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《<古籍中的神跡:晚明沙勿略傳初版中文本>修訂本》,《合璧西中——庆祝顾彬教授七十寿辰文集》,外语教学与研究出版社,2016年,264-272页 沙勿略於一五五二年去世,四年後,依納爵也與世長辭。西班牙耶穌會士里瓦德內拉(Pedro de Ribadeneira,1527-1611)撰寫《依納爵傳》,一五七二年在義大利那不勒斯(Napoli)出了拉丁文初版... more
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      Jesuits in ChinaMissionários jesuítas na ChinaSaint Francis Xavier
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      Art HistoryJesuit historyQing Dynasty (Ch'ing Dynasty)China studies
Free and open to all. For full program and registration, visit https://www.cosmopolitanpasts.sinologie.lmu.de

Constructed Worlds 􏰀􏰁􏰂􏰃 通都大邑
Borders and Liminalities 􏰄􏰅􏰆􏰇 四海為家
Inside Out 􏰈􏰉􏰊􏰋 禮尚往來
Cosmos+Polis= 􏰌􏰍􏰎天下?
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      Chinese StudiesSinologyCosmopolitanismTang Dynasty
This is the English original of a published Chinese-language article: Chong Hai lai xin: Yesuhui dangan zhong de wan Qing Zhongguo difangshi 崇海来信 - 耶稣会档案中的晚清中国地方史 (Letters from Chongming and Haimen: Chinese local history in the Jesuit... more
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      Modern China (especially late Qing and Republican history)Jesuits in ChinaChristianity in ChinaJesuit archives
Fr. Matteo Ricci SJ (Li Madou, 利瑪竇 1552-1610) is probably one of the most famous Jesuit pioneers who arrived in China during late Ming dynasty. For this reason, scholars have been studying his writings and his efforts to establish a... more
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      Chinese StudiesJesuit historyEpistolary researchJesuits in China
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory of CartographyJesuit history
This is a lecture on global history of science which I have delivered in the course Early Modern Global Exchanges, led by Dr Carlo Taviani (part of the Curriculum Global Cultures, University of Bologna) on the 11th May 2020. The lecture... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of ScienceSociology Of Scientific KnowledgeIndigenous Knowledge
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      Portuguese HistoryHistory of the Portuguese EmpireJesuits in ChinaMissionários jesuítas na China
Commentaire général sur l'image du taoïsme dans l'Encyclopédie de d'Alembert et de Diderot.
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      Intellectual History of EnlightenmentTaoismJesuits in ChinaEncyclopédie
The generation of missionaries which followed Ricci's method after his death in the 17th century, continued to work among the Chinese literati, producing a variety of religious, philosophical, and scientific treatises. Yet, the Jesuits,... more
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      History of EducationCatecheticsSociety of JesusJesuits in China
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      Chinese StudiesSinologyHistory of ScienceInternational History
This paper examines the set of fifteen prints included in the seventeenth-century Chinese text Song nianzhu guicheng. This catechism was translated by Portuguese Jesuits serving in the China mission and consists of instructions for... more
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      Asian StudiesArt HistoryJesuit historyChina
The accommodation of Confucianism articulated by Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) reflected a Neoscholastic approach in which rational agreement was the primary hinge of in-terreligious engagement. Ricci's rationalism, however, was somewhat... more
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      Jesuits in ChinaMichele Ruggieri S.I.
The article presents Wojciech (Albert) Męciński, S.J., (ca. 1598-1643), a Jesuit martyr and the first Pole to reach Japan through the prism of his vocation to the country. The outlined historical background of Męciński's travel was... more
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      History of ChristianityJesuit historyChurch Historyhistory of Poland
In the dissemination of Western learning by the Jesuits in late Ming China, various instruments bearing the Western scientific culture called great attention. As a category, the surveying instruments for measuring heights (or depths) and... more
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      History of MathematicsMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of ScienceCross-Cultural Studies
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      Intercultural CommunicationJesuits in China
1. Hacia un corpus de arquitectura jesuítica. Bases actuales y líneas de trabajo futuro, por M.ª Isabel Álvaro Zamora y Javier Ibáñez Fernández 2. La ratio aedificiorum di un'istituzione globale tra autorità centrale e infinità del... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance
Carmelo Elorduy was a Spanish sinologist who translated many books from classical Chinese. This is an overview of his life and works.
