Citizens initiative
Recent papers in Citizens initiative
Citizens’ initiatives are the focus of public attention as part of the popular ‘do-democracy’ (associative democracy). However, it is not clear to what extent citizens are able to shape self-organization in a sustainable manner, what the... more
Mémoire de maîtrise. Faculté d'Architecture, Université de Liège, juin 2015. L’idée de cette recherche est née d’un double constat concernant les transformations urbaines. D’une part, des initiatives citoyennes pour un « droit à la... more
In the last decades citizen initiatives of urban action have received extensive attention by scholars for their divergence from highly formalized planning routines, their innovative logics and ways of engaging with city making and with... more
This paper explores the concepts and practices of participatory governance, focusing the discussion on cultural centres initiated by citizens and artists.
Las instituciones de la democracia representativa enfrentan un proceso de descrédito y desafección que ha conducido a la búsqueda de mecanismos que permitan renovarla, especialmente a través de la “innovación democrática”. Sin embargo, el... more
This paper explores the roles and practices of collective citizen engagement in spatial planning. Drawing on a selection of core articles in planning scholarship, it investigates how citizens (re-)shape urban places by responding to... more
El 13 de septiembre de 2017 se presentaba la propuesta de la Comisión Europea para la reforma del Reglamento 11/2011 sobre la Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea (COM (2017)482 final), en proceso de toma en consideración por parte del... more
There are high political and policy expectations of local and voluntary initiatives of citizens collaborating to provide public services themselves. Despite rising attention, existing research lacks systematic knowledge on the actual... more
In the last decades citizen initiatives of urban action have received extensive attention by scholars for their divergence from highly formalized planning routines, their innovative logics and ways of engaging with city making and with... more
En el marco del debate sobre el déficit democrático de la UE y del creciente distanciamiento entre ciudadanos e instituciones, la ICE ofrece para aquellas propuestas que cuenten con el apoyo de un millón de europeos la posibilidad de... more
Legal regulation and recent practice concerning the institution of citizens' legislative initiative (people's initiative) in the Principality of Liechtenstein. —————————————————————————————— Regulacja prawna i najnowsza praktyka dotycząca... more
With a point of departure in a Bourdieusian framework, the chapter studies dynamics between participatory policymaking and the citizenry’s political agency in a gentrifying neighborhood in Amsterdam East. The analysis shows that... more
Theorists’ calls to improve citizens’ policy deliberations by enhancing the quality of the information that forms the basis of those deliberations highlight the question of how to evaluate deliberative information. To address that... more