Recent papers in Coregulation
This article discusses the first development of communicative interaction between mother and child, by analyzing the connection between expression and smile. A total of 13 mother–child dyads, recruited at the moment of admission to... more
This article discusses the first development of communicative interaction between mother and child, by analyzing the connection between expression and smile. A total of 13 mother–child dyads, recruited at the moment of admission to hospital, participated in the study. Observations have been made when the children were 3, 6, and 9 months old. Mother and child were put in front of each other, and the mother was asked to play freely with her child using a set of toys. The sequential codification of the mother’s and the child’s behaviors (occurrence and duration) was encoded by two independent observers. Occurrences and durations were analyzed to verify the increase of the interactive dyadic exchange along the three follow-ups. The results highlight an increase in synchronic behaviors in the dyad as the child’s age increases, showing the circularity of the dyadic interaction: Mothers increase the occurrences of contingent responses and children increase their competences regarding emotional regulations.
Opintomenestykseen on etsitty selitystä mm. itsesäätelystä, eli niistä keinoista, joilla opiskelijat ohjailevat oppimisprosessiaan. Oppiminen tapahtuu kuitenkin useimmiten sosiaalisessa kontekstissa, joten näkökulmaa on täydennetty... more
Opintomenestykseen on etsitty selitystä mm. itsesäätelystä, eli niistä keinoista, joilla opiskelijat ohjailevat oppimisprosessiaan. Oppiminen tapahtuu kuitenkin useimmiten sosiaalisessa kontekstissa, joten näkökulmaa on täydennetty ryhmässä tapahtuvaa vuorovaikutusta tarkastelevan yhteissäätelyn käsitteen avulla. Näiden lisäksi keskeisiä ovat myös opiskelijan lähestymistavat oppimiseen. Ne on tyypillisesti jaettu kahteen ulottuvuuteen – syväsuuntautuneeseen ja pintasuuntautuneeseen lähestymistapaan. Näiden rinnalla kulkee suunnitelmallisen opiskelun ulottuvuus, joka useimmiten kuitenkin mielletään osaksi syväoppimista. Erityisesti yhteissäätely on ilmiönä vielä melko keskeneräinen, eikä sen yhteyttä itsesäätelyyn ja oppimisen lähestymistapoihin sekä sitä kautta opintomenestykseen ole juurikaan tutkittu yliopistokontekstissa. Aiempi tutkimus on kuitenkin osoittanut, että sekä säätelytaidot että oppimisen lähestymistavat vaikuttavat itsessään opintomenestykseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ensinnäkin selvittää itsesäätelyn, yhteissäätelyn ja oppimisen lähestymistapojen yhteisvaikutuksia opintomenestykseen. Aiemman tutkimuksen perusteella on myös osoitettu, että hyvät itsesäätelijät valitsevat käyttöönsä sellaiset menetelmät, jotka edistävät heidän tavoitteitaan mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään, hyödyntävätkö hyvät itsesäätelijät myös muita todennäköisemmin toisten opiskelijoiden tukea ja yhteissäätelyyn liittyviä työskentelytapoja.
Tutkimus toteutettiin Likert-asteikollisella kyselylomakkeella, johon vastasi 201 opintonsa juuri aloittanutta luonnontieteiden opiskelijaa. Analyysimenetelminä käytettiin pääkomponenttianalyysin ja regressioanalyysin yhdistelmää sekä itsesäätelyn ja yhteissäätelyn kausaalisuhteen osalta rakenneyhtälömallintamista.
