Political Representation
Recent papers in Political Representation
This chapter explores the territorial dimension and its recent evolutions during the current European Parliament’s mandate. This territorial dimension is generally considered to be central to the process of representation at the national... more
During the last few years in Bulgaria, as well as in other parts of the world, we are witnessing a proliferation of social movements. As far as the current global crisis is defined as predominantly economic and financial crisis, it puts... more
Der Mensch ist im Zeitalter des Anthropozän mit seiner globalen Wirkkraft zu einem dominanten Einflussfaktor auf den Planeten geworden. Industrialisierung und der darauffolgende Klimawandel, Atomenergie und -waffen mit den damit... more
Irom Sharmila, also known as the 'iron lady' of Manipur (India), has fasted for 16 long years, sustained through forced nasal feeding, making it one of the longest political fasts in the world. She struggled against the rule of emergency... more
Action-sentences about states, such as 'North Korea conducted a nuclear test', are ubiquitous in discourse about international relations. Although there has been a great deal of debate in IR about whether states are agents or actors, the... more
The article addresses and critically interrogates the role of racism in the present and past crises of American democratic political representation since the American republic was constituted. By rethinking democratic political... more
Jelen tanulmány legfőbb célja rávilágítani a választójog mint alapjog, egyik aspektusa, a választójog egyenlősége szerepére a jogállamiság koncepciójában, felvázolva a tudomány jeles képviselőinek erre vonatkozó álláspontját. A magyar... more
Disability Beyond Fabrication. Representation, Embodiment, and the Strategies of "Staring Back" The article analyzes the ways of producing cultural representations of disability in theatre, film, literature and society. It draws attention... more
Chile enfrenta un proceso electoral con nuevas reglas pero también con una crisis de la representación sin precedente en su historia reciente. Mientras la confianza en los partidos y en los parlamentarios cae, surgen movimientos sociales... more
The chapter will introduce the basic component parts of a key political insti- tution, the electoral system, with attention to the franchise, districting, and the voting system, while setting out both the explicitly gendered definitions... more
Artistic expression frequently engages with the question of suffering. In so doing, it confronts the gravity and complexity of the human condition. This volume investigates the relationship between art and suffering. In short, the... more
This article explores the composition of Utrecht’s city government after the introduction of the guild ordinance of 1304, and the representation of craft guilds and socioeconomic interests in local government, in particular. For the... more
O artigo a seguir pretende apresentar, de maneira breve, a noção de democracia do filósofo Cornelius Castoriadis, bem como sua crítica às “democracias” contemporâneas – que ele não admitia como tais – dividindo-se para tanto em duas... more
The article discusses the life and work of Mitropane Lagidze, a well-known Georgian non-alcoholic beverage specialist, prominent industrialist and philanthropist, creator of the famous brand of Lagidze Waters during the Soviet period.... more
Buscamos responder a la pregunta sobre cómo funciona el método de elección de “delegados penitenciarios” en Lurigancho, el penal más antiguo de Perú. Nos interesa explicar aquellas prácticas que en espacios como este emergen en clave de... more
¿Cómo pensar el sorteo con eficacia? Mi propuesta es construir una teoría general del sorteo, abordándolo de forma comparativa, para averiguar cuáles son las constantes teóricas entre la gran diversidad empírica de sus usos particulares.... more
The standard opposition between political representation and participation is based on an exclusive conception of representation (excluding those represented). But a concept of representation that is inclusive can be understood, most... more
Feminist studies of the European Union seek to make sense of a field that has become enormously complex. Gender equality has been an issue in the EU since the inclusion of Article 119 on equal pay in the Treaty of Rome 1957 but has since... more
Digital transformation changes the relationship between citizens and politics. The observation of this nexus is highly relevant for representative democracy. After the successful 2008 Obama campaign, a vast body of research that explores... more
Lista pe vagoane a persoanelor deportate in 12-14 iunie 1941.
Sursa: Arhiva Națională a Republicii Moldova, Fond R-3397, inventar 1, dosar 1, ff. 11-39.
Sursa: Arhiva Națională a Republicii Moldova, Fond R-3397, inventar 1, dosar 1, ff. 11-39.
In her chapter, Anthoula Malkopoulou examines the history of compulsory voting in Europe by specifically revisiting the debates over the practice in Belgium and France at the turn of the twentieth century. Malkopoulou especially focuses... more
Сажетак: Захтеви за освајањем, стабилизацијом и продубљивањем демократи-је давањем веће улоге организацијама цивилног друштва (ОЦД) који се често појављу-ју у политиколошкој литератури налажу да се испита у каквом су односу ови актери и... more
Battus dans les urnes et dans la rue au printemps 1848, les « démocrates-socialistes » entendent faire entendre leur voix à l’élection présidentielle de décembre. S’ils refusent le principe même de la présidence, ils se divisent sur la... more
A hatvanas években mennyire volt messze a múlt? Hol kezdődhetett a jelen idő? A szocialista tudatra nevelés, a város lakosainak szórakoztatása, vagy esetleg a turizmus fellendítése adta a motivációt? A szocialista hazafiság eszményei,... more
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has recently made numerous commitments to engage civil society organizations (CSOs) in its governance practices. However, the opportunities created offer limited means for CSOs to contest... more
Le régicide de Bamberg au début du XIIIe siècle a longtemps été expliqué par les théories du complot et d’une vengeance. Cet article propose, cependant, une relecture des sources contemporaines par une approche constructiviste... more
The Tweed Ring spawned a vibrant financial sector that was integral to its brief success but has never been previously examined. William “Boss” Tweed and his allies employed banks controlled or comanaged by Tammany politicians to... more
Il est des livres en sciences sociales qui sont remarquables : non seulement ils nous apportent avec élégance et précision de nouvelles connaissances, mais ils transforment aussi notre regard sur l'objet étudié. Tel est le cas de... more
La partecipazione delle donne alla vita politica e la loro presenza all’interno delle istituzioni, dopo decenni di ostacoli giuridici e socio-culturali, lungi dall’essere un dato meramente quantitativo, rappresenta a tutti gli effetti una... more
This volume is an edited compilation of the electoral legislation of Somalia between 1953 and 1969 - the only period in Somalia's history during which country-wide multi-party elections were held. In the course of these sixteen years, a... more
Ο όρος πολιτικές ελίτ, μολονότι κυρίαρχος στον σύγχρονο πολιτικό λόγο, στερείται μιας ξεκάθαρης ερμηνείας. Οι θεωρίες για τις ελίτ για ένα μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα δεν έτυχαν της δέουσας προσοχής ως αποτέλεσμα μιας σειράς ιστορικών,... more