Recent papers in Cockfight
À quels jeux jouait-on en Grèce ancienne ? À quoi ressemblaient-ils ? Selon quelles règles ? À combien ? Qui jouait avec qui ? Les filles avec les garçons ? À quelle occasion ? Y avait-il des prix comme dans le sport ? C'est à ces... more
The study unravelled the phenomenon of bullfighting culture and its influence on the development of the Abakakamega of Western Kenya since 1850. It has three objectives: to trace the origin of bullfighting culture, to assess various... more
Acte de colloque (Uni-CV, Praia, Cap-Vert, novembre 2021). Présentation d'une étude menée sur les combats de coqs à l'Ile de La Réunion dans le cadre du cours de master "Anthropologie des bêtes à pensées" (LANTR2010) de Frédéric Laugrand... more
The process of killing non-human animals demands certain psychosocial, affective, and moral processes. In the case of socalled 'death-saturated environments', psychic numbing and systematic desensitisation related to violent attitudes and... more
Adaptation contemporaine du Gallus Pugnans de l'humaniste suisse Vadianus (1514). Porté sur scène par le Groupe de Théâtre antique de l'Université de Neuchâtel est 2021 et 2022.
FROM LIFE ON A REMOTE ISLAND IN THE PHILIPPINES: AN ETHNOGEOGRAPHY. Two major issues are illustrated in this extended family story in the village of Birawan on Daram. One, and a recurrent one, is the utter inability of just about all... more
Animais de capoeira foram desce sempre companheiros assíduos do homem e da mulher do mundo rural. As culturas populares apropriaram-se ao longo dos séculos de um riquíssimo e diversificado valor simbólico do galo e das galinhas, cujo... more
La concepción de los seres vivos que prevalece en Occidente se caracteriza por una oposición ontológica entre el hombre y los demás animales. A partir de diversos enfoques (iconográficos, textuales o materiales), esta jornada pretende... more
En competition sportive, la mise en place d’un handicap de jeu est un probleme souvent delicat. Certains sports comme le tennis ou le golf ont regle la question en definissant une nomenclature de classement basee sur cette notion de... more
A Thesis Submitted to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (History) of Kenyatta University. September 2015
O objetivo deste artigo é o de discutir os conflitos gerados pela imposição de reformas urbanas em Florianópolis (SC) ao longo da ditadura militar, com desdobramentos no período democrático. Explora os choques entre os projetos urbanos de... more
Before the mid-nineteenth century, pigeon flying, cockfighting, and dogfighting were predominantly elite pursuits in India, a part of court recreation, and favoured pastimes of local rulers and early colonial officials. For the Indian... more
This dissertation aims at dealing with a polemic issue: cockfighting. The text tries to create a historical narrative for cockfighting in Brazil during the years of 1960 and 2017 with the main goal of analyzing some social and cultural... more
In 2014 in Guasipati, an agricultural and cattle town in Southeastern Venezuela, I witnessed a group of men of all generations who staged themselves through the orgasmic rite of cockfights. In Geertz's famous ethnography of cockfighting... more
In 2013, the Canadian Museum of History made an unusual acquisition: a stuffed fighting cock that once belonged to Toronto tavern owner William Vine. This research note suggests that a close examination of the rooster and his accoutrement... more
The weeping stone is found in Kakamega county in Western Kenya.
Este artigo pretende apresen-tar alguns aspectos historiográficos da espécie gallus gallus, sua provável origem na Ásia, onde, desde muito cedo, a antropização possibilitou sua domesticação e posteriormente sua difusão pelo mundo.... more
During archaeological research in the central part of the Roman Oescus (modern day Gigen), in the province of Moesia Inferior (Late Roman province Dacia Ripensis), a structure (3rd-4th century A.D.) was discovered with a room decorated... more
When we began our fieldwork we had no idea that our field site was also spread beyond the boundaries of the village and very near to our camp. On a Saturday we came to know from the local people that there will be a cockfight just in... more
Le combat de coqs polynésien prend fréquemment le caractère d’un affrontement interethnique lorsque des coqueleurs chinois se rendent de Tahiti à Raiatea pour s’y mesurer aux coqueleurs tahitiens. L’analyse de ces duels interethniques est... more
This article challenges the notion of economic rationality as a criterion for explaining ethnic boundary maintenance. It offers an ethnographic analysis of inter-ethnic relations in the context of games (cockfights and game-fishing... more