Christopher Dawson
Recent papers in Christopher Dawson
How to write the history of philosophy of history? This article argues that a discursive approach, focused on the use and meaning of such essentially contested concepts like “history” and “objectivity,” is more appropriate for the field... more
Edición, traducción y estudio preliminar de The Gods of Revolution, obra póstuma de Christopher Dawson.
The roots of gender ideology lie in the broader contraceptive culture that gave birth to it. The consequent abortion of the body, both the bodies of actual persons and the body as a governing concept in law and public policy, is now... more
This paper considers the future role and fate of religion in liberal modernity through the eyes of two Catholic thinkers, Christopher Dawson and Charles Taylor. It is argued herein that Taylor may be surprised to discover that his... more
This paper compares the works of British Catholic thinkers John Henry Newman and Christopher Dawson on the nature of education. As educators, Newman the theologian and Dawson the world historian were widely influential and widely... more
At the end of the twentieth century the triumph of capitalism and liberal democracy seemed so complete that Hegel's spectre of the end of history was raised. However, the 2008 financial crisis and, more acutely, the threat of Islamism has... more
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Martin Wight and Bernard Lonergan both realised the importance of history in their twenties, Wight discovering a universe of meaning in Toynbee’s Study and Lonergan spending “long hours” reading Thucydides. Each writer made significant... more
Is culture a temptation for Christianity or is its formation part of the mission of the Church on earth? After exploring several objections, this essay will present an argument that Christianity fundamentally is meant to shape culture... more
‘“Post-Christian Era”? Nonsense!’ declared one of Europe’s foremost theologians, Karl Barth, in August 1948 at the first assembly of the World Council of Churches in Amsterdam. Barth’s criticism notwithstanding, ‘post-Christian’ was a... more
Versión digital del prólogo a la edición de Encuentro (Los dioses de la Revolución, 2015) incluida en el núm. 135 de Nueva Revista.
A Word in Season I (Fall 2020): 57-64. The rise of Catholic Studies programs at Catholic and non-Catholic universities has provoked admiration and dismay from various viewpoints. Theologian John Cavadini expressed a common criticism when... more
A small number of scholars have noted T. S. Eliot's anticipation of the hermeneutical theory later articulated by the philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer. Eliot similarly concerns himself with the epistemological assumptions of positivism in... more
This thesis forwards the concept of the ‘Old Western Men’, a phrase borrowed from C. S. Lewis, who used this term to assert the presence of a ‘Great Divide’ in history. Modernity, he believed, was essentially secular, unlike what had... more
Sažetak Tema kršćanskih korijena Europe i njezinog jedinstva bila je vrlo aktualna u vrijeme donošenja Europskog ustava (2004.). Međutim osim iznošenja političkih stavova gotovo da i nije bilo povjesničara u rangu engleskog apologeta... more
This essay discusses an almost forgotten text by Hayden White: a 1959 book review published in the journal Speculum. The brief text offers an interesting glimpse on the medieval historian that was White in 1959 – though one who clearly... more
A short (1400-word) reflection on the essential value of a spiritually-attuned humanistic liberal education in American education. Our common culture serves the common good, and the educational sector is obligated to engage in a large... more
Originally titled "Transforming Culture through Family Catechesis," the essays covers the role of family life in forming culture and education. It offers four proposals for building culture in the family: 1) family prayer 2) forming the... more
Bellarmine Forum 5:3 (Winter 2015): 14-17. In this article I attempt to diagnose the position of the Catholic Church in this time period, locating us at the end of Christopher Dawson's "sixth age" of the Church, in which internal and... more
Max Weber, from whom we derive the term “Protestant work ethic,” saw work (and buying, selling, or accumulating and investing capital) as deeply entwined with a religious framework. Weber’s view is amenable to the perspective of... more
Books & Culture (September-October 2009): 35-37. In this essay I discuss the decline of Chesterton's reputation in the post-sixties era and his return to prominence in both academic and popular attention. In the course of this I discuss... more
On October 19th, 1954, the Archbishop of Boston, Richard Cush- ing, appointed Guillermo Porras the first Opus Dei priest to settle in Boston, as chaplain of the Harvard Catholic Club. This article investigates the reasons that led the... more
Apresentação à edição brasileira da obra de Christopher Dawson "A Formação da Cristandade - Das origens na tradição Judaico-cristã à ascensão e queda da unidade medieval" (São Paulo: É Realizações, 2014, pp 7-30). No link abaixo em trecho... more
L'article parcourt un éventail d’interprétations macro-historiques expliquant l’apport du monde musulman à la formation et au développement de l’Europe. Dans ces interprétations , le monde musulman est présenté (1) en tant qu’expérience... more