Recent papers in Jesuits
The present work aims at offering an overview of the main educational and didactic institutions where most part of the Sicilian élite was educated in the time frame ranging from the second half of the XVIIIth century, immediately after... more
The thesis is divided into two parts and it aims to explain the historical events related to the bibliographical collection of the ancient Jesuit College of Perugia. The first part focuses on the Jesuit librarian history and on the... more
Knjiga "Iskrice sv. Ignacija: Misli sv. Ignacija Lojolskog za svaki dan u godini tumači Gábor Hevenesi". Kuče, Marignacija d. o. o., 2021., 394 str., 2 slike. Preveo Jozo Vela. Uredila i Pogovor napisala Marica Čunčić. Ova je knjiga dio... more
Cuadernos Dieciochistas es una revista en la que los artículos recibidos serán evaluados por revisores externos mediante el sistema conocido como de doble ciego. La revista figura en el directorio LATINDEX y en el portal Dialnet. Además,... more
Desde o início da colonização, o trabalho compulsório dos indígenas esteve entre as questões mais debatidas na Espanha e em suas possessões americanas. Nos anos finais do século XVI, os repartimientos, instituição de recrutamento de... more
There are many matters in the history of Polish-English relations that have so far escaped the attention of historians dealing with this subject. Religious issues that are the subject of this article, which is the result of a monthly... more
The first settlers in this part of southern Louisiana owned slaves to work their farms. As many slaves were Catholic as their owners. This article is the story of their development as Catholics over two centuries, a story told here in... more
Près de quatre siècles après sa première édition, il convient de placer la Brève Relation du voyage de la Nouvelle-France aux côtés des Voyages de Champlain et du Grand Voyage du pays des Hurons de Sagard. Précieux témoignage des premiers... more
En este libro, Patxi Álvarez - quien estuvo a cargo del Secretariado para la Justicia Social y la Ecología (SJES) de la Curia General de la Compañía de Jesús entre los años 2011 y 2017 - nos ofrece una mirada histórica al apostolado... more
In: Cardoner. Tijdschrift voor ignatiaanse spiritualiteit. Geplaatst: najaar 2009; in Cardoner zonder noten INLEIDING Toen ik na vier jaar in de parochie bekend maakte dat ik zou gaan intreden bij de jezuïeten leverde dat problemen op.... more
In the historiography of early modern England ‘democracy’ is conspicuous for its absence. The observation that since back then it did not exist, pre-nineteenth-century criticisms of democracy are not worth exploring has led historians to... more
In this essay I would like to show how writing history by Jesuits historians changed in the last decades. For many years the Jesuit Historical Institute based in Rome published sources concerning history of this Catholic religious order.... more
The Jesuits and their work in Bydgoszcz, 1946/47–1966/67 The Restoration of the Jesuits by Pope Pius VII in 1814 began a long and not always successful process of reactivating the Society’s posts all over the world. The Jesuits returned... more
A short summary on the history of the Hungarian Jesuit Archive, founded in 1934 by András Gyenis SJ. The Archive scattered in 1950, after the Communist regime dissoluted the Hungarian Jesuit Province. The study tries to discover the faith... more
Publisher: Abacus; Hachette Book Group; Little, Brown and Company Published: 2008; ISBN13: 978-0316113786; ISBN10: 0316113786; Pages: 368; Format: Hardback Say... more
Visuelle Strategien zur Konturierung eines jesuitischen Wissensreiches, in: Oy-Marra, Elisabeth/Remmert, Volker R. (eds.): „Le monde est une peinture“. Jesuitische Identität und die Rolle der Bilder, Berlin 2011 [Beiträge zu den... more
Carlos Zimmermann SJ was an important pedagogue and one of the most influential naturalists working in Portugal at the beginning of the twentieth century. He was an active promoter of an experimental approach to the teaching of the... more
This 2-page essay shows how to do the Examen of Conscience.
A Companhia de Jesus é uma ordem religiosa que surgiu no contexto da Reforma Católica, sendo reconhecida pelo Papa Paulo III em 1540. Já no início do século seguinte, os jesuítas somavam milhares de missionários espalhados por todo o... more
Notas al programa para el proyecto «Ópera de San Ignacio». Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, 2018.
To grasp the principles of Ignatian pedagogy, one must revisit the educational concepts articulated by Ignatius of Loyola. An examination of the early activities of the Society of Jesus can shed light on this matter. Initially, the... more
Drawing on Jesuit values as well as perspectives from disciplines across the humanities and sciences, this volume is oriented toward care for the people, communities, and ecosystems that make up our common home. Caring for our planetary... more
This paper examines the set of fifteen prints included in the seventeenth-century Chinese text Song nianzhu guicheng. This catechism was translated by Portuguese Jesuits serving in the China mission and consists of instructions for... more
Pertencem aos acervos do Museu do Azulejo, em Lisboa, e do Museu Nacional Machado de Castro, em Coimbra, vários azulejos que serviram em tempos para ensinar Matemática, Astronomia, Geografia. Sabemos, hoje, que foram criados para apoiar o... more
In Dublin, my new colleagues and students at TCD have provided me with a platform to write, think, and teach, and I consider it a privilege to be able do so. ere are three people to whom I owe more than mere thanks. Marianne Elliott was a... more
Desde a Antiguidade, observa-se um empenho no estudo sobre os animais, bem como nas tentativas em classificá-los. Perpassando autoridades antigas e modernas como Aristóteles (384 a.C.-322 a.C.), Plínio o Velho (23 d.C.-79 d.C.), Isidoro... more
1 S'il est un domaine dans l'histoire du livre qui mériterait une plus grande attention, c'est certainement celui de l'histoire des bibliothèques au XXe siècle et plus particulièrement dans sa seconde moitié. Il existe bien sûr des... more
The book was published in Prague in 1896.
Jak se díval barokní učenec na přírodu, jak se liší Čechy na počátku baroka od těch dnešních a obstojí tehdejší přírodovědné poznatky ve světle moderní vědy? Odpovědi na tyto otázky může čtenář hledat v první knize Rozmanitostí z historie... more
Los jesuitas desarrollaron, en la América Latina, un humanismo diferente al europeo. A diferencia de éste, no partía de una base eurocéntrica, sino que pretendía reconocer la dignidad de la alteridad de los indios americanos. Se trata de... more