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      SociologyEnvironmental policyPolitical ScienceEnergy Policy
Democracy is in crisis. As neo-Nazis, right-wing populists, and authoritarians, old and new, stake their claims around the world, democracy faces its greatest challenge yet. The only way to save it is to change it. Democracy as we know... more
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      Political ParticipationParticipatory ResearchParticipatory DesignDemocratic Theory
This article argues that, given the current pervasive uncertainty about the reliability of jury deliberation, we ought to treat it with epistemic humility. I further argue that epistemic humility should be expressed and enforced by... more
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      EpistemologyDemocratic TheoryPublic DeliberationSocial Epistemology
What is the role of Jürgen Habermas’s critical theory amidst the prevalence of disinformation, polarization, and distrust in the media? In the book Habermas and the Media, Hartmut Wessler offers a “media lens” to make sense of Habermas’s... more
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      Media StudiesJurgen HabermasDeliberative DemocracyMedia
As the public purposes of higher education are being challenged by the increasing pressures of commodification and market-driven principles, Deliberative Pedagogy argues for colleges and universities to be critical spaces for democratic... more
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      Teaching and LearningCurriculum DesignHigher EducationCritical Pedagogy
Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaPolitical Participation
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      DeliberationPublic ParticipationBürgerbeteiligung
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesPolitical Participation
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      Deliberative DemocracyDeliberationCitizen participationDemocratic innovations
One of the greatest challenges facing current generations is the environmental and climate crisis. Democracies, so far, have not distinguished themselves by their capacity to bring about appropriate political responses to these... more
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      Environmental Political TheoryEnvironmental PoliticsPolitical RepresentationDeliberation
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      Deliberative DemocracyParticipatory DemocracyDeliberationSwitzerland
The current definition of demagogy provided by rhetorical theory is neither preventing nor adequately explaining the abuse of rhetoric so prevalent in contemporary political dialogue, and while it might not be the job of rhetoricians to... more
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      RhetoricDigital MediaDigital rhetoricDigital Rhetorics
RÉSUMÉ. — Outre les constats sur la crise du gouvernement représentatif insistant sur la défiance des citoyens, la crise climatique est perçue comme révélant l’impuissance de cette forme politique basé sur l’élection. Des voix s’élèvent... more
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      Climate ChangePublic DeliberationDeliberative DemocracyDemocracy
This paper compares two basic concepts of two outstanding players of philosophical world: Plato's moderation and Aristotle's temperance. Comparing occurs in two terms: the positions that both of them place their own concepts in human... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyComparative PhilosophyPlato
How might discourse generate political change? So far, democratic theorists have focused largely on how deliberative exchanges might shift political opinion. Responding to empirical research that casts doubt on the generalizability of... more
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      RhetoricPreachingDeliberative DemocracyRhetorical Theory
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      RousseauDemocracyJean-Jacques RousseauCitizenship
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      DeliberationComunicação e PolíticaDeliberação Pública
The critical discussion is clearly a major context of dialogue to use as a normative model in evaluating arguments as fallacious or not. However, this paper identifies other types of dialogue that also need to be considered. It is a... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophyEducationPolitical communication
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      Democratic TheoryPublic DeliberationDeliberative DemocracyEpistemic Justification
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      GovernanceDeliberationSocial DialoguePublic Policy
A large body of research has explored the employment of user-generated content (UGC) in journalism websites. While rich and informative, accumulated research offers discrete insights into an array of research questions but lacks a... more
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      JournalismCommunity Engagement & ParticipationEmpowermentDeliberative Democracy
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      Democratic TheoryRepublicanismDemocratizationJurgen Habermas
The new approach taken by Hamblin (1970) and since then many others was to refashion the concept of an argument to think of it not just as an arbitrarily designated set of propositions, but as a move one party makes in a dialogue to offer... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceArgumentationDeliberative DemocracyArgumentation Theory and Critical Thinking
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthics17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
This paper explores the ways in which central principles of open democracy--deliberation and authentic democratic representation--could be facilitated by digital technologies. Forthcoming in H. Landemore, R. Reich, and L. Bernholz (eds),... more
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      Digital TechnologySocial MediaDeliberative DemocracyFacebook
Desires matter. What are desires? Many believe that desire is a motivational state: desiring is being disposed to act. This conception aligns with the functionalist approach to desire and the standard account of desire's role in... more
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      EmotionPhilosophy of MindEthicsPhilosophy of Action
Part 1: The Curious Institutionalisation of Deliberative Democracy. The Irish Citizens’ Assemblies and the Future of Democratic Innovation Abstract Cases of deliberative democracy are ever-growing, however they remain largely ad hoc and... more
