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Abstract This article clarifies how elitist elements are integrated into populist discourse by analyzing political speeches using this incongruent style. First, it introduces a method to identify populist, elitist, and pluralist... more
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      PopulismElitismBoris JohnsonDonald Trump
In his influential book Disagreement: Politics and Philosophy Jacques Ranciere builds a substantial critique of liberal regimes present in most Western countries. He finds them defective because: (1) they allow wealth and economic power... more
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      PopulismEgalitarianismJacques RancièreElitism
Meritocracy functions in Singapore as the key principle of governance and educational distribution. However, the concept of meritocracy itself contains a number of inherent contradictions, most evidently witnessed in the tension between... more
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      EgalitarianismEducation PolicyEducational Equity and JusticeEducational reform
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      Political PartiesDemocracyMéxicoElitism
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      FeminismEthnic minoritiesPolitical RepresentationElitism
Plato's Republic clearly outlines his ideal of state eduction for the three classes in his state — the hoi polloi & merchants, the guardians, & the philosopher king(s). But who and what is the education ultimately for? IF it leads to the... more
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      PlatoPropaganda & Indoctrination StudiesTotalitarianismPoliarchy v. Elitism
In the journal articles, historiographical essays, and numerous references to the political thought of Adriano Olivetti, the term constantly used to characterize his thinking is ‘utopia’. It is from this word, or rather, the misuse of... more
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      FederalismDemocracyCommunityItalian Political Thought
An analysis of the persistent funding imbalance of the Arts & Culture sector with a focus on cultural divisions and inequalities.
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      Art HistoryDissertationsElitismFine Art
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical TheoryMarxismPolitics
Written for Module HY3245 Engendering History
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      Singapore HistoryElitismSexismSingapore Political History
This chapter aims to explore the relevant theories of globalization, neo-liberalism, and elitism from the areas of political economy, and more generally, social sciences, in order to construct a deeper theoretical grounding for analysis.
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In the present article we discuss three studies aimed at better understanding elitism in the context of fan groups. The studies assess different facets of elitism, predictors of elitism and the potential outcomes associated with holding... more
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      Self and IdentitySocial IdentityManga and Anime StudiesFan Studies
Manin se pregunta en su texto sobre la “Metamorfosis de la Representación”, cuál es el lazo representativo entre los representantes y los representados, o en otras palabras, entre gobernantes y gobernados. A su vez, el politólogo francés... more
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      Television And Social ChangeElites (Political Science)Political ElitesHistory of Elites
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      HistoryCultural HistoryComparative PoliticsPhilosophy
(all teaching material is in Danish)
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      PluralismElitismPluralismeRobert A. Dahl
A compilação dos textos que compõem esta coletânea está bem longe da busca do marxismo puro e duro ou do “verdadeiro Marx”. Essa miragem filosofante, responsável por parir no século XX tantos marxismos quantos analistas disponíveis,... more
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      Social SciencesPolitical TheoryMarxismPolitical Science
The article discusses the problem of equality in education, particularly in the field of access to education. It presents contemporary philosophical trends in regard to this subject matter, explaining the difference between formal... more
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      ElitismMulti-Objective OptimizationVilfredo ParetoDominance
This paper represents the only document that outlines the connection between the elite Zarzian shamanic priests and their subjects the Natufians as those who constructed Gobekli Tepe. These findings were accomplished by mapping the... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyShamanismNeolithic ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ritual
In light of the recent political tendencies in multiple regions across the globe, including Europe and Northern America, populism has become one of the most prominent subjects of research among political scientists. However, in Russia... more
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      Russian StudiesDemocratizationPopulismDemocracy
¿Cuál es la relación entre ciencia e ideología?. ¿Son dos cosas incompatibles, complementarias o son la misma cosa?. ¿Debe evitar la ciencia dejarse “contaminar” por la ideología?. ¿Hay una única manera de hacer ciencia?. ¿Todas conducen... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePower SystemsScience PolicyHistory of Science
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical ParticipationVictorian StudiesPolitical Theory
Cet article se focalise sur la reproduction, en Russie contemporaine, d’un discours opposant une minorité libérale, « civilisée » et pro-européenne au « peuple » jugé archaïque, incivil et hostile aux valeurs libérales. Sur fond d’une... more
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      Russian StudiesPolitical ScienceNational IdentityElitism
The concept of meritocracy is unstable as its constituent ideas are potentially contradictory. The egalitarian aspects of meritocracy, for example, can come into conflict with its focus on talent allocation, competition, and reward. In... more
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What is the relation between science and ideology? Are they incompatible, complementary or the same thing? Should science avoid “contamination” from ideology? Is there an only way to do science? Does anyone of them lead to the same... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceSocial SciencesPower Systems
