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      Collecting (Art)Collecting and CollectionsHistory of CollectingPatriotism
Tristano Matta Direttore responsabile: Diego D'Amelio Redattore: Fabio Todero Direzione, redazione e amministrazione: Istituto regionale per la storia del movimento di liberazione nel Friuli Venezia Giulia Salita di Gretta 38, 34136... more
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      Italian StudiesBorder StudiesContemporary HistoryPolitical Science
Today, the dominant trait of patriotism, love of country loses the status of spiritual, creative and consolidating support and it can be treated as the highest manifestation of the human spirit and as an expression of the lowest, perverse... more
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      GenderKazakh CulturePatriotismKazakhstan
Michel de l'Hospital's Latin poetry, known as the ''Carmina' furnish the source-material for this chapter, in which the Latinate connotations of 'patria' are read with the contemporary inflections that the author clearly intended them to... more
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      PatriotismEarly Modern theories of the passions
Relying primarily on field research in the Siberian city of Omsk, this essay analyses a variety of ways in which state patriotic terminology is used by individuals and groups through the study of organisations and activities that deploy... more
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      Russian StudiesPost-Soviet PoliticsPost-Soviet StudiesSoviet, post-Soviet, Russian politics
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      MulticulturalismHuman Rights LawDemocracyPatriotism
School performance to commemorate the May 3rd Constitution Day Scenario of the school performance prepared for the celebration to commemorate the 3rd May National Holiday which could be also used on the anniversary of the death of Pope... more
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      HistoryLearning and TeachingPatriotismPatriotisme
Jaunosios kartos patriotizmas Ukrainoje hibridinio karo laikotarpiu ** Po Euromaidano (2013 m.) ir karo Rytų Ukrainoje (2014 m.) šios šalies jaunimas atsidūrė naujoje situacijoje-turi gyventi hibridinio karo laikotarpiu. Straipsnyje... more
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      Youth StudiesUkrainePatriotismHybrid Warfare
Аннотация: Президент РФ В.В. Путин в разных обстоятельствах указывает, что «у нас нет никакой и не может быть никакой другой объединяющей идеи, кроме патриотизма». Патриотизм является важной национальной идеей. Данная статья посвящена... more
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      ConceptsPatriotismPolitical Discourse
In catholic social teaching the nation is recognized as a community in which its members share a cultural bond. The nature of this relationship makes the nation spiritual community. The relationship between members of nation rely on their... more
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      NationalismCatholic Social TeachingCultureNational Identity
In current debates on “constitutional” and “republican” patriotisms, the relationship between religion and patriotism is underappreciated while alternative forms of patriotism in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy have escaped scholarly... more
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      Modern and Contemporary JapanHistory of Political ThoughtPatriotismPolitical Thought
Like all other nations Nigeria aspires to greatness but over five decades after Independence still ranks very low on all parameters of good governance. The objective of the paper is to examine the concepts of leadership, participatory... more
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      SociologyPublic FinanceDevelopment StudiesPolitical Theory
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      American LiteratureBusinessMarketingBusiness Administration
В книге рассматриваются предпосылки, формы, акторы конструирования патриотических настроений и чувств современной российской молодежи, описываются методологические подходы к анализу патриотического воспитания. В сборнике подробно... more
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      SociologyRussian StudiesYouth StudiesRussian Politics
כאשר אזרחים השייכים לקולקטיב הלאומי או ל"עם" חוצים את הקווים ובוגדים במולדת, הם מסמנים ומנכיחים את הגבולות והטאבואים שאותם אסור לחצות, המגדירים נורמות וציפיות של התנהגות מקובלת ונאמנות למדינה. במובן זה, הגבול הנוצר אינו חוצה טריטוריות... more
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‘Civilization is a blazing fire that burns and obliterates those who will not acknowledge it’ – Kemal Ataturk. Usually, people grown up in typical lower-middle-class families are able to leave memorable contributions not only to the... more
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesTurkeyTurkey And EuropeTurkish Foreign Policy
Research on pride occurs in disciplines which often neglect the potential to develop a rich interdisciplinary perspective on the personal, political and cultural significance of positive and patriotic feelings (Sullivan 2008).... more
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      EmotionNationalismPride/ArroganceCollective emotion
The world suffers a lot not because of the 'violence' of bad people but because of the 'silence' of good people. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
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      Political CorruptionAnti-CorruptionPatriotismHomeland
This study explores the socio-cognitive processes involved in the production of Pakistani music videos with political narratives. The time period of the research is for ten years starting from 2007 to 2017. This study suggests that music... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyMusicMusicology
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      NationalismGlobal EgalitarianismCosmopolitanismGlobal Justice
In The Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels wrote that workers have no country. This chapter defends that tendency in Marxist thought. Patriotism is identification with and loyalty to a nation-state. States arise in human pre-history to... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryMarxismPolitical Science
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      First World WarPatriotismMennonite historyMennonite theology
Soit qu'on parle d'oeuvres didactiques, récréatives ou mémorielles, l'enfance ainsi que la jeunesse représentent sans aucun doute une partie déterminante du lectorat et bien sûr de la foule de protagonistes de la production littéraire... more
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      HistoryFrench LiteratureIconographyRhetoric
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      Russian StudiesTheologyWar StudiesRussian Orthodox Church
The article explores the content and peculiarities of Greek patriotism as a multifaceted spiritual phenomenon in the context of imperial realities. This patriotism, focused primarily on native polis, was an ideological, emotional,... more
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      Roman EmpirePatriotismAncient Greece and RomeGreek and Roman Social History
Various definitions are used in research on Chinese nationalism and patriotism, and scholars often distinguish between different types of both. While such research has provided important insights, it pays scant attention to how political... more
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      Discourse AnalysisNationalismNational IdentityChina
Dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle, quel fut le rôle joué par les romans sentimentaux suisses, en particulier La Nouvelle Héloïse de Rousseau, dans la réflexion idéale d’une civilisation qui ne serait plus soumise à l’égoïsme ?... more
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      RepublicanismNatural LawProtestantismMoral Philosophy
This historiographical review analyses some of the most important literature concerning British Patriotism and Identity during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars and suggests future areas for research.
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      British HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesEighteenth-Century British History and CultureNapoleonic Wars
Analiza konceptualnih razlika između pojmova "patriotizam" i "nacionalizam" (Zašto je srpskom građanstvu teško da se oslobodi nacionalizma?).
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      Balkan StudiesContemporary HistoryNationalismYugoslavia
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      Intellectual HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern EnglandHistory of Political Thought
憲政愛國主義在漢語學界已為人所熟知,但多數學者是透過Jürgen Habermas的觀點來理解此概念,而少有人處理憲政愛國主義的首創者Dolf... more
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      History of Political ThoughtPatriotismPolitische Ideengeschichte
Təhsilalanların mənəvi dəyərlər ruhunda tərbiyə olunması müasir təhsilin ən ümdə vəzifələrindəndir. Ölkəmizdə həyata keçirilən təhsil islahatlarına dair direktiv sənədlərdə də yetişən gənc nəsildə milli özünüdərkin formalaşması ideyası... more
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Перевод доклада на защите кандидатской работы в г. Лейпциг, 05.11.2019 г.
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      Military HistorySoviet HistoryBelarusian StudiesHistory and Memory
This paper explores the American master narrative as it is expressed in civic republicanism and liberal citizenship discourse. These divergent views on citizenship education actually share common notions of a self-correcting democratic... more
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      Critical TheoryCritical Race TheoryFoucault and educationImagined Community
Benim Dağıstanım bana posta yoluyla yayımcısı Koyusiyah Yayıncılık tarafından gönderildi. Sıklıkla tanıtım yazısı yazan biri olmadığım için, yayınevlerinden bana pek kitap gelmez. Tek tük geldiğinde de gönderene teşekkür mesajımı yazar,... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnic StudiesDiasporasNationalism
“[A] patriot [is] the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about.” ~Mark Twain (American author and humorist) “[P]atriotism... is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady... more
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      PatriotismUS History
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      Teaching and LearningEducationDemocratic EducationYouth Studies
The book draws out the critique of Christian nationalism that is implicit throughout the thought of Søren Kierkegaard, an analysis that is inseparable from his wider aim of reintroducing Christianity into Christendom. ‘Christian... more
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      Political TheoryNationalismContemporary ChristianityPolitical Theology
This article explores the multiplicity of discoursive articulations of patriotism in Russia in the context of "patriotic frenzy" observed in the country and reached in fashion. Patriotism is considered a socially constructed,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisFashion designNationalismMichel Foucault
This book brings together fifty of today’s finest thinkers. They were asked to let their imaginations run free to advance new ideas on a wide range of social and political issues. They did so as friends, on the occasion of Philippe Van... more
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      Welfare StateWelfare StateSocial JusticeFederalism
Jimi Hendrix’s 18 August 1969 performance of “The Star-Spangled Banner” at the Woodstock Music and Art Fair has been characterized as an expression of transcendent political resistance as well as crude anti-U.S. drivel. Drawing on... more
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      American HistoryAmerican musicPatriotismThe Star-Spangled Banner
Chapter in "Russia Before and After Crimea: Nationalism and Identity, 2010–17", Pål Kolstø and Helge Blakkisrud (Eds), Edinburgh University Press, 2018.
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      Russian StudiesQualitative methodologyPost-Soviet RegimesIdentity politics
This article offers a new interpretation of the demise of Irish Home Rule support in the United States, making the case that the cause did not so much disappear as it morphed into the preparedness, and later, pro-war movements. The... more
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      Military HistoryIrish StudiesWomen's HistoryIrish Diaspora
Nussbaum, a leading contemporary philosophical theorist on emotions in politics, gives an account on further global political development with her theories of patriotism and cosmopolitanism. Her theories on the importance of patriotism... more
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      Political PhilosophyCosmopolitanismPatriotism
Govor ob dnevu državnosti v Krajevni skupnosti Solkan. Razmislek o koreninah slovenskega odpora in upora, s poudarkom na dejanjih Andreja Gabrščka, Franceta Bevka in Vladimirja Poberaja. Napotek za sedanje voditelje slovenskega naroda.
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      Second World WarAustro-HungaryPatriotismItalian fascism
"""Fragment wstępu: Pomniki mają wielką moc. W odróżnieniu od malarstwa czy grafiki, z którymi nie musimy się zetknąć, mogąc przejść przez całe życie bez konieczności jakiejkolwiek interakcji, z pomnikami stykamy się, nawet... more
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      Polish HistoryCommemoration and MemoryPolish StudiesCultural History of Central Europe
How should patriotism be handled in schools? We argue that schools cannot afford to ignore the topic, but nor are they justified in either promoting or discouraging patriotic feeling in students. The only defensible policy is for schools... more
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      Educational PhilosophyPatriotismPatriotic Education
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      ReligionCultural HistoryRomanian HistoryItalian Studies