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      Chinese StudiesHistory of ChristianityCross-Cultural StudiesHistory of Missions
韓琦:《南巡、傳教士和外交——兼論康熙對禮儀之爭和教廷特使多羅來華的反應》,《文化雜誌》,總102期,第57-65頁。 1684年至1707年間,康熙皇帝曾六次南巡。康熙不僅巡視河工、祭拜孔子與明陵,考察官員,瞭解民情,同時也藉機籠絡江南漢族士大夫。本文將根據國內和歐洲所藏文獻和檔案,揭示南巡過程中康熙與傳教士的互動,並重點討論最後一次南巡(1707),分析康熙、直郡王和內務府官員在處理禮儀之爭時對教廷特使多羅(Carlo Tommaso Maillard de... more
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      History of ChristianityCross-Cultural StudiesHistory of MissionsWorld Christianity and Chinese Christianity
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      History of ChristianityJesuit historyCross-Cultural StudiesHistory of Missions
In 1684, one of these missionaries, Philippe Couplet, returned to Rome on a mission to ask approval for Chinese rites and a Chinese clergy. On the one hand, he brought Chinese young people to show the Propaganda Fide and the Roman Curia... more
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      Jesuits in ChinaChinese rites controversyMissionary In ChinaChinese books and manuscripts in Europe
公元十七世紀至十八世紀的中國禮儀之爭,是天主教在華 傳教史上一個重要的轉折,其中牽涉到清朝與梵蒂岡、不同修會 的傳教士和中國基督徒,其直接後果是清朝長達百年的禁教,傳 教活動被迫中止或轉到地下。本文使用新近出版的許多史料,對 此複雜的事件和人物進行梳理,指出禮儀之爭的遠因是耶穌會與 道明會夾在葡萄牙與西班牙的「保教權」角力之中,而且兩個修 會長久以來在神學觀念和傳教方法上存在分歧;近因是在華傳教 的不同修會傳教士之間對天主教用語的翻譯,以至中國教徒應否... more
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      Chinese rites controversy明清中國文獻 - 梵蒂岡圖書館 – 在華耶穌會出版物 – 葡萄牙亞洲保教權 – 禮儀之爭柯毅霖禮儀之爭
A single file with my publications in the decade 2006-2016, including all the essays that have already been uploaded individually here on Academia.edu
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      Early Modern HistoryCatholic Missionary HistoryMissionary HistoryJesuit history
The article tries to highlight the points of contact between the three principal controversies which have torn apart Catholic missions in the East in early modern times : the question of the Confucian rites practiced by Chinese neophytes,... more
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      Catholic Missionary HistoryBiblical StudiesEastern ChristianityMiddle Eastern Christianity
The Jesuit François Noël was involved in the Chinese Rites Controversy. On his two trips between China and Europe he not only brought a whole collection of Chinese books to Rome (today in the Jesuit Archives in Rome), but also tried to... more
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    • Chinese rites controversy
Giulio Aleni wrote the biography of Matteo Ricci in Chinese in Fuzhou in 1630, twenty years after the death of the founder of the Jesuit mission in China. Aleni's work is a fundamental document for studying Ricci and Jesuit mission from a... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyAccommodationInculturationInculturation Theology
韓琦:《康熙時代的江南天主教徒與“禮儀之爭”》,《國際漢學》2021年第3期(總第28期),頁83-93。 The Chinese Rites Controversy was an important event in the history of Sino-Western relation in the Qing dynasty, in which Chinese Christians played an important role. Based on the... more
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      Chinese StudiesHistory of ChristianitySinologyWorld History
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      History of ScienceChinese Language and CultureChinaGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
韓琦:“張星曜與《欽命傳教約述》”, Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal, XXII, 2000, 1-10.
【Revised edition】韓琦,吳旻校注:《熙朝崇正集》《熙朝定案》(外三種),北京:中華書局,2006,416-432。
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      Chinese StudiesCross-Cultural StudiesHistory of MissionsQing Dynasty (Ch'ing Dynasty)
“European and Chinese Controversies over Rituals: A Seventeenth-century Genealogy of Chinese Religion.” In Bruno Boute and Thomas Smålberg, eds., Devising Order. Socio-religious Models, Rituals, and the Performativity of Practice, Leiden:... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionEuropean HistoryEarly Modern History
韓琦:“奉教天文學家與‘禮儀之爭’(1700-1702)” ,卓新平主編《相遇與對話:明末清初中西文化交流國際學術研討會文集》,北京:宗教文化出版社,2003:381-399.。 【Traditional Chinese Character Version】“奉教天文學家與‘禮儀之爭’(1700-1702)” ,Wu Xiaoxin ed., Encounters and Dialogues: Changing Perspectives on... more
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      History of MathematicsHistory of ChristianityHistory of ScienceJesuit history
It is usually acknowledged that since Colonialist times, Asian ways of thinking were described as weak, irrational, immoral, and thus different and inferior to western ones (see Said). However, this secular–not religious–definition of... more
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      BuddhismChinese PhilosophyComparative PhilosophySecularization
Han Qi: “Science and Belief: Christian Astronomers in the Chinese Rites Controversy”, Ex-Change, No.8, 2003: 18-22.
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      Chinese StudiesHistory of ChristianityHistory of ScienceInternational History
Paolo Aranha, "Reduci dalle Indie Orientali: Carlo Horatii da Castorano e Norbert Bar-le-Duca a confronto", in "Antonianum" 91 (2016): 465-477.
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      ReligionTheologyEarly Modern HistoryMissiology
La pubblicazione si presenta senz’altro come un risultato importante, significativo e molto opportuno per fare il punto su un tema – “la controversia dei riti” – che negli ultimi anni ha ricevuto una notevole attenzione storiografica e,... more
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryChinese rites controversyMalabar Rites controversy
Newspapers in the Dutch Republic frequently reported on China, thereby informing readers not only about events happening in the Middle Kingdom, but especially about those developments that would have an impact on Europe. The Chinese Rites... more
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      ChinaPrinting History17th Century Dutch RepublicEarly Modern News Culture
The pipe organ first appeared in China in 1599/1600 with a positive organ built in Macau. This was not meant to be a liturgical instrument, but rather a sample of Western technology and ingenuity. During the eventful reign of the Kangxi... more
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      ChinaQing Dynasty (Ch'ing Dynasty)Organ (pipe)China studies
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      Chinese StudiesHistory of ChristianityInternational HistoryJesuit history
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      Chinese StudiesQing Dynasty (Ch'ing Dynasty)Jesuit Architecture, Art and HistoryMing-Qing History
ABSTRACT The funeral practices promoted by the European Catholic missionaries in China provide an interesting example of the adaptation of the Asian world in the 17th and 18th century. In this scope one must highlight the speciic problem... more
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      Jesuits in ChinaChinese rites controversy
This paper explains how two Jesuits reacted very differently to the difficulties caused by the Rites controversy in the Chinese empire, despite similar experiences and background. Agostino Cappelli (Ascoli, 1679 - Malabar, 1715) and... more
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      Early Modern HistoryJesuit missionariesJesuits in ChinaChinese rites controversy
This paper will examine one type of printed material, namely Dutch newspapers, and how they presented news from China.
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      ChinaPrinting HistoryEarly Modern News CultureBookhistory
韓琦 吳旻:“‘禮儀之爭’中教徒的不同聲音” ,《暨南史學》第二辑,廣州:暨南大學出版社,2003,455-463。
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      History of ChristianityJesuit historyCross-Cultural StudiesHistory of Missions