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La Cina rappresenta un quinto dell’umanità e di appresta a diventare, o è già diventata, decisiva per le sorti del mondo. Ad essa la Chiesa ha guardato negli ultimi secoli con un'attenzione quasi spasmodica dedicandogli grandi imprese di... more
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      ColonialismoMissiologiaMatteo RicciStoria del cristianesimo
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      Matteo RicciBaike Wenda拜客問答
Era il 24 gennaio 1601 quando Ricci arrivava finalmente alla corte di Pechino su invito dell'Imperatore, dopo aver dimostrato nei suoi 18 anni di permanenza in Cina che anche nel mondo occidentale erano stati conseguiti livelli di virtù e... more
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      Music and PoliticsMatteo Ricci
Chinese language has almost one character per every word, therefore the memorization and the active use of the language for a speaker with a native Indo-European language background must be harder than for a Chinese person. Nonetheless,... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageMnemonicsEnglish languageChinese Language and Culture
Come abbiamo scelto i giganti Luisa M. Paternicò - “Sapienza” Università di Roma “Questa è la storia di un piccolo gruppo di uomini che, rompendo con lo spirito dominante del loro tempo e richiamandosi ad un passato lontano,... more
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      Martino MartiniMatteo RicciProspero IntorcettaFerdinand Verbiest
La mostra e il convegno sono stati organizzati in occasione del IV centenario della morte del gesuita P. Matteo Ricci (1552-1610). Massimo studioso delle fonti ricciane è stato certamente padre Pasquale D'Elia, gesuita, missionario e... more
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      SinologyMissiology and Mission TheologyGesuitiMolise
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      AstronomiaMatteo RicciSocietà Astronomica Italiana
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      Jesuits in ChinaMatteo RicciMissionaries in ChinaMissionários jesuítas na China
An historical survey of the pipe organ in China between 1600 and 1775, covering the work of Matteo Ricci, Lazzaro Cattaneo, Tomas Pereira, Teodorico Pedrini, Florian Bahr, August von Hallerstein, Charles Paris, and others from the late... more
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      MusicologyCultural MusicologyBaroque MusicChina studies
The paper introduces the major developments of the Chinese Rites Controversy (XVII-XVIII centuries), which had a devastating impact on China missionary endeavor. Special attention is given to religious and ideological background of the... more
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      Matteo RicciChristianity in ChinaThe Chinese Rites ControversyLate Ming Early Qing Catholic Mission to China
Lo scritto introduce ai principali sviluppi della controversia sui Riti cinesi (secoli XVII-XVIII), che ha avuto un impatto devastante sulla vicenda missionaria in Cina. Particolare attenzione viene data al background religioso e... more
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      Matteo RicciInculturazioneGesuiti in CinaControversia dei Riti Cinesi
The study introduces the major developments of the Chinese Rites Controversy (XVII-XVIII centuries), which had a devastating impact on China missionary endeavor. Special attention is given to religious and ideological background of the... more
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      Matteo RicciGiuseppe CastiglioneChristianity in ChinaJesuits China Giulio Aleni
Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) Missionario della Compagnia di Gesù, scienziato e umanista, introdusse, primo nell'epoca moderna, la fede cristiana in Cina attraverso la via dell'amicizia, del dialogo culturale e della produzione di nuovi... more
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      GesuitiFides et ratioMatteo RicciMacerata
Matteo Ricci, Padre della missione cristiana moderna in terra cinese, il "saggio d'Oriente" percorse le vie inedite dell'amiciza e dell'accomodamento per l'annuncio del Vangeloin Cina.
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      Matteo Ricci利玛窦Matteo RicciMatteo Ricci gesuitaMatteo Ricci world map
耶稣会传教士Matteo Ricci(1552-1610)进入中国后,为了适应本土文化,替自己起了汉名“利玛窦”和尊名“西泰”。但“利玛窦”这一中文名出现的时间、来源和意义,以及尊名“西泰”到底是字还是号,历来众说纷纭、莫衷一是。在前人研究的基础上,根据《利学资料》中的一些细节、方济会士利安定神父的一封信以及意大利语语音规则,并通过查阅三类中西文史料:明朝宫廷记录、利玛窦友人为其汉文作品所作的序言以及利氏本人的记载,证明“利玛窦”这一汉名取自1585... more
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      Matteo RicciFranciscan missionaries in ChinaJesuit Missionaries in China
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      Visual CultureChinese ArtDecorative ArtsPrints (Art History)
The world map Kun Yu Wan Guo Quan Tu, a map completely labeled in Chinese and previously thought to be the works of the Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci in 1602, is incompatible with the authorship of Matteo Ricci or European cartographers.... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryWorld HistoryHistory of Cartography
It may well be considered a case of historical irony that arguably the most influential Italian in East Asia is not particularly well celebrated in his native land. Neither Dante Alighieri, nor Leonardo da Vinci, not even Michelangelo... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistorySociology
The 1602 Chinese world map, long believed to be the work of Matteo Ricci, is mostly drawn by Chinese prior to 1430. The Papal States, Florence and other Renaissance names are notably absent in the map, which is inconsistent with the... more
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      HistoryCartographyWorld HistoryHistory of Cartography
In 1982, at the Macerata Conference commemorating the 400th anniversary of the arrival in China of Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) described the Italian missionary as “a veritable bridge between the two... more
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      ChristianityBuddhismComparative ReligionCultural Studies
Why were Chinese and Indian ways of thinking excluded from European philosophy in early modern times? This is a study of what happened to the European understanding of China and India between the late 16th century and the first half of... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyComparative PhilosophyIndian PhilosophyChinese Studies
It is well known that the Tianzhu shiyi (1603) is a development of a previous catechism published some twenty years before, which Matteo Ricci completely remodeled according to his discussions with Chinese intellectuals. This research... more
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      Jesuits in ChinaMatteo RicciAlessandro Valignano
Controversy over Chinese Rites. Is Confucius a God or a Master?
