Most cited papers in Jesuits
In this paper I endeavour to bridge the gap between the history of material culture and the history of ideas. I do this by focussing on the intersection between metaphysics and technology -what
The seventeenth-and eighteenth-century wine-and brandy-producing estates owned by the Society of Jesus in Nasca, Peru held a large enslaved population of diverse sub-Saharan origins. Enslaved actors, together with a minority of black... more
In 1590, Domingo de Salazar, the first Bishop of Manila, wrote to Philip II about the skillful ivory carving of the local Chinese immigrant population, claiming: “with their ability to replicate those images that come from Spain, I... more
In the period of emergence of early modern science, ‘monsters’ or individuals with physical congenital anomalies were considered as rare events which required special explanations entailing assumptions about the laws of nature. This... more
This paper deals with the function and meaning of sundials in Early Modern Rome, more specifically in gardens. It concentrates on two gardens, both on the Quirinal hill and directly facing each other: the papal gardens of Monte Cavallo... more
El exilio de los jesuitas en Italia, a pesar de la tribulación que implica, fue sumamente fructífero en la labor literaria de quienes pretendían sobre-llevar esa carga. Compendiamos en este artículo, a los fines de divulgación y... more
The Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, owned plantations in the Americas to fund missionaries who proselytized among native peoples and enslaved Africans while ensuring that colonists remained Catholic. Fusing the roles of planters and... more
This article makes the case for the utility of an aesthetic approach to the archaeological record, drawing on the philosophical work of Jacques Rancière on aesthetics and politics. The case of an archaeology of African slavery on Jesuit... more
En este trabajo propongo un análisis transversal de las figuras del mártir y del martirio. Recurriendo a la noción de mediación, en la primera parte analizo el rol protagónico de las representaciones del martirio en las prácticas de la... more
During the seventeenth century, intrepid settlers and devoted missionaries embarked upon a rigorous exploration of the Amazonian lowlands, situated to the east of the Viceroyalty of Peru. Seeking recognition and acclaim for their past and... more
Resumen Estudiar a los miembros de la Compañía de jesús ha tenido una importancia fundamental para entender a la orden en la época moderna, como lo muestran varios estudios históricos recientes. Así, analizar la figura de Nicolás de... more
In this article, an analysis is conducted on the depictions of the devil found in the written works of missionaries who worked in the Spanish Amazon during the 17th and 18th centuries. The European missionaries, notably the Jesuits, wove... more
The position of Pai dos Cristãos (Father of Christians) was created to help in the conversion of people who lived in the Portuguese Empire in Asia, to prevent religious practices considered idolatrous, to teach the Catholic doctrine, and... more
This article delves into a collection of memoriales dispatched to the Council of the Indies by settlers and officials residing in the viceroyalty of Peru during the early seventeenth century. These texts illuminated issues related to the... more
Este artículo propone una lectura de la Historia del Reino de Quito en la América Meridional (1789), de Juan de Velasco, a partir de las ideas políticas y jurídicas de su autor. Sugiere abordar el tomo tercero de la Historia no solamente... more
The Chinese rites controversy (c.1582–1742) is typically characterized as a religious quarrel between different Catholic orders over whether it was permissible for Chinese converts to observe traditional rites and use the terms tian and... more
“Telescope and Microscope. A Micro-Historical Approach to Global China in the Eighteenth Century,” Modern Asian Studies, December 2019, pp. 1-30. [online]; PRINT VERSION in Modern Asian Studies 54:4 (July 2020), pp. 1315-1344 (DOI:... more
The Jesuit father Nicolas Pimenta's report mentions one of the first Christian missions to Bengal (1598–1604). Based on fresh translations of the chapters in the report describing the Bengal mission, this article examines interreligious... more
1534 yılında Ignacio de Loyala (Ignaz von Loyola) tarafından kurulan, aslında Kudüs merkezli bir teşkilat olması düşünülürken fiziki ve siyasi şartların el vermemesi nedeniyle Avrupa’da yayılan ve faaliyet alanlarını genellikle... more
La existencia de una corriente alejada de las tesis más discutibles del probabilismo y, por tanto, partidaria de un mayor rigor en la confesión se puede rastrear en el seno de la orden jesuita a través de destacados misioneros del siglo... more