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      Political ParticipationDemocratic TheoryPublic DeliberationPolitical Institutions
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      DeliberationDemocratic Deliberation
In France, the university buildings have significant challenges to meet the environmental transition requirements for green growth. At the same time, they are key elements for the spread of the sustainable development objectives at the... more
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      Decision MakingParticipationDecision support systemDeliberation
La recherche présentée dans ce mémoire porte sur le rôle de la vie, celui des autres, et celui que nous jouons dans notre propre destinée. Elle part du postulat selon lequel chacun souhaite occuper dans ce monde une « place » qui lui... more
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V0 of my Dissertation for Habilitation à diriger les recherches. Defended June 2009 - Université Sorbonne Nouvelle -Paris 3. Without Annex 3. Some references to be completed. V0 de mon mémoire de synthèse pour l'Habilitation à diriger... more
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      SemioticsMedia StudiesRhetoricFilm Studies
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      Democratic TheoryPolitical LegitimacyDeliberationConsensus Decision-Making
The abstract democratic ideal is hegemonic nowadays, but, what is considered to be its concrete institutional forms are facing a growing “crisis of representation” and distrust. As an answer to this crisis and after centuries of absence,... more
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      Political ParticipationDemocratic TheoryPublic DeliberationAthenian Democracy
This thesis is a theoretical and empirical inquiry into ‘deliberative peacebuilding’, seeking to explain the ‘failures’ and ‘successes’ of peacebuilding in East Timor and Somaliland. While warfare has increased globally since the end of... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesCritical RealismLiberal PeacebuildingSomaliland
This article traces a connection between the Daoist conception of nothingness and democratic deliberation by way of Derrida's deconstructive analysis of decision. Analysis of the aporia(s) at the heart of decision is a recurrent feature... more
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      Political TheoryDaoismJudgment and Decision Making (Judgment And Decision Making)Jacques Derrida & Deconstruction
Defining what democracy means nowadays seems increasingly problematic as several alternative democratic visions are being developed and contrasted in normative theory and political practice. On the one hand, there are traditional accounts... more
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      Political SociologyPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Participation
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      Co CreationDemocracyDirect DemocracyParticipatory Democracy
Qu’est-ce qu’un raisonnement pratique valide ? Je distinguerai pour commencer, de façon quelque peu schématique, deux types de syllogisme pratique que l’on retrouve autant dans l’œuvre d’Aristote qu’au sein de différentes théories... more
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      AristotlePractical RationalityDeliberationPractical syllogism
Demokracja deliberatywna, mimo, iż często podejmowana w naukach społecznych jako model teoretyczny, nie cieszy się równie dużą popularnością w praktyce. Model stworzony przez J. Rawlsa i J. Habermasa ma zarówno swoich przeciwników jak i... more
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      LiberalismAustraliaDeliberative DemocracyDemocracy
Deliberative democracy is at risk of becoming collateral damage of the current crisis of representative democracy. If deliberative democracy is necessarily representative and if representation betrays the true meaning of democracy as rule... more
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      Jurgen HabermasDeliberative DemocracyElectionsDeliberation
In this paper, I explore some of the connections between Hannah Arendt's two major works in political theory: The Human Condition and On Revolution. I attempt to show that the agonist and deliberative elements in Arendt are complementary,... more
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      RepublicanismHannah ArendtDeliberationExistentialism
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      RhetoricTalmudDeliberationCHAÏM PERELMAN
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      Political SciencePoliticsParticipationSocial Media
In order for democratic deliberative interactions in educational settings to fruitfully occur, certain favorable conditions must obtain. In this chapter I chiefly concern myself with one of these putative conditions, namely that of school... more
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      Democratic EducationVoluntary AssociationsSocial StratificationDeliberative Democracy
This chapter delves into debates about time and democratic deliberation. Deliberative democrats have developed sequential models but tend to think of time mainly as a background variable. Critics have drawn attention to the inadequacy of... more
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      Democratic TheoryDeliberative DemocracyDeliberationOnline deliberation
The aim of this volume is to fuel a discussion in the area of research on the multi-faceted phenomenon of governance, understood as co-deciding, multi-band and multi-level policy-making on the local level. The effective inclusion of a... more
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      GovernanceLocal Government and Local DevelopmentDeliberation
El presente artículo se enfrenta al problema de determinar el marco en el que, para Aristóteles, se puede valorar la deliberación y los resultados de esta: la decisión y la acción que se realiza posterior a esta. Este problema surge en... more
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      AristotleVirtue EthicsPractical RationalityAristotle's Ethics
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      Public DeliberationDeliberationWicked ProblemsPublic Dialogue and Deliberation
Entry in the Aristoteles Handbuch
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      Virtue EthicsPHRONESISAristotle's EthicsPractical Reasons and Rationality