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      Contemporary HistoryFascismElites (Political Science)History of Political Thought
In contemporary criticism, interpretation gained a safe position because it was almost free of judgment. With writers like Daniil Kharms, this became a significant issue. Some scholars saw his absurd stories as defensive, irrational, or... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureEpistemologyPhenomenology
П. Шаран нь Энэтхэгийн нэр цолгорсон улс төр судлаач нэгэн болно. Энэ удаад түүний "Харьцуулсан улс төр судлалын онол" (Theory of Comparative Politics) бүтээлийн бүлгийг дээжлэн хүргэж байна. Таалан болгооно уу. ЭЛИТИЗМ Аливаа нийгэмд хүн... more
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      Political SciencePolitical ElitesPolitical StudiesElitism
Le populisme n’est qu’un aspect ou un élément d’un phénomène plus large ou plus complexe. Plutôt que de spéculer sur « le » populisme en général, il est donc plus judicieux d’essayer de repértorier ses formes particulières et d’analyser... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PhilosophyDemocratic TheoryPolitical Science
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      MythologyPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Theory
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      Democratic EducationCivic EducationSingaporeElitism
This article investigates how 'populism' was used in public discussions during the COVID-19 outbreak. It argues that the indiscriminate use of 'populism' and its association with the pandemic is rooted in the negative way it is talked... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical communicationPopulismDiscourse Theory
Considering recent re-assessments of Pareto and Mosca, I discuss whether these thinkers' socio-political orientations contribute to the 'disfiguration' of democracy (in: Urbinati, Democracy disfigured: opinion, truth, and the people,... more
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      Political ElitesDemocracyElitismGaetano Mosca
The English edition of the book “Eternity does not live here anymore – a glossary of museum sins” (Zagreb, 2012) is written in a rather self-ironic tone, relaxed and polemical in character and deliberately "naive," as I overtly claim in... more
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      CommunicationMuseum StudiesHeritage StudiesMuseology
In the Netsiv's commentary on the Torah, העמק דבר, the Netsiv lays out a two-tiered approach to the nature of humanity. Based on this division it is possible to pick out a parallel two-tiered approach to education. With this background we... more
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      Philosophy of EducationJewish EducationBiblical ExegesisElitism
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      Political PhilosophyOrtega y GassetDemocracyElitism
The word populism has been associated to (very) different meanings in the last years. The " populist " label is still used to describe parties, leaders, movements, attitudes and political regimes, too. Moreover, the adjective " populist "... more
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      Political TheoryPopulismDirect DemocracyParty organization
Anti-intellectualism is fashionable among intellectuals today as a means of disavowing “elitism.” Such positions typically fail to distinguish, however, between privilege as a personal attribute and a structural one. They imply that... more
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      Renaissance HumanismIntellectualsUtopiaElitism
This book contends that liberalization is troubled in new Europe. It investigates Hungary to depict the disaggregate nature of liberalization due to elitism and the prioritization of economic liberalization. Despite the favorable... more
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      Eastern European StudiesGender StudiesLiberalismPopulism
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      Friedrich NietzscheElitism
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      Political TheoryIdeologyPopulismMorphology
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      Elites (Political Science)ElitismGeorges SorelMarxism and Elitism
Socialist Slovakia did not pay much attention to medieval Occitan poetry, of which only one translation was accessible in book format – the anthology Danteho trubadúri (The troubadours of Dante), published in 1972 by Jozef Felix and... more
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      Medieval LiteratureTranslation of PoetryCzech & Slovak StudiesElitism
CITATION DETAILS: Thurlow, C. (2016). Queering critical discourse studies or/and performing post-class ideologies. Critical Discourse Studies, 13(5), 485–514. DOI:10.1080/17405904.2015.1122646 Please see final publication for properly... more
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      Critical Discourse StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsPerformance StudiesQueer Theory
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      Political CultureDemocracyElitismPoliarchy
Elitist, Cumhuriyet'in kuruluş argümanlarıyla birlikte ortaya çıkan bir refleks olarak gelişen ve Cumhuriyet'in temel dinamiklerinden birini teşkil eden Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin milliyetçilik yaklaşımıyla Kürt halkının yürütmekte olduğu... more
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      ElitismMilliyetçilikÇözüm Süreci
This report about oppression of personal autonomy, neglect of human rights in Ukraine is prepared by Autonomous Advocacy, Ukrainian Council of Freethinkers and Believers, and Institute of Open Religion in March 2017 for Joint Submission... more
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      Access to JusticeHuman Rights LawHuman RightsProperty Rights
Only Australia, it seems, could have produced Shane Warne. A man of the people who became "a citizen of the world", Warne was a 'bogun' as Merv Hughes called him during his beautifully poised memorial service at the Melbourne Cricket... more
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      Sports HistoryClassRace and EthnicityCulture
ATHANASIOS CHRISTACOPOULOS: First of all I must say that it is an honour to have an interview with one of the leading personalities in logic, both ancient and modern. I would like to begin our conversation with your first scientific... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLogic And Foundations Of MathematicsEthicsLogic