Mikään tarkastelluita ilmiöistä ei selittänyt opintojen etenemistä tilastollisesti merkitsevällä tavalla. Vahva itsesäätely kuitenkin selitti arvosanoilla mitattua opintomenestystä, jonka toiseksi selittäjäksi osoittautui hieman yllättäen pintasuuntautunut lähestymistapa. Yhteissäätelyn suhde sekä opintojen etenemiseen että arvosanoihin osoittautui lievästi negatiiviseksi, eikä vahva itsesäätely myöskään selittänyt yhteissäätelyn hyödyntämistä. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan ensinnäkin todeta, että esimerkiksi opiskeltava aines ja oppimisilmapiiri voivat tehdä laadullisesti syväoppimista heikompana pidetystä pintasuuntautuneesta opiskelutavastakin toimivan. Vaikuttaa myös siltä, että vahvat itsesäätelijät eivät välttämättä koe ryhmätyöskentelyä ja toisten opiskelijoiden tukea hyödylliseksi, mutta aihe vaatii vielä lisätutkimusta.
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Researchers have sought explanation to academic achievement through self-regulation, that is, the ways by which students control their learning processes. Learning takes usually place in a social context, so the perspective has moved from internal factors to group processes – co-regulation. In addition to these, also students’ approaches to learning are important. These are typically divided into two dimensions – deep and surface level approaches to learning. Achieving approach takes also place, but in most cases, however, it is considered as a part of deep approach. In particular, the phenomenon of co-regulation is still quite incomplete, and its relation to academic achievement through self-regulation and approaches to learning has been little studied in the university context. Previous research has shown that both regulatory processes as well as approaches to learning in themselves affect academic achievement. The purpose of this study is first of all to find out whether self-regulation, co-regulation and approaches to learning together interact with academic achievement. Previous research has also shown that students with strong self-regulation skills tend to take advantage of those methods which promote their goals as efficiently as possible. Another purpose of this study is to find out whether students with self-regulation skills are more likely to take advantage of other students support and co-regulation.
201 first-year students of natural sciences answered a Likert scale questionnaire. For analysis, principal component analysis and multiple regression were used. Causal relation between self-regulation and co-regulation was analysed with structural equation modeling (SEM).
Progress of studies was not significantly explained by any of the phenomena mentioned above. Strong self-regulation, however, explained students success measured by higher grades. The second factor explaining higher grades was, somewhat surprisingly, a surface approach to learning. The effect of co-regulation was slightly negative in both cases, and strong self-regulation did not explain the use of co- regulation. As a conclusion it can first of all be noted that, for example, studied content and learning atmosphere can make a surface approach effective in certain situations. Even though it is often considered to represent a poorer quality of learning than deep approach. It also seems that students with strong self-regulation skills do not necessarily find group work and other students support useful, but this requires further research.
Tutkimus toteutettiin Likert-asteikollisella kyselylomakkeella, johon vastasi 201 opintonsa juuri aloittanutta luonnontieteiden opiskelijaa. Analyysimenetelminä käytettiin pääkomponenttianalyysin ja regressioanalyysin yhdistelmää sekä itsesäätelyn ja yhteissäätelyn kausaalisuhteen osalta rakenneyhtälömallintamista.
Mikään tarkastelluita ilmiöistä ei selittänyt opintojen etenemistä tilastollisesti merkitsevällä tavalla. Vahva itsesäätely kuitenkin selitti arvosanoilla mitattua opintomenestystä, jonka toiseksi selittäjäksi osoittautui hieman yllättäen pintasuuntautunut lähestymistapa. Yhteissäätelyn suhde sekä opintojen etenemiseen että arvosanoihin osoittautui lievästi negatiiviseksi, eikä vahva itsesäätely myöskään selittänyt yhteissäätelyn hyödyntämistä. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan ensinnäkin todeta, että esimerkiksi opiskeltava aines ja oppimisilmapiiri voivat tehdä laadullisesti syväoppimista heikompana pidetystä pintasuuntautuneesta opiskelutavastakin toimivan. Vaikuttaa myös siltä, että vahvat itsesäätelijät eivät välttämättä koe ryhmätyöskentelyä ja toisten opiskelijoiden tukea hyödylliseksi, mutta aihe vaatii vielä lisätutkimusta.
