Critical Public Health Problems
Recent papers in Critical Public Health Problems
Con el aumento del uso de plaguicidas de forma permanente en los monocultivos extensivos tales como la caña de azúcar, crecen los efectos negativos sobre las poblaciones en los alrededores y sobre el medio ambiente. Con ello, también se... more
Son muchas las razones por las que ciertas personas deciden darle un giro a su estilo de vida y a su persectiva acerca del mundo y los seres que los rodean, este articulo expone algunos de los argumentos que favorecen dicha postura.
Retirement is the time in a person’s life when he is no longer employed. The retirement age varies and generally lies between 55 to 60 years. This study was conducted to explore the lifestyles of retired people as well... more
The specialty of family medicine is centered on lasting, caring relationships with patients and their families. Family physiciansintegrate the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences to provide continuing and comprehensive health... more
The potential for harms from adverse drug reactions (ADR) constitutes a critical patient safety and public health challenge, especially with increased medication usage as populations age. The research reported here explores explanations... more