insurance Clauses. This a spanish translation of the Institute's CL Clauses "A" (a. k. a. "all risks clauses") The original Marine Insurance ICC (A) 2009 text was published... more
The 2009 revision of the all-risks Marine Insurance ICC (A), by the International Uderwriters Association of London incorporates changes of varying degrees of importance. Formal amendments are designed to adapt these provisions to the... more
The use of informatic and telematic applications in the field of transports has several advantages in terms of efficiency, cost reduction and security. On the other hand, it shows risks of unauthorized access to computer systems. Maritime... more
General Average is a concept that belongs only to maritime law. It is connected and interwoven with it and it can legitimately be defined as the first real international body of rules apt to regulate a legal issue in international... more
The bill of lading and charterparty are vital for international trade and transport. To signify their enduring importance, this paper firstly seeks to illuminate the earliest historical evidence relating to the bill of lading and... more
Spar Shipping is currently under appeal, which decision will the Court of appeal support? Is payment for hire a condition or an innominate term?
Στην κατά ταξίδι ναύλωση ο χρόνος βαρύνει εναλλακτικά ναυλωτή και εκναυλωτή, αναλόγως του σταδίου εκτέλεσης του ταξιδιού. Στην παρούσα μελέτη επικεντρωνόμαστε στα ζητήματα καθυστερήσεων που αναφύονται κατά την εκτέλεση του προκαταρκτικού... more
The adoption of the 2008 Rotterdam Rules in six equally authentic language versions has presented the maritime community with an issue that it has not (knowingly) previously encountered, namely the issue of the interpretation of... more
Previous research offering a comprehensive overview of digital transformation in the maritime transport sector is limited. In this paper, the authors examine the role of digitalisation in chartering business, using several cases. The... more
The plaintiff insurance company initiated a law suit to recover of the indemnity premium. She claimed that the carrier caused a container cargo damage which was insured by them under a cargo insurance policy. On the contrary, the... more
In June 1979, the member states of the United Nations met in Manila for the 5th session of UNCTAD conference. Earlier in the 1970s (1973/74), UNCTAD had proposed a cargo sharing rule of 40/40/20 giving each of the trading partner... more
The current article is practice-oriented and is intended for shipowners and sea carriers as well as for practitioners and students who wish to revise or expand their knowledge on this specific area of the carriage of goods by sea. The... more
Resumen: La modificación en 2009 de las cláusulas generales (A) en seguros a todo riesgo, elaboradas por la IUA, incorpora cambios de diversa importancia. Las modificaciones formales se encuentran encaminadas a adaptar estas cláusulas al... more
У своєму розвитку коносамент пройшов декілька послідовних етапів, які характеризують важливість цих відносин для економіки будь-якої країни. Так, якщо раніше коносамент був пов'язаний з договором морського перевезення і являв собою... more
یکی از قواعد مرسوم حاکم بر مطالبه و تحویل کالای حملشده از طریق دریا، قاعدۀ ارائۀ سند حمل است؛ به این معنا که تحویل کالا از سوی متصدی حمل صرفاً در قبال ارائۀ سند حمل از سوی مطالبهکنندۀ دریافت کالا صورت پذیرد. مبنای تأسیس این قاعده... more
Емпіричне значення механізму цивільноправового регулювання випуску й обігу коносамента полягає в тому, що в процесі перевезення вантажу, його власник може розпоряджатися цим майном, шляхом відчуження коносамента іншій особі. Саме в... more
This Article examines four regimes that regulate the carriage of goods by sea with regard to seaworthiness: (1) Common law; (2), the Hague/ Hague-Visby Rules; (3), The Hamburg Rules; and (4) and finally the Rotterdam Rules. It doesThis... more
Translated title (from original in French): The stevedore's liability in Canada.
ترجمة العنوان (من الأصلي بالفرنسية) : مسؤولية متعهد تحميل السفن في كندا.
ترجمة العنوان (من الأصلي بالفرنسية) : مسؤولية متعهد تحميل السفن في كندا.