Consumer Protection
Recent papers in Consumer Protection
With the continuing growth of electronic commerce and markets a need for consumer protection has become a priority. The increase of transnational trades through e-markets has raised the number of low value high volume disputes in the... more
Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether encourage the owners of computing resources to bring ever-increasing levels of processing power to bear in validating the distributed ledger of cryptocurrency purchases and sales. Initial coin... more
To carry out any type of Business, there must be consumer. Without consumers, no goods can be sold, no services can be provided. So it is very important to take due care of the needs of the consumers. This study critically analyzed the... more
Consumer protection tends to becomes an ever decisive matter on a global and economic scale these days. It plays a principle role in maintaining and occassionally in recovery of balance between consumers and companies. This case study... more
This article deals with the protection of consumers when they enter e-commerce transactions with foreign companies. Most states reacted to the growing importance of e-commerce by enacting data protection and consumer protection... more
1. Reminder
2. The Spanish Supreme Court assumed the ECJ doctrine on Consumer Protection
3. Most recent ECJ cases on EU consumer protection
1. Reminder
2. The Spanish Supreme Court assumed the ECJ doctrine on Consumer Protection
3. Most recent ECJ cases on EU consumer protection
Opšte je prihvaćeno mišljenje da su od potencijalne povrede svojih prava zaštićeni samo informisani potrošači. Oglašavanje predstavlja jedan od osnovnih načina informisanja potrošača, te je od krucijalne važnosti da ono sadrži adekvatne... more
Companies are increasingly relying on alternative promotional activities, such as word-of-mouth communication (WOM), to reach their target markets. From a consumer protection perspective this may be troubling, as consumers may not always... more
A hulladékgazdálkodási közszolgáltatás kötelezően igénybe veendő szolgáltatás, amely minden ingatlanhasználót (magánszemélyeket, közületeket egyaránt) érint. E kutatás keretei között arra kerestünk válaszokat, hogy a közszolgáltatások... more
The article critically analyses the Internet of Things (IoT) and its intersection with cloud computing, the so-called Clouds of Things (CoT). ‘Things’ are understood as any physical entity capable of connectivity that has a direct... more
Resumen: Las plataformas intermediarias en línea se han convertido en protagonistas del desarro-llo del mercado digital y generan retos normativos importantes. Las nuevas tecnologías han favorecido nuevas formas de intercambio en las que... more
Available as a free pdf book download from the National Consumer Law Center, the National Association of Consumer Advocates, the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney web sites or directly from This... more
În ultimii ani, domeniul promovării intereselor consumatorilor a cunoscut o dezvoltare fără precedent, fiind influențat de extinderea nelimitată a societății noastre de consum. Dacă până în urmă cu puțin timp se făcea publicitate intensă... more
Velika uloga lokalnih vlasti u pružanju lokalnih javnih i socijalnih službi u Europi se u suvremeno doba gotovo podrazumijeva, dok je u drugim dijelovima svijeta situacija raznolika. I u razvijenim zemljama, naročito u velikim gradovima,... more
This chapter maps China’s cybersecurity policies in the five areas of personal data protection, consumer protection, cybercrime, threats to public order, and cyberdefense.
Inoculation theory boasts a dynamic history since McGuire first introduced it in the early 1960s. The last decade, in particular, has been a period of explosive growth for inoculation. Research has offered a more nuanced understanding of... more
THE INVESTIGATION IN THE COMPARATIVE LAW PERSPECTIVE OF THE PREVENTIVE MEASURES PROTECTING THE DIPSOMANIAC CONSUMERS Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.) ABSTRACT Comparative law is cautious against the uncontrolled consumption of... more
În ultimii ani, industria asigurărilor s-a dezvoltat tot mai mult atât la nivel mondial, cât şi în România. În acest context s-a născut şi ideea de protecţie a consumatorilor de servicii de asigurare, oamenii fiind tot mai expuşi la... more
E-commerce has changed conventional sale of goods through global access in an online marketplace. The borderless online marketplace provides a worldwide platform for sale of goods to consumers. A new group of tech-savvy consumers, also... more
Primeras páginas disponibles de libro
La nota analizza due recenti ordinanze con le quali e` stata dichiarata l’inammissibilità dell’azione di classe proposta nei confronti di Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena e relativa ai danni subiti da quegli investitori che, nel... more
The framework and this toolkit were developed keeping in mind that most AFI member countries have established an authority responsible for receiving and resolving financial consumer complaints. It outlines critical directions to improve... more
El archivo consta de: 1. mi comentario publicado en La Ley (letra pequeñita), 2. El mismo texto con letra mas grande. 3. El Plenario que se comenta en el artículo.
Italian Abstract: I Principles of European Contract Law (PECL) costituiscono una grande opera di “diritto scientifico”. Essendo stati redatti come black letter rules, essi possono servire per l’interpretazione del diritto nazionale e... more
This paper is devoted to the Economics of Consumer Protection. It further analyzes the development of Consumerism in India, Consumer rights, Consumer awareness, Common law in the field of Consumer/Competition/Anti-trust Law in India and... more
This book discusses the major principles of Ethiopian Business Law with practical examples. It is an educational reference module primarily written for the students of the School of Business taking the course business law in Ethiopian... more
Before the advent of the era of e-commerce in Nigeria; under the previous consumer protection regime, there was no recognition whatsoever for personal data protection as a species of consumer rights. Presently, a new consumer protection... more
In the words of Henry J. Heinz, “Protect the consumer by owing the product all the way from the soil to the table” . This paper contributes to a comparative analysis of the laws related to the consumer protection provided in the English... more
ABSTRACT The issue of consumer rights protection is of the most complex and actual problems of tourism in the modern world. Unfortunately, today this issue also possess the urgency in our country and misunderstandings between tourism... more
Berdasarkan kenyataan yang tidak dibantahkan bahwa bisnis merasuki seluruh kehidupan semua manusia, maka dari perspektif etis, bisnis diharapkan dan dituntut untuk menawarkan sesuatu yang berguna bagi manusia dan tidak sekedar menawarkan... more
Consumer protection in Tanzania is a phenomenon associated with the operation of markets. There are also non-market issues that concern or are involved in consumer protection. Law is one of the instruments for protecting rights of... more
Kepastian hukum sebagai salah satu cita hukum, oleh Gustav Radbruch merupakan konstruksi fakta dalam suatu kaedah hukum yang dirumuskan secara jelas dan tegas (Satjipto Rahardjo, 2006:136). Hukum perlindungan konsumen yang tertuang dalam... more
"Abstract. “Our key role is to identify these deficiencies and advocate to have them corrected”. “Some of its provisions must be amended in order to bring Tanzania in line with its international treaty obligations as well as evolving... more
This paper contains the Introduction of a book with the same title recently published by Cambridge University Press, which is reproduced here with their permission. The book offers an updated analysis of the various consumer dispute... more
Executive summary of an analysis of the Responsible Gambling Trust Machines Research Programme.
With the business landscape undergoing significant changes in the last decade, need for an evolved consumer protection framework is being felt across sectors and nations. This is largely due to the emergence of digital economy,... more
Consumer protection has become a legal phenomenon to reckon with on a global scale, with repercussions for, among others, contracts concluded between consumers and business entities – i.e., B2C contracts. While the path chosen by EU law... more