Recent papers in Clergy
Não obstante o apreciável labor produzido pelas historiografias portuguesa e brasileira no que concerne à História Eclesiástica e Religiosa na Época Moderna, os comportamentos luxuriosos da sociedade e, particularmente, os do clero nem... more
According to Polish law, churches and other religious associations that enjoy the guarantee of freedom of conscience and religion, grant some of their members the status of ministers. The Republic of Poland is characterized by the... more
The impact of ministry on Australian families is understudied. We conducted a qualitative survey across four years, including an online, anonymous survey of over 281 participants. 99.1% told us that we needed to provide structured, long-... more
AIM This paper aimed to gain insight into the spiritual aspects of nursing care within the context of health care in the Netherlands and to provide recommendations for the development of care in this area and the promotion of the... more
Multiple factors influence end-of-life (EOL) care discussions that occur in health care systems, within organizations, among individuals working within these systems and in patients and family/friend support networks. This study examined... more
The authors reviewed the literature on mental health issues among clergy and other religious professionals, using electronic searches of databases of medical (Medline), nursing (CINAHL), psychology (PsycINFO), religious (ATLA), and... more
William Henry Webster was vicar of sleepy Waiuku in New Zealand from 1899 to 1902, but he had a varied and colourful life, as did his daughter.
Résumé de ma thèse de doctorat en science politique-études de genre, soutenue le 6 juin 2019 à l'Université Paris 8, sous la direction d’Éric Fassin.
Between reform and reformism. Clothing of papal manor-house in time of crisis After return of popes from Avignon back to Rome and after overcomming conciliar crisis at council of Konstanz (1414-1418) and Basilej (1431-1449) had to... more
La promulgación de la nueva Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis: «El don de la vocación presbiteral» hace necesaria una revisión y actualización del sentido de las normas del Código de Derecho Canónico que se refieren a la... more
The increased social acceptance of LGBTQ individuals and behaviors has begun to conflict with traditional Abrahamic proscriptions. An "opt-in" sample of 324 individuals who attended Jewish congregations was recruited from the... more
Recenzja książki: Frédéric Martel, Sodoma. Hipokryzja i władza w Watykanie, przeł. A. Dwulit, E. Derelkowska, J. Wisz, Wydawnictwo Agora, Warszawa 2019, ss. 714.... more
Qualifying paper for a dissertation at the Davidson School of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. I explore what the literature indicates makes for excellence in teaching and teacher-training, and then articulate distinct elements... more
En el pensamiento de John Wyclif (c. 1328-1384) se encuentran íntimamente entrelazados el poder, el dominio y la gracia. En su amplio proyecto reformador, que abarcaría todo lo existente, el Doctor evangelicus considera que todo dominio... more
Mulder and Martí have presented a riveting account of the dangers of turning religion into just one more product in the capitalist marketplace. While the book will be of obvious interest to church leaders contemplating the expansion of... more
Historical development of consecrated celibacy in the Church, both Eastern and Western; means of sexual integration and a glimpse into the methodology to be followed in seminaries.
Transitions in the American religious landscape including religious non-affiliation, congregational and seminary enrollment declines, and the proliferation of megachurches have reshaped the clergy labor market and increased the... more
Two manuscripts logbooks written by Midshipman William Henry Webster were donated to the Auckland Public Library by Council employee Mrs Seymour in 1943. What was the connection?
В книге представлено несколько статей генеалогического и краеведческого характера, а также список приходского духовенства Новгородской епархии по состоянию на 1877–1878 гг. с дополнениями и примечаниями. Книга иллюстрирована современными... more
Leaders play an important role in clergy’s response to their call. Toxic leadership, also known as the dark side of leadership, negatively influences their decision to remain in full-time pastoral ministry. There is a shortage of clergy... more
Pomimo prowadzonych od wielu lat badań nad historią miasta Wilna, wciąż niewiele wiemy o jego mieszkańcach, szczególnie ludziach drugiego i trzeciego planu historii, żyjących w cieniu wielkich dworów i pałaców. Równie słabo zbadane... more
A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais,... more
Comentario a la nueva Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis: El don de la vocación presbiteral haciendo una breve exposición de la historia del Magisterio reciente y analizando los aspectos recogidos en el documento. Commentary... more
Leaders in health care chaplaincy and practice guidelines, such as the Association of Professional Chaplains' Standards of Practice, call for chaplains to develop an evidence-based approach to their work. The extent to which... more
Данный указатель предназначен, в первую очередь, для потомков духовенства Новгородской губернии, изучающих свою родословную, но может быть интересен и более широкому кругу лиц, увлекающемуся как историей Новгородской области, так и... more