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This article takes a semiotic and structuralist approach to understanding the characteristic nightmare package of imagery, or image-constellation, which appears also in charms, curses and lullabies to do with disturbed sleep.... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreDreams (History)Visions And DreamsDreams
Blog accompanying the National Museums Scotland exhibition 'The Tomb: Ancient Egyptian Burial'.
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      EgyptologyBlogsCultural History Of GhostsCurses
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      MetaphysicsShakespeareReformation StudiesMagic
Script and handout of my talk on reflections of motives between prooemium, catalogue and coda of Ovids Ibis (in German).
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      Comparative LiteratureClassicsLatin LiteratureLiterary Theory
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      Cultural HistoryPeasant StudiesHistory of ElitesCollective Memory
Research paper about the curse of Tutankhamun.
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyMagicEgypt
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      AssyriologyHittitologyAncient Near EastSumerology
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      FolkloreEthnography of CommunicationCursesBlessings
La tesi di laurea triennale tratta l'argomento della magia antica, concentrandosi prevalentemente sul mondo greco - sebbene non manchino riferimenti al mondo latino -, a partire dalle attestazioni letterarie e archeologiche (statuette,... more
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      MagicCursesGreek Magical PapyriPGM
ABSTRACT The Jacobean era's infamous witchcraft trials are recalled after reservoir repairs close to Pendle Hill reveal a buried cottage with bricked‐up cat. Interpretations of the building as the site of Malkin Tower, recorded in court... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
Joe Hill, one of King's three children, writes thrillers with a softly disquieting supernatural edge. In this case, it is not that soft because we are speaking of three boys becoming men who were and are, have been in one or two word(s)... more
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      CancerThrillerPhilosophy of LoveCurses
English Literature A-Level piece on feminism and female characters in Shakespeare's Richard III.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEnglish LiteratureLiterature
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      PrayerChristian EthicsBook of PsalmsChristian Spirituality
The depiction of animals and their significance in Egyptian tomb art from the Old Kingdom is well documented; however, animals presented in literary texts such as tomb biographies or in this particular case, threat-formulae, is less so.... more
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      Old Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian IconographyAncient Egyptian HistoryAncient Egyptian Magic
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsReligionNew Religious Movements
Puede parecer injusto que Dios castigue a los niños por los pecados que cometieron sus padres. Pero... ¿Que son realmente las maldiciones generacionales ? En la advertencia de Éxodo 20: 5 está implícito el hecho de que los niños volverán... more
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      ReligionMagicWitchcraft (Magic)Magic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
Peripheral Arabic varieties have been the focus of many researchers in recent Arabic dialectology history. They represent varieties of Arabic spoken outside the boundaries of Arab countries. Because of that, they took a different... more
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      Middle East StudiesArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicPsycholinguistics
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      New TestamentRitualEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)
The scholarship about specific ritual phrases of Oath, Curse and Invocation, has focused on their general structure. The aim of this paper is to examine specifically – in Archaic Age, but even in later texts – the centrality and the... more
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      EarthOaths in Ancient GreeceCursesSwearing
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      Russian StudiesGender and SexualityRussian LanguageRussian culture
Jamaican swear words are popular far beyond the borders of the Caribbean island. Swearing practices in Jamaican are interesting due to their linguistic set-up based on historical language contact and their socio-cultural contexts, their... more
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      GlobalizationPidgins & CreolesPidgin and Creole LanguagesJamaican Creole
Зборник Савремена српска фолклористика II настао је као резултат међународног научног скупа који је, у организацији Удружења фолклориста Србије, Института за књижевност и уметност, Универзитетске библиотеке „Светозар Марковић” и Вукове... more
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      EthnolinguisticsEthnomusicologyEthnographyJapanese Literature
Jewish History (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10835-019-09322-6): Special Issue on the Cairo Geniza. The Cairo Geniza has proved to be a fascinating trove of information on all aspects of Jewish life in the medieval and... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryMedieval MagicCurses
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic SociolinguisticsArabic DialectsCurses
