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      EgyptologyAncient Egyptian HistoryCheopsAncient Egyptian pyramids
There has been an increasing need to explain the geometric representation of the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. Some divergent approaches have been attempted, which need further exploration. The aim of this research paper is to unfold the... more
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C'est une nouvelle théorie originale (non farfelue). Cette partie décrit le début de la construction de la pyramide de Chéops jusqu'à la construction du couloir ascendant. Je pense apporter une "pierre" pour comprendre la philosophie de... more
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Mise à jour de la conclusion du document initial.
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      KhufuCheopsAncient Egyptian pyramids
C'est une nouvelle théorie originale (non farfelue). Cette partie décrit la construction du couloir ascendant. Elle analyse, les éléments troublants laissés par les égyptiens à l'intersection entre le couloir ascendant et la syringe. Puis... more
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This is a new original theory (not far-fetched). This part describes the construction of the ascending corridor. It analyzes the disturbing elements left by the Egyptians at the intersection between the ascending corridor and the... more
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      EgyptologyOld Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyAncient Seals and Sealings
The lack of information about such grandiose structures of antiquity as the pyramids of Egypt and, in particular, about the largest of them - the Great Pyramid, sometimes called the Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu), confuses historians and... more
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      Sumerian & Akkadian literatureHerodotusSumerian LanguageNeolitic
This is an article issued from my website nomarque.wordpress.com
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      CheopsAncient Egyptian pyramids
This is a new original theory (not far-fetched). This part describes the beginning of the construction of the pyramid of Khufu until the construction of the ascending passage. I think I bring a "stone" to understand the philosophy of the... more
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      Flinders PetrieAncient Egyptian quarriesThe great pyramid, EgyptKhufu
This is a new original theory (not far-fetched). This part describes the beginning of the construction of the pyramid of Khufu until the construction of the ascending passage. I think I bring a "stone" to understand the philosophy of the... more
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The Herodotean account about Mycerinus has been pieced together from legendary materials of Egyptian provenance. These must have reached Herodotus’ ears through the various informants who provided him with knowledge about Egyptian history... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionFolktalesHerodotusAncient Egyptian Literature
The Djoser pyramid is an open book encrypted in the laws of physics. For whom familiar with those laws, the 12 pits 33 m deep under the base unveil the secrets of this pyramid: - The king's dead body is still intact in the middle of the... more
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      Ancient Technology (Archaeology)PYRAMIDKhufuDJOSER
ABSTRACT: This lecture provides a broader background summary of each ruler of Dynasty 4, including Sneferu (2613 - 2589 BCE), Khufu (Cheops) (2589 - 2566 BCE), Djedefre (2566 - 2558 BCE), Khafre (Chephren) (2558 - 2532 BCE), Bikka?,... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEgyptologyEgyptian Archaeology
A very selective preliminary bibliography, prepared for my postgraduate seminar on Persian and Egyptian stories in the "Historiēs Apodexis" of Herodotus. The bibliography is hardly exhaustive and does not aspire to cover the entire (and... more
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      Ancient PersiaHerodotusAchaemenid HistoryAncient Egypt
Цель исследования: изучение влияния пресакральной анестезии ропивакаином на ускорение реабилитации новорожденных после оперативного вмешательства по поводу некротического энтероколита (НЭК). Дизайн: рандомизированное двойное слепое... more
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      PediatricsPediatric SurgeryAnesthesiaNewborn
Что скрывают за собой образы Нефтиды, Исиды, Осириса, Нут? Предназначение, структура и функциональность Великой Пирамиды скрытые в символике и мифологических образах Древнего Египта. Связь Великой Пирамиды и мифологии Древнего Египта с... more
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      SumerianNeolithicIsis CultSumer
A door is not a door when it is closed. It is then wall made of a different material. A door is not a door when it is open. There is a gap in the wll, the ‘door’ is redundant. So when is a door a door? Earlier published as “The Invisible... more
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Theory explaining the reason of the concave medians on the faces of the pyramid.
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A door is not a door when it is closed. It is then a wall made of a different material. A door is not a door when it is open. There is a gap in the wall; the ‘door’ is redundant. So when is a door a door?

JIWE Vol 22:2
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      WindowsSwitchingInvisibilityClose relationships
ABSTRACT: This video discusses more recent evidence from the dynasty 4 pyramid site of Djedefre at Abu Roash, arguing for its original completion in Dynasty 4 (e.g., French excavations revealed that the mortuary temple had been... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEgyptologyEgyptian Archaeology
The aim of this paper is to forecast the methodology by which Cheops Pyramid as a historic building was built, based on notions of modular patterns discovered within the following planar illustrations, starting at the apex and descending... more
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The creators of the Sphinx and the Pyramids, its retinue, are Atlantes, the ancient people of the Moon. // Творцы Сфинкса и Пирамид, его свиты — Атланты, Луны древний люд.
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistoryPhilosophyMetaphysics
ЗАДАЧИ КАМПАНИИ Работа третьего сезона раскопок, проведенная Французским институтом восточной археологии в Каире и отделом египтологии Женевского университета продолжала расчистку инфраструктуры пирамиды. Эта фаза раскопок включает... more
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Egyptology - temple & tomb reliefsCheopsEgyptian Pharaohs
The earliest ship found intact in the world ,  near Khufu's Pyramid .  An evidence of incredible skill from 4500 years ago.
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      Ancient ShipwrecksAncient EgyptShipbuildingShip Design
Отсутствие информации о таких грандиозных строениях древности как пирамиды Египта и, в частности, о самой большой из них - Великой пирамиде, иногда называемой Пирамиде Хеопса (Хуфу), приводит историков и исследователей пирамид в... more
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      EgyptologySumerian LanguageSumerFertile Crescent Neolithic
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      Historical SourcesCheopsHistoire des représentationsAncient Egyptian pyramids
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      Hellenistic HistoriographyHistoriography Greek Classical periodDiodorus SiculusHerodotus