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Researchers have sought explanation to academic achievement through self-regulation, that is, the ways by which students control their learning processes. Learning takes usually place in a social context, so the perspective has moved from internal factors to group processes – co-regulation. In addition to these, also students’ approaches to learning are important. These are typically divided into two dimensions – deep and surface level approaches to learning. Achieving approach takes also place, but in most cases, however, it is considered as a part of deep approach. In particular, the phenomenon of co-regulation is still quite incomplete, and its relation to academic achievement through self-regulation and approaches to learning has been little studied in the university context. Previous research has shown that both regulatory processes as well as approaches to learning in themselves affect academic achievement. The purpose of this study is first of all to find out whether self-regulation, co-regulation and approaches to learning together interact with academic achievement. Previous research has also shown that students with strong self-regulation skills tend to take advantage of those methods which promote their goals as efficiently as possible. Another purpose of this study is to find out whether students with self-regulation skills are more likely to take advantage of other students support and co-regulation.
201 first-year students of natural sciences answered a Likert scale questionnaire. For analysis, principal component analysis and multiple regression were used. Causal relation between self-regulation and co-regulation was analysed with structural equation modeling (SEM).
Progress of studies was not significantly explained by any of the phenomena mentioned above. Strong self-regulation, however, explained students success measured by higher grades. The second factor explaining higher grades was, somewhat surprisingly, a surface approach to learning. The effect of co-regulation was slightly negative in both cases, and strong self-regulation did not explain the use of co- regulation. As a conclusion it can first of all be noted that, for example, studied content and learning atmosphere can make a surface approach effective in certain situations. Even though it is often considered to represent a poorer quality of learning than deep approach. It also seems that students with strong self-regulation skills do not necessarily find group work and other students support useful, but this requires further research.
The paper discusses the possibilities of countering fake news in Bulgarian media with the instruments of media law, regulation, self-regulation and co-regulation. The study has reached the following important conclusions: 1. The laws are... more
The paper discusses the possibilities of countering fake news in Bulgarian media with the instruments of media law, regulation, self-regulation and co-regulation. The study has reached the following important conclusions: 1. The laws are inadequate to the new challenge. There are temptations to fight it through the Criminal Code or a special law that can turn the prosecution service into a repressive media supervisor. 2. The State can contribute to curbing disinformation in the media by highlighting their ownership and funding. 3. The ethical codes oblige journalists to be responsible to society, but self-regulation is de-legitimized by the division in the guild. The solution lies in the development of co-regulation: the state stimulates the media by setting a condition for advertising in them: that they should agree on one code and that their ethics committee should be able to penalize them financially for fake news. //
Стататията разглежда възможностите за противодействие на фалшивите новини в българските медии с инструментариума на медийното право, на регулацията, на саморегулацията и на корегулацията. Проучването достига до следните по-важни изводи: 1. Законите са неадекватни на новото предизвикателство. Съществуват изкушения за борба с него чрез Наказателния кодекс или специален закон, което може да превърне прокуратурата в репресивен медиен надзорник. 2. Държавата може да допринесе за ограничаване на дезинформацията в медиите чрез осветляване на собствеността и финансирането им. 3. Етичните кодекси задължават журналистите да са отговорни към обществото, но саморегулацията е делегитимирана от разделението в гилдията. Изходът е в развитието на корегулацията: държавата да стимулира медиите като наложи като условие да рекламира в тях обединението им около един кодекс, а етичната им комисия да може да ги санкционира финансово, вкл. за фалшиви новини.
Стататията разглежда възможностите за противодействие на фалшивите новини в българските медии с инструментариума на медийното право, на регулацията, на саморегулацията и на корегулацията. Проучването достига до следните по-важни изводи: 1. Законите са неадекватни на новото предизвикателство. Съществуват изкушения за борба с него чрез Наказателния кодекс или специален закон, което може да превърне прокуратурата в репресивен медиен надзорник. 2. Държавата може да допринесе за ограничаване на дезинформацията в медиите чрез осветляване на собствеността и финансирането им. 3. Етичните кодекси задължават журналистите да са отговорни към обществото, но саморегулацията е делегитимирана от разделението в гилдията. Изходът е в развитието на корегулацията: държавата да стимулира медиите като наложи като условие да рекламира в тях обединението им около един кодекс, а етичната им комисия да може да ги санкционира финансово, вкл. за фалшиви новини.