Which biblical promises are for Christians? God's promises play a vital role in helping believers grow in sanctification and suffer with hope, but should we claim all OT promises as our own, seeing as God gave them to a different people... more
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      New TestamentOld Testament TheologyTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureBiblical Studies
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      MagicWitchcraft, Religion and MagicAncient Egyptian Magical TextsCurses
After the author of Genesis postulates a universal flood that eliminates all evil people from the world, he has now to explain how come that the world in which all readers live is as full of evil and violence as it had been before the... more
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      TrinityKnights TemplarThe Royal SocietyCurses
Inside: --Tomb Robbery and Coffin Reuse Was a coffin really meant for eternity? Was all tomb robbery a lawless abhorrence? We look at Kara Cooney’s study into “legal” coffin reuse. (Spoiler alert: there’s a lot of it!) --Kleopatra... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyAncient Egyptian HistoryCurses
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      Russian StudiesRussianGender and SexualityHistory of Sexuality
This paper surveys nineteen lead curse tablets from the sanctuary of Magna Mater and Isis in Mainz, Germany. Written in Latin, these tablets seek the divine help of Magna Mater and other deities in rectifying perceived injustices. When... more
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      Roman HistoryRitualRoman ReligionMagic
This paper addresses an etymological study of the word "cunt", the history of its usage, and the potential problems/obstacles it faces to ameliorate the word in post-modern society because of it's phoentic origins, relating to pre... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsEtymologyGender and SexualityCreationism
The article, which is grounded in cultural anthropology and linguistics, revolves around the topic of language and its performative (magical) function. The authoress analyzes the connection between the magic and the language – spells,... more
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      CursesBronislav MalinowskiTaboo WordsMagical Spells
Le defixiones nel mondo etrusco, in: Forme e strutture della religione nell’Italia mediana antica / Forms and Structures of Religion in Ancient Central Italy (Atti del III Convegno Internazionale sugli Antichi Umbri, Perugia-Gubbio, 21-25... more
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyCursesEtruscology
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      Southwestern ArchaeologyEpigraphic South Arabian, SabaeanEpigraphic South ArabianCurses
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      Speech actsCursesCultural linguisticsSöz Edimleri
Cet article porte sur une forme de jurement en usage chez les Mitsogo du Gabon. Ses contextes d’usage vont du serment à la promesse en passant par la menace et la malédiction. Ce jurement, qui associe la parole et le geste, ajoute une... more
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      AnthropologyPerformance StudiesLinguistic AnthropologyRitual
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      Greek ColonisationAncient Greek ReligionSacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Curses
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      Medieval HistoryApotropaic DevicesMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Archaeology
This paper aims to analyse the inscription of Paul, found by Orsi in 1894 in the catacomb of San Giovanni. Broken on each side, this slab is very peculiar due to the formula of the curse against any possible violator of the sepulchre that... more
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      PhilologyLiturgical StudiesHagiographyTargum
A facing-page edition and translation of an Old Norse text Ála flekks saga (‘the saga of Áli flekkr’), with an introduction and apparatus. It is thought to have been composed around the early fifteenth century, placing it among the... more
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      FolkloreTranslation StudiesOld Norse LanguageFornaldarsögur Norðurlanda
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    • Curses
In this article I'm describing what exactly are swearwords and bad, abusive language, in which categories they can be put, if there are any, and what kind of differences are between bad, abusive language and swearwords. I will also... more
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      CursesSouth Slavic LanguagesSocio Linguistics
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      Social PsychologyCursesSocial Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
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      Latin EpigraphyWitchcraft, Religion and MagicCurses
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      Roman ReligionSacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)CursesRitual Animal Sacrifice
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      Witchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)CursesBiblical ProphecyThe book of Jeremiah
This essay searches for the theoretical underpinnings of oath-making between deities and human masters found in Daoist practice in today’s Hunan province. It shows that the practice of deities concluding oaths with masters was grounded in... more
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A close inspection of the anthropological literature on Iraqw (Cushitic, Tanzania) reveals that central properties in their culture include the relative importance of social relations and hence community over kinship relations, the... more
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      RitualTime PerceptionPrideCurses