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      Chinese PhilosophyConfuciusClassical Chinese PhilosophyMatteo Ricci
Nos encontramos ante un tiempo y unas figuras apasionantes. El jesuita del sur de Italia (en aquel tiempo bajo dominio español) Michele Ruggieri, Felipe II, el Siglo de Oro español y la dinastía Ming. ¿Qué podía salir de todo esto? China... more
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      ConfucianismJesuits in ChinaMatteo RicciJesuítas na China
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      Jesuits in ChinaMatteo Ricci
One of the attributes of the Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) was his prodigious memory. The humanistic education received at the Roman College enabled him to master the classical art of memory. In China, Ricci discovered that... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMing DynastyArt of memoryMemory
Matteo Ricci e Giulio Aleni, due vite incrociate Ricci ed Aleni non si sono mai incontrati. Eppure la loro vita è profondamente collegata. Forse nessuno, come Aleni, si avvicina a Matteo Ricci per personalità, formazione, spiritualità,... more
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      BresciaGesuitiMatteo RicciGiulio Aleni
Lo scritto introduce ai principali sviluppi della controversia sui Riti cinesi (secoli XVII-XVIII), che ha avuto un impatto devastante sulla vicenda missionaria in Cina. Particolare attenzione viene data al background religioso e... more
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      Matteo RicciGiulio AleniKangxi EmperorInculturazione
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      Global HistoryMing ChinaMatteo RicciJesuit Missions
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      Chinese StudiesJesuit historyBinary CodeGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
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      Early Modern HistoryMing DynastyFriendshipMatteo Ricci
Giulio Aleni wrote the biography of Matteo Ricci in Chinese in Fuzhou in 1630, twenty years after the death of the founder of the Jesuit mission in China. Aleni's work is a fundamental document for studying Ricci and Jesuit mission from a... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyAccommodationInculturationInculturation Theology
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      Chinese StudiesEnlightenmentHistory of MissionsMing-Qing History
基督教学术 (Christian Scholarship) 14 (December 2015) pp.82-97... more
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      Chinese TheologyNatural TheologyMatteo Ricci
This essay focuses on the gestures of courtesy described by Matteo Ricci (1552– 1610) in his treatise "Della entrata della Compagnia di Giesù e Christianità nella Cina" (1600 ca.). The Italian Jesuit was the first European missionary of... more
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      Cultural StudiesGesture StudiesMatteo RicciMissionários jesuítas na China
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      Early Modern HistoryChinaMing DynastyJesuits
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      SinologyMandarin ChineseMatteo RicciGuahua
夏伯嘉 (R. Po-chia, Hsia)著;向红艳、李春圆译 (trans. Xiang, Hongyan, & Li Chunyuan).
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      Ming DynastySino-Western relationsJesuits in ChinaMatteo Ricci
This article traces Chosŏn’s Neo-Confucian encounter with Matteo Ricci’s catechism, known as Ch’ŏnju sirŭi (天主實義) in Korea.1 It explores how this inter-cultural experience culminated in a transformation from philosophical investigation,... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionChristianityCultural History
The manuscript travel journals of the jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci (Della Entrata della Compagnia di Giesù e Christianità nella Cina) were published in a latin translation (De Christiana Expeditione apud Sinas suscepta ab Societate... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryModern History
Replicas of Marian images, especially the Salus Populi Romani, played an important role in the conversion of Chinese literati and commoners to Christianity. This article examines the diffusion of replicas of the Salus Populi Romani in the... more
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      Chinese StudiesJesuit historyChristianity and the ArtsJesuits in China
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      Matteo RicciJesuit MissionsIppolito Desideri
The arrival of the two jesuits, Michele Ruggieri and Matteo Ricci in China at the end of the XVI century and their different ideas of the chinese empire
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      History of MissionsJesuit missionariesJesuits in ChinaMatteo Ricci
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      CartographyChinese StudiesHistory of ScienceHistory of Cartography
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      Jesuit historyJesuitsNovelaNovela histórica
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      Art HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of EducationEgyptomania