This coding system is based on a view of communication as a creative relational process, rather than an exchange of discrete packages of information between individuals. In this perspective, information (meaning) is viewed as emerging... more
This coding system is based on a view of communication as a creative relational process, rather than an exchange of discrete packages of information between individuals. In this perspective, information (meaning) is viewed as emerging spontaneously between continuously active communication partners. Communication that is both continuously coordinated and creative is coregulated ("a continuous unfolding of individual action that is susceptible to being continuously
modified by the continuously changing actions of the partner" ). Creativity is a fundamental aspect of interpersonal communication, occurring when an innovation enters into communication. The Relational Coding system aims at assessing patterns of communication and focuses on the communication system as a whole. It is applicable to any type of dyadic communication (e.g., parent-child, therapist-client, husband-wife). In addition, it can be adapted for use with triads or larger groups (e.g., teacher-classroom, performer-audience).
modified by the continuously changing actions of the partner" ). Creativity is a fundamental aspect of interpersonal communication, occurring when an innovation enters into communication. The Relational Coding system aims at assessing patterns of communication and focuses on the communication system as a whole. It is applicable to any type of dyadic communication (e.g., parent-child, therapist-client, husband-wife). In addition, it can be adapted for use with triads or larger groups (e.g., teacher-classroom, performer-audience).
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę samoregulacji w obszarze mediów elektronicznych, koncentrując się na zagadnieniach związanych z zasadami rejestracji domen internetowych oraz procedurami rozstrzygania sporów, których przyczyną jest... more
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę samoregulacji w obszarze mediów elektronicznych, koncentrując się na zagadnieniach związanych z zasadami rejestracji domen internetowych oraz procedurami rozstrzygania sporów, których przyczyną jest rejestracja domeny. Autorzy przedstawiają zarys materii samoregulacji i współregulacji, a następnie opisują wykorzystanie metody samoregulacji w dziedzinie domen internetowych, w której ten mechanizm prezentuje dużą doniosłość, a reguły ustalone z jego zastosowaniem w sposób rzeczywisty kształtują zachowania uczestników tej sfery obrotu. W artykule omówiono zarówno warunki sprzyjające szerokiemu zastosowaniu samoregulacji w odniesieniu do zagadnień związanych z funkcjonowaniem domen internetowych, jak i wskazano na pewne rozwiązania zmierzające do wymuszenia respektowania ustalanych metodą samoregulacji reguł. W artykule poruszono także kwestię roli ICANN w ustanawianiu drogą samoregulacji zasad postępowania w przestrzeni domenowej.
Article discusses the issue of self-regulation in the field of electronic media, focusing on matters related to the rules of domain names registration and procedures of settling disputes, caused by a domain name registration. The authors outline the matter of self-regulation and co-regulation, and then describe the use of method of self-regulation in the field of domain names, in which this mechanism presents high importance, and the rules established with its use shape the behavior of participants of circulation. The article discusses both the conditions conducive to extensive use of self-regulation with regard to issues related to the functioning of Internet domain names and points at some solutions aimed to force respect to the rules established with the use of self-regulation method. The article also discusses the role of ICANN in establishing the rules of conduct in the domain name space.
Article discusses the issue of self-regulation in the field of electronic media, focusing on matters related to the rules of domain names registration and procedures of settling disputes, caused by a domain name registration. The authors outline the matter of self-regulation and co-regulation, and then describe the use of method of self-regulation in the field of domain names, in which this mechanism presents high importance, and the rules established with its use shape the behavior of participants of circulation. The article discusses both the conditions conducive to extensive use of self-regulation with regard to issues related to the functioning of Internet domain names and points at some solutions aimed to force respect to the rules established with the use of self-regulation method. The article also discusses the role of ICANN in establishing the rules of conduct in the domain name space.