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      SinologySociety of JesusJesuits in ChinaHistory of Sinology
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      Jesuits in ChinaMatteo RicciMissionaries in ChinaMissionários jesuítas na China
In 1702, the second emperor of the Qing dynasty ordered construction of a new summer palace in Rehe (now Chengde, Hebei) to support his annual tours north among the court's Inner Mongolian allies. The Mountain Estate to Escape the Heat... more
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      Print CultureArt HistoryEarly Modern HistoryChinese Studies
韓琦:《南巡、傳教士和外交——兼論康熙對禮儀之爭和教廷特使多羅來華的反應》,《文化雜誌》,總102期,第57-65頁。 1684年至1707年間,康熙皇帝曾六次南巡。康熙不僅巡視河工、祭拜孔子與明陵,考察官員,瞭解民情,同時也藉機籠絡江南漢族士大夫。本文將根據國內和歐洲所藏文獻和檔案,揭示南巡過程中康熙與傳教士的互動,並重點討論最後一次南巡(1707),分析康熙、直郡王和內務府官員在處理禮儀之爭時對教廷特使多羅(Carlo Tommaso Maillard de... more
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      History of ChristianityCross-Cultural StudiesHistory of MissionsWorld Christianity and Chinese Christianity
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    • Jesuits in China
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      History of MathematicsChinese StudiesSinologyHistory of Science
This database, under construction at Boston University's Center for Global Christianity & Mission, in partnership with the Institute of Qing History at Renmin University of China and the Ricci Institute at the University of San... more
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      ChristianityChinese StudiesMissiologyHistory of Christianity
Technical images like charts, maps, and diagrams that saturated early modern visual culture provided fertile opportunities for cross-cultural communication. The Double Hemisphere Star Atlas 赤道南北両總星図 that Jesuit and Late Ming astronomers... more
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      History of CartographyTransnational HistoryArt and ScienceEarly modern cross-cultural encounters
Since the suppression of the Jesuits in 1773, community members gradually took control of the Catholic community in Jiangnan. After waiting for decades and making great efforts to appeal for bringing back Jesuits to China, finally the... more
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      Book HistorySinologyJesuits in ChinaChristianity in China
Many people are familiar with European missionaries like Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) who served as cultural bridges between China and the West. Not only did they bring Western knowledge and Christianity to China, translating in... more
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    • Jesuits in China
De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas suscepta ab Societate Iesu (About Christian expeditions to China undertaken by the Society of Jesus) was perhaps the most infl uential description of China, which had been published during the first... more
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      Jesuit historyHistory of MissionsJesuit missionariesNicholas Trigault
韓琦:《南明使臣卜彌格的中國隨從——教徒鄭安德肋史事考釋》,《清史研究》,2018年第1期,2018年,第121-126頁。 In 1651, the Chinese Christian Andreas Chin was sent to Rome from Macau as an attendant of Michael Boym (1612-1659), the envoy of Southern Ming. Based on the documents... more
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      History of ChristianitySinologyJesuit historyCross-Cultural Studies
The first translation of Confucius’s Analects into a European language was a Dutch book by Pieter van Hoorn. Printed in Batavia in 1675, it predated the better-known Latin translation, Confucius Sinarum Philosophus (1687). Whereas the... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophy
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      History of Perspective in PaintingPaintingPictorialismEuropean painting
Chinese linguists of the past had never compiled descriptive grammars of their language. Only the Catholic missionaries in China during the 16th and 17th century, pressed by practical needs and by propaganda exigencies, engaged themselves... more
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      ChinaChina studiesMissionary LinguisticsChina-West Comparative Studies
Christian chronology practiced during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was centred around the creation of the world. When introducing Christian doctrines to their Chinese converts, however, the Jesuits found that Biblical... more
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      History of ReligionChinese StudiesHistory of ChristianitySinology
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      History of ChristianityJesuit historyCross-Cultural StudiesHistory of Missions
“Amicitia Palatina: The Jesuits and the Politics of Gift-Giving at the Qing Court.” In Magda Abbiati and Federico Greselin eds., Il liuto e i libri: Studi in onore di Mario Sabattini, Series ‘Sinica Venetiana’ 1, Venice: Edizioni Ca’... more
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      Chinese StudiesGift ExchangeGift Giving (Economic Anthropology)Qing Dynasty (Ch'ing Dynasty)
In Richard E. Strassberg and Stephen H. Whiteman, _Thirty-Six Views: The Kangxi Emperor's Mountain Estate in Poetry and Prints_
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      Print CultureArt HistoryEarly Modern HistoryChinese Studies
This is the sixth volume to be dedicated to the pioneering linguistic work produced by missionaries in Asia. This volume presents research into the documentation, study and description of Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and Tamil. It... more
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      History of LinguisticsJapanese LinguisticsChinese linguisticsMissionary Linguistics
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      BuddhismChinese BuddhismJesuit historyChristian Apologetics
This article focuses on the role of the Jesuits in communicating informations about the Chinese empire to Europe between the sixteenth and the eighteenths century. These informations were an integral part of western imagination about the... more
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      Jesuit historyJesuits in China
Joachim Bouvet (1656-1730) was one of the king's five mathematicians who were sent to China by the French King Louis XIV. Based on his manuscripts found in Rome and Paris, the paper analyzes Bouvet and his study of the Yijing within its... more
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      History of MathematicsHistory of ScienceJesuit historyCross-Cultural Studies
耶稣会教士在中国的文化浸礼/帕斯卡,莱布尼茨,伏尔泰关于中国礼仪之争, traduction en chinois par He Weidong, professeur à L’Université Normale de Henan
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      Gottfried Wilhelm LeibnizAcculturationBlaise PascalInculturation
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      Jesuit historyHistory of MissionsInterCultural StudiesJesuit missionaries
Trabalho apresentado no Congresso The Art of Ornament. Senses, Archetypes, Shapes and Functions, em novembro de 2017 entre Lisboa e Sintra, organizado pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa e Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
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      Decorative ArtsBaroque ArchitectureHistory of OrnamentJesuits in China
This paper traces the attempts to associate an anatomical identity to the Chinese visceral concept pi 脾 prior to the Ming dynasty. It thus provides a review of the organs and concepts related to its longue-durée history. The etymology of... more
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      SpleenAnatomyTraditional Chinese MedicinePancreas
韓琦: “白晉的《易經》研究和康熙時代的‘西學中源’說”,《漢學研究》,16(1),1998:185-201.。
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      History of MathematicsChinese StudiesHistory of the BookHistory of Science
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      Chinese ArtJesuits in ChinaGiuseppe CastiglioneJesuit Artists
Italian painter Lang Shining, or Giuseppe Castiglione at the Court of the Son of Heaven. Monograph on Castiglione, focusing on his portrait painting and perspective interpretation in China
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      JesuitsJesuits in ChinaGiuseppe CastiglioneJesuit Artists
“Michał Boym was lucky with researchers. Although it often grieves us that he is forgotten by his followers, it was written more about him than about any of the six Polish Jesuits working in the Far East in the Xvii and XVIIIc.” – writes... more
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      Jesuit historyHistory of MissionsJesuit missionariesJesuits in China
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio Os jesuítas artífices da globalização: circulação de objetos, artistas e técnicas nas missões jesuíticas entre quatro continentes / coord. Renata Martins (FAU-USP) e Ricardo González (Instituto Julio... more
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      Art HistoryBrasil ColonialJesuits in ChinaGlobal Art History
When Rubens painted his altarpiece The miracles of St. Francis Xavier, he included among the onlookers in the background a man in a yellow robe, turquoise trousers, and a curious conical hat (figs. 1, 2). The figure was probably based on... more
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      Art HistoryChinese StudiesKorean StudiesPainting