Community capacity development and Disaster Management
Recent papers in Community capacity development and Disaster Management
The assessment is to analyze multiple hazard risks to the targeted Union councils located in hazard prone areas along the river Indus and sea to identify areas of improvement for the safer communities. The assessment entails to identify... more
Increasing globalization, increasing intense urbanization and climate changes have been linked to communities' hazards and disasters vulnerabilities reported across Africa. Less data and information are documented on national to community... more
This document was produced to support Churches and emergency planners to understand the role and response of Churches in responding to major incidents and disasters, and being involved in planning for emergencies. It was the theological... more
This paper addresses intersections of communication, technology and geography in remote areas of Western Australia. It uses verbatim accounts from fieldwork bracketing decades of communication development to explore changes and constants... more
Abstrak Silaturahim dalam kegiatan diba’iyah ini dimaksudkan untuk menjaga keharmonisan hubungan masyarakat dalam bentuk kekerabatan, tetangga, maupun persaudaraan, bahkan turut pula membawa efek yang sangat positif bagi pribadi orang... more
Abstrak Desa merupakan unit pemerintahan terkecil yang mewujudkan pembangunan melalui pemberdayaan yang memiliki konsep dan tahapan yang bertujuan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dapat dimulai... more
This paper critiques the traditional project management (PM) approach for post-disaster reconstruction work in relation to long-term effectiveness at strengthening disaster resilience of communities. While assessments of post-disaster... more