This article considers the significant role which the Society of Jesus had in the Iraqi secondary and higher education systems in the period 1932--1968. The Jesuits' Baghdad based school and university formed a part of the substantial... more
RESUMO O artigo trata da presença de livros de "literatura artística" nas bibliotecas da Companhia de Jesus em Lisboa, compreendendo na "literatura artística" somente os testemunhos histórico-literários que dizem respeito à vida e à obra... more
Like most higher education institutions, Catholic universities experience changes and pressures due to university rankings, education marketisation, and diverse student bodies. As part of the Catholic Church, these institutions must also... more
In ethics, “probabilism” refers to a position defended by a number of Catholic theologians, mainly in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. They held that, when one is uncertain which of a range of actions is the right one to perform,... more
It is usually acknowledged that since Colonialist times, Asian ways of thinking were described as weak, irrational, immoral, and thus different and inferior to western ones (see Said). However, this secular–not religious–definition of... more
Artículo que describe un libro del teólogo jesuita español Francisco de Ribera sobre los comentarios a los 12 profetas menores del Antiguo Testamento, impreso en Salamanca, España, en 1587. Es uno de los ejemplares más antiguos... more
Unlike the perceived stance of many of his scholastic predecessors and contemporaries, Suárez denies the claim that women are mentally inferior to men, and therefore argues that they enjoy full political authority. In this paper, I... more
This paper examines the archives of a major Catholic order, the Society of Jesus. The quality and amount of Jesuit sources allows a very detailed reconstruction not only of how the archives were meant to function, but also of how they... more
A Christian martyr for the gospel of social justice, and a man of deep spirituality and great ethical stature, Óscar Romero, archbishop of San Salvador during years of brutal government and paramilitary repression, is a towering figure in... more
RESUMEN El colegio de los jesuitas de Orduña, uno de los más tardíos de todo el País Vasco, sigue en su fundación un patrón característico en los casos de mecenazgo indiano: benefactor oriundo, capital consolidado sobre el comercio y el... more
The musical activities connected with the teaching of Christian doctrine in the early modern era have failed to attract substantial scholarly attention. In fact, the noteworthy and by no means obvious association between singing and... more
La figura de rector es la más importante en todas las instituciones. En los colegios de la Compañía de Jesús observamos una plasmación de esta tendencia. Lo que pretendemos es presentar una élite intelectual salmantina y sus diferentes... more
In Dublin, my new colleagues and students at TCD have provided me with a platform to write, think, and teach, and I consider it a privilege to be able do so. ere are three people to whom I owe more than mere thanks. Marianne Elliott was a... more
The international impact of Andrea Pozzo (1642-1709) as an architect, painter, builder of ephemeral artifacts and quadraturista, was principally a result of the wide dissemination of his treatise Perspectiva Pictorum Architectorum (Rome... more
Th is paper uses the Society of Jesus as a case study to examine important developments in the early modern history of administration. It starts by analyzing the conceptual framework of Jesuit government, especially its centralized... more
Publisher: Abacus; Hachette Book Group; Little, Brown and Company Published: 2008; ISBN13: 978-0316113786; ISBN10: 0316113786; Pages: 368; Format: Hardback Say... more
In seventeenth-century North America, efforts at cultural accommodation through similarities in olfactory inclusive spiritual sensoriums helped to create cross-cultural concordance between Jesuit Fathers and Native Americans in New... more
Set in a remote alpine valley in the prince-archbishopric of Salzburg, this essay begins by examining a clandestine Protestant subculture, dating back to the Reformation, that had managed variously to resist and accommodate efforts by the... more
This article examines the patriarchalist ideas of Robert Filmer (1588-1653) under a new light, both conceptually and contextually. Against the grain of mainstream historiography whereby Filmer is a quintessentially English character on... more
Envoys of A Human God offers a comprehensive study of the religious mission led by the Society of Jesus in Christian Ethiopia. The mission to Ethiopia was one of the most challenging undertakings carried out by the Catholic Church in... more