The paper follows a three-layered concentric perspective: starting with governance at large, then moving on to EU governance, and ending with an examination of a more focused domain shaped by the European Data Protection Regulation. More... more
The paper follows a three-layered concentric perspective: starting with governance at large, then moving on to EU governance, and ending with an examination of a more focused domain shaped by the European Data Protection Regulation. More specifically, the GDPR intends to reverse the path: from being governed by governance to "steering" existing governance processes for the sake of protecting fundamental rights.
Affordances, i.e. perceived action possibilities in an environment defined relative to an agent’s abilities (Gibson 1979), are much cited by enactive approaches to cognition. Yet, their usefulness is curbed by an exclusive preference for... more
Affordances, i.e. perceived action possibilities in an environment defined relative to an agent’s abilities (Gibson 1979), are much cited by enactive approaches to cognition. Yet, their usefulness is curbed by an exclusive preference for behavioral experiments on simple and short actions of single agents in non-sensate environments. The all-dominant paradigm eclipses complex settings with agents who co-participate in multi-stage interaction sequences and thereby create an unceasing flow of one affordance set leading to the next. Arguably, it is this deplorable method bias that licenses the oversight - or explicit denial – of processual and cognitive complexity, which I wish to redress here. I shall “refurbish” affordance theory through an ethnographic look at four complex dyadic contact/co-regulation skills: Tango argentino, Aikido, Feldenkrais, Shiatsu. My lens is firmly qualitative, phenomenological, and micro-genetic; it draws on a code system of some twenty affordance types. Through these I will flesh out dimensions of complex sensing, action and interaction skills against a backdrop of system prerequisites and learning processes. Key topics include conceptual regulators that supervene on perception-action coupling, notably prospective control mechanisms that add to direct perception (sometimes related to scripts/plans), as well as nested time-scales and meta-strategies for “affordance management”. In closing, I compare “affordance profiles” of the four interaction systems.
Contrairement aux pays anglo-saxons, ce n’est que très récemment (loi Sapin 2, 2016) que la France s’est dotée d’une définition officielle et d’un cadre réglementaire concernant les activités de lobbying des entreprises. En mobilisant le... more
Contrairement aux pays anglo-saxons, ce n’est que très récemment (loi Sapin 2, 2016) que la France s’est dotée d’une définition officielle et d’un cadre réglementaire concernant les activités de lobbying des entreprises. En mobilisant le concept de corégulation, l’objectif de cet article est d’analyser comment s’articulent les systèmes de normes volontaires et contraignantes régulant le lobbying et d’identifier les différents acteurs publics et privés à leur origine. Les limites auxquelles se heurte cette nouvelle forme de régulation du lobbying seront soulignées, en les inscrivant dans une réflexion plus large sur les enjeux RSE du lobbying et les paradoxes du concept récent de lobbying responsable.
ABSTRACT. The relational-historical approach to the study of mother-infant interaction is discussed in the light of the theories of Henri Wallon and Mikhail Bakhtin. The central question addresses the relevance of the concept of dialogue... more
ABSTRACT. The relational-historical approach to the study of mother-infant interaction is discussed in the light of the theories of Henri Wallon and Mikhail Bakhtin. The central question addresses the relevance of the concept of dialogue for this area of research. It is argued that an important common ground for Wallon and Bakhtin is the focus on the bodily origin of social interaction. The infant initiates emotional relationships through physical coregulation with persons and things. Differences in the infant’s behaviour toward persons and things justify a conceptualization of social coregulation as dialogue. The time dimension is very important to understand the significance of accumulated earlier experiences for the emergence of a dialogical self, also, and in particular, in infants. That is the essence of the relational-historical approach. In order to study development over time, thus conceived, the ”frame ” concept is central. However, in order to be useful for observing devel...
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