Conceptual Site Model
Recent papers in Conceptual Site Model
This report was prepared under contract to the Department of Defense Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP). The publication of this report does not indicate endorsement by the Department of Defense, nor should... more
Various techniques can be considered for the remediation of contaminated sediments. The options can include capping, dredging, or physical, biological, and/or chemical treatments and natural recovery. Natural recovery could be beneficial... more
Fig. 1. Plan view map of the oil and groundwater U-238 contamination at Savannah River Site (SRS F-area, upper aquifer zone) in (a) 1994, (b) 2001 and (c) 2008, displayed in a web browser as a Google Maps bitmap overlay created in VisIt... more
At the request of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) embarked on a new initiative to strengthen the technical defensibility of the Hanford site-wide groundwater model (SGM) used to make... more
Communication with stakeholders, regulatory agencies, and the public is an essential part of implementing different remediation and monitoring activities, and developing site closure strategies at contaminated sites. Modeling of... more
I would like to acknowledge the funding for this project generously provided by The Dow Chemical Company (Dow), The University Consortium for Field-Focused Groundwater Contamination Research directed by Dr. Cherry, The Natural Sciences... more
Background and aim: Chemical accidents cause significant danger for residents living close to chemical facilities. For this reason, this study assessed the impacts of a simulated chemical accident on surrounding residents in the city of... more
This is the fi rst of a two-part review article on the assessment and management of contaminated sediments. Part II, "Evaluating Risk and Monitoring Sediment Remedy Effectiveness," is available in the online edition of IEAM Volume (1),... more
This is the fi rst of a two-part review article on the assessment and management of contaminated sediments. Part II, "Evaluating Risk and Monitoring Sediment Remedy Effectiveness," is available in the online edition of IEAM Volume (1),... more
ABSTRACTA wide range of anthropogenic activities have caused various problems to the aquatic environment, leading to economic, social, and environmental losses. The use of materials for the recovery of water quality is very important due... more
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
a study on warning systems, some of which was translated into the standards included here as Appendix F. Lee L. Williams of the University of Tennessee was heavily involved in the preparation of Appendices B, G, and K. Finally, the U.S.... more
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently invested in developing a numerical modeling toolset called ASCEM (Advanced Simulation Capability for Environmental Management) to support modeling analyses at legacy waste sites. This... more
Ongoing developments in geological and hydrogeological investigation techniques, especially direct-push methods, have led to an increase in the quality, density and spatial resolution of data available from such investigations. This has... more
This is the second of a two-part review article on the assessment and management of contaminated sediments. Part I, "Developing an Effective Investigation and Risk Evaluation Strategy," appears in both the print and online editions of... more
Ongoing developments in geological and hydrogeological investigation techniques, especially direct-push methods, have led to an increase in the quality, density and spatial resolution of data available from such investigations. This has... more
Years of production of radioactive materials at the Hanford Site in southeastern Washington State has resulted in contamination of surface, subsurface, and surface water environments. Cleanup of the site has been aided by various tools,... more
Ongoing developments in geological and hydrogeological investigation techniques, especially direct-push methods, have led to an increase in the quality, density and spatial resolution of data available from such investigations. This has... more
Passive remediation can be appropriate where natural processes and actions such as institutional controls mitigate exposure to contaminated groundwater, achieving remedial action objectives and protectiveness of human health and the... more
ABSTRACT In the early days of North America settlement industry was encouraged by government to utilize natural resources and bring development and wealth to communities. As populations grew and other demands developed, regulations were... more
The use of chemical warfare agents intentionally has become a great concern in the arena of the cold war. On the other hand, there has always been a threat on civilian population due to their mass destruction effects, including... more
in Washington State is currently developing the means to assess the cumulative impact to human and ecological health and the regional economy and cultures from radioactive and chemical waste that will remain at the Hanford Site after the... more
In recent months remediation activities at Hanford 100 Area siteslocated along the shores of the Columbia River near Richland, Washingtonhave accelerated in order to protect aquatic species from discharges of hexavalent chromium (CrVI).... more
Dear Mr. Lux: Enclosed is a summary of the subject meeting and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff’s recommendations for a path forward for each of the groups of deficiencies that were discussed at the meeting. If you have any... more
(PNNL) have embarked upon a new initiative designed to strengthen the technical defensibility of the groundwater flow and transport model at the Hanford Site in Southeast Washington State and to develop a more robust capability to... more
for their good editing work. Thanks also to Grace Mojtabai for inspiration; the phrase "host and hostage" is hers. Many individuals assisted me in my research, including Pam Allison and Jerry Stein, who read drafts of the manuscript, and... more
The Cu-and Zn-complex-catalyzed methanolysis of the chemical warfare nerve agents soman, sarin, and VX Les complexes de Cu et Zn catalysent la m ethanolyse des agents neurotoxiques de guerre chimique soman, sarin et VX
CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): TEDST AT ES AV NY Prepared by:
Site investigations of contaminated land are associated with high costs. From a societal perspective, just enough economic resources should be spent on investigations so that society's limited resources can be allocated to sustainable... more
A number of waste trenches at cribs at Hanford's BC Cribs and Trenches site, which received about 10 Mgal of scavenged tank waste with elevated concentrations of technetium-99 and nitrate, are currently being evaluated for... more
In this paper, we address the issue of evaluating the seismic site response for sites located on large alluvial plains, for which no reference sites can be identified, but some earthquakes can be simultaneously recorded at both surface... more
CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): TEDST AT ES AV NY Prepared by:
CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): TEDST AT ES AV NY Prepared by:
• We are committed to act as stewards of our environment to achieve our mission in accordance with all applicable environmental requirements. •We set continual improvement objectives and targets, measure and document our progress, and... more
It will be necessary to install new monitoring wells and accumulate background data on the groundwater from those wells before statistical comparisons can be made. Until then, the constituents listed above will be evaluated by tracking... more
CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): TEDST AT ES AV NY Prepared by:
The possible threat posed by terrorists using chemical warfare agents (CWAs) against civilian targets is a major concern, reflecting the fact that CWAs are highly toxic to unprotected populations, with releases as vapors or aerosols... more
Ammonia is a gas with a urine-like odor widely used for industrial purposes. Its odor threshold is sufficiently low to acutely provide adequate warning of its presence.
An econometric model has been developed that represents the cost structure of water supply and waste water treatment in an urban area. This paper proposes a method to capture the fi nancial characteristics of the underlying organisation... more
In recent months remediation activities at Hanford 100 Area sites – located along the shores of the Columbia River near Richland, Washington – have accelerated in order to protect aquatic species from discharges of hexavalent chromium... more
The "sediment quality triad" approach was used to assess the effects of dredging on the sediment quality of a new marina in the Trenton Channel of the Detroit River, and to evaluate spatial and temporal variation in sediment quality in... more
Intrusive characterization was conducted to obtain data and information needed for planning remediation strategies for the Hanford Site’s 618-10 burial ground trenches, which contain very high dose rate and very highly alpha contaminated... more
- by Zane Walton
The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. The findings of... more
: The high cost of chemical analyses and bioassays of dredged material makes it necessary for decision makers to limit testing to that which will sufficiently characterize the sediment to evaluate a selected disposal alternative. This... more
- by